Japan Privacy Policy・プライバシーポリシー

For those who are outside of Japan, please refer to this Global Privacy Policy.
日本国外からアクセスされている方はこちらのGlobal Privacy Policyをご覧ください。

(English follows)


Gojo & Company, Inc.、Gojo Consultancy India Private Limited、およびGojo & Company Innovation Asia, PTE Ltd.(以下、総称して「五常グループ」といいます)は、五常グループにおける個人情報の取扱いについて、以下のとおりプライバシーポリシー(以下「本プライバシーポリシー」といいます)を定めます。五常グループは、本プライバシーポリシーを遵守するとともに、個人情報の保護に関する法律(平成15年法律第57号)(以下「個人情報保護法」といいます)その他の関係法令を遵守します。

1. 個人情報の取得

2. 個人情報の利用目的


3. 個人データの第三者提供および越境移転

  • 五常グループ全体に共通に適用される本プライバシーポリシーに従った五常グループ間での第三者提供および越境移転
  • 個人情報の取扱いに関する機密保持を含む業務委託契約を締結している五常グループ等への第三者提供および越境移転
  • 五常グループが個人情報の取扱いに関する機密保持を含む業務委託契約を締結している他の企業等の第三者提供および越境移転

個人データの越境移転が提供される可能性のある外国は、Gojo Consultancy India Private Limitedが所在するインド、およびGojo & Company Innovation Asia, PTE Ltd.が所在するシンガポールです。これらの国の個人情報保護体制については、以下をご参照ください。

4. 個人データのセキュリティ管理

a) 当社は、情報および情報システムのセキュリティを維持するために、広範な管理体制を敷いています。個人データは、関連する情報の機密度に応じた保護措置により保護されます。当社のコンピュータ・システムには、適切な管理(アクセス制限など)が施されています。個人データが収集、処理、保存されるエリアへの物理的なアクセスは、権限を与えられた従業員に限定されています。

b) 雇用の条件として、五常グループの従業員は、データ保護法に関するものを含め、適用されるすべての法律および規制に従うことが求められます。センシティブ個人情報へのアクセスは、その役割を遂行するために必要な従業員に限定されます。五常グループの従業員による個人データの不正使用または開示は禁止されており、懲戒処分の対象となる場合があります。

c) 個人データの記録について五常グループの従業員に連絡する際、個人データの提示を求められることがあります。このような保護措置は、本人または本人から権限を与えられた者のみが、ご自身の記録にアクセスできるようにするためのものです。

d) 五常グループは、インドにあるクラウドサービスプロバイダーが提供するインドにあるサーバーに個人情報を保管します。五常グループは、インドの個人情報保護体制を理解し、上記の安全管理措置を実施します。

5. 個人情報の利用、開示、訂正利用停止または他の個人情報の取扱いの目的の通知の請求

6. プライバシーポリシーの変更

7. お問い合わせ窓口

〒151-0051 東京都渋谷区千駄ヶ谷3-14-5


Japan Privacy Policy

Gojo & Company, Inc., Gojo Consultancy India Private Limited, and Gojo & Company Innovation Asia, PTE Ltd. (collectively, “Gojo Group”, “we”, “us” and/or “our”) have established the following privacy policy ("Japan Privacy Policy") for the handling of personal information within Gojo Group. Gojo Group shall comply with this policy as well as the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Act No. 57 of 2003) ("APPI") and all other applicable laws and regulations.

1. Acquisition of Personal Information
Gojo Group shall specify the purposes of use of Personal Information and acquire Personal Information in the necessary scope and appropriate manner. Gojo Group shall, except in those cases based on the APPI and or other applicable laws and regulations, not acquire special care-required personal information ("Sensitive Personal Information") without the prior consent of the individual concerned.

2. Purposes of Use of Personal Information
Gojo Group shall use Personal Information only within the scope of the purposes stated below unless separately notified or except otherwise approved by laws and regulations.


3. Provision of Personal Data to Third Parties and Extraterritorial Transfers
Gojo Group shall comply with the APPI and all other relevant laws and regulations regarding the provision of personal data to third parties and extraterritorial transfers, including, where necessary, obtaining the consent of the relevant individual. In relation to some of the Personal Information handled by Gojo Group, the consent of the individual concerned under the APPI shall not be obtained, as the provision and extraterritorial transfer of said Personal Information to third parties is conducted in a manner that can ensure the continued implementation of measures equivalent to those required to be taken by Personal Information handling business operators under the APPI below.

  • Provision to third parties and extraterritorial transfer among Gojo Group in accordance with this Privacy Policy, which is commonly applied throughout Gojo Group.
  • Provision to third parties and extraterritorial transfer, such as Gojo Group with whom Gojo Group has entered into an outsourcing agreement that includes confidentiality regarding the handling of Personal Information.
  • Provision to third parties and extraterritorial transfer, such as other companies with whom Gojo Group has entered into an outsourcing agreement that includes confidentiality regarding the handling of Personal Information.

The foreign countries to which the extraterritorial transfer of personal data may be provided are India, where Gojo Consultancy India Private Limited is located, and Singapore, where Gojo & Company Innovation Asia, PTE Ltd. is located. For information on the Personal Information protection systems of these countries, please refer to the following:

4. Security Management of Personal Data
Gojo Group takes the following appropriate measures to prevent disclosure, loss, impairment, and or any other mishandling of personal data:

a) We have extensive controls in place to maintain the security of our information and information systems. Personal data is protected with safeguards according to the sensitivity of the relevant information. Appropriate controls (such as restricted access) are placed on our computer systems. Physical access to areas where personal data is gathered, processed, or stored is limited to authorized employees.

b) As a condition of employment, Gojo Group employees are required to follow all applicable laws and regulations, including in relation to data protection laws. Access to Sensitive Personal Information is limited to those employees who need it to perform their roles. Unauthorized use or disclosure of personal data by a Gojo Group employee is prohibited and may result in disciplinary measures.

c) When you contact a Gojo Group employee about your personal data records, you may be asked for some personal data. This type of safeguard is designed to ensure that only you, or someone authorized by you, has access to your records.

d) Gojo Group stores Personal Information on servers located in India, which are provided by a cloud service provider located in India.  Gojo Group understands the Personal Information protection system in India and implements the security control measures specified above.

5. Requests for Notification of Purposes of Use, Disclosure, Correction, Discontinuation of Use, or other Handling of Personal Information
Upon receiving a request to disclose the retained personal data or its purpose(s) of use; to disclose, correct, supplement or delete the Personal Information; to temporarily suspend or permanently discontinue the use of the personal data; to discontinue the provision of personal data to a third party etc., Gojo Group shall, after confirming the identity and relevance of the person making the request, respond promptly and in good faith, in accordance with the provisions of the APPI. Please note that we may not be able to respond to a request if it does not satisfy the requirements prescribed by the APPI, or if there is cause to decline the request in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

6. Changes to this Japan Privacy Policy
We reserve the right to amend this Japan Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changing legal requirements or our processing practices. Any such changes will be posted on this Site and will be effective upon posting. If we make a material change to this Japan Privacy Policy, we will provide you with notice in accordance with the applicable law.

7. How to Contact Us
If you have any questions about our Japan Privacy Policy, or if you would like to access personal data we hold about you or exercise your other rights under the applicable law, you can contact us at info@gojo.co, +81(0)3-6455-7656, or send mail to:

Gojo & Company, Inc.
3-14-5 Sendagaya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0051 Japan

Last Updated: May 30, 2024


