Our Commitment to Social Performance and Impact

Our Impact


Kids in Haryana, India / Taejun Shin

We are committed to stakeholder impact and we realize this by applying several frameworks.

Sustainable Development Goals

Our commitment to the SDGs

Our commitment to the SDGs

Through our mission, we are committed to direct impact on SDGs Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere, Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth and Goal 10: Reduced inequality.


Through providing skills training and specific financial products such as insurance, sanitation and energy loans, our group companies' work also has indirect impact on clients' lives in the areas of health and wellbeing, education, water and sanitation, and energy.

We have indirect impact on the following SDGs.

  • Goal 2: Zero hunger
  • Goal 3: Good health and well-being
  • Goal 4: Quality education
  • Goal 5: Gender equality
  • Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation
  • Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy
  • Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Client Protection Standards

Our commitment to the SDGs

Our commitment to the SDGs

As stated in our materiality, Gojo is committed to Client Protection Standards, not just following them but by becoming the best practice to be followed in the industry.

We encourage and support all the group companies to obtain the Client Protection Certification. As of 2022 March, MIFIDA and Maxima are certified.


Client Protection Certifications for MIFIDA and Maxima

Universal Standards of Social and Environmental Performance Management

Our commitment to the SDGs

Our commitment to the SDGs

At Gojo Group, we use the Universal Standards of Social and Environmental Performance Management (USSEPM) as a framework to ensure comprehensive understanding of social performance.

We encourage group comanies to conduct SPI4 Audit, a social performance audit tool provided by CERISE, at least bi-annually to identify gaps and make continuous improvements. Gojo's SPM team members are SPI qualified auditors, and we assist the group companies conduct high quality social audits.

Here are our group companies who have conducted SPI4 audit as of March 2022.

Group Company Year Audited SPI4 Audit Score
MAXIMA 2018 76%
SATYA 2020 83%
Ananya 2021 76%
Sejaya 2021 50%

To learn detailed results of SPI4 Audit, check out our Impact Report.


A woman making a clay pot in Agra, India / Hiroko Hirota

Our Stakeholders

The main aim of Gojo and its group companies is to help our Clients bring about positive changes in their own lives and livelihoods and in their Communities. At the same time we aim to ensure that our Employees develop and prosper, that the Environment is protected, and that our impact on our Investors is positive and sustainable.


Our Clients

Gojo aims to empower our clients and their families with high-quality tools to manage their money, enabling them to improve their lives and livelihoods and to determine their own future.


Our People

Gojo aims to create a fulfilling, inclusive, and enjoyable workplace for a diverse group of mission-driven talents, committed to fair treatment and well-being of our people.


The Environment

Gojo aims to reduce negative impact and increase positive impact to the planet through our activities and products.


Our Community

Gojo is committed to promote a thriving community by ensuring no significant harm and giving back to the local communities through philanthropy and business.


Our Investors

Gojo aims to deliver on sustainable financial return while managing environmental, social, and governance risks, as well as holding ourselves accountable on what we do.

Theory of Change

Through stakeholder impact management, we believe that client impact will be maximized. 


Our Materiality

To create long term value for all of its stakeholders, a company must carry out sustainable business activities that incorporate economic, social, and environmental perspectives into its decision-making process. Gojo's materiality defines our focus for all group companies to improve the sustainability of operation and services, taking into account not just the priority to our business but also expectations from various stakeholders.

We developed our materiality map by first constructing a list of issues and prioritizing them internally. We then obtained inputs from our stakeholders to determine the importance and relevance of each topic to our business and stakeholders. We finalized the map after conducting a workshop and discussion with the board and the executive team.

Gojo's materiality matrix


We identified Gojo's materiality as below.


See how we create impact for our stakeholders:


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