Gojo & Company, Inc. (“Gojo”) is happy to inform you that we have concluded our first investment in Satya MicroCapital Ltd. (“Satya”), a young and dynamic microfinance institution, based in New Delhi, India. Gojo obtained approximately 25% stake of Satya through the investment.
“Satya” in Sanskrit means “truth”. “Truthfulness” is an ethical concept embodying a consistency in one’s thoughts, speech and actions. Satya MicroCapital works with the tenet of developing relationships of “trust” and “truthfulness” within the ecosystem of Satya. This ideology, which resonates strongly with Gojo, coupled with a stress on “team strength”, has enabled Satya to grow exponentially.
Satya MicroCapital has the vision of touching the lives of 5 million households by year 2025, and is being seen as one of the most promising microfinance institutions in the Indian microfinance sector. In a short span of 18 months, Satya has opened 55 branches in 11 states in India, with more than 100,000 women clients, who own businesses and need loan funding for fueling their expansion. These “women micro entrepreneurs” are provided collateral free loans. The company has a strong belief in combining social touch with high technology and has since its inception adopted the usage of technology in their microfinance operations.
Gojo is pleased to partner with Satya.