February 28, 2025

五常・アンド・カンパニー、CJSC Bank Arvandへの出資を通じてタジキスタンにおける展開を拡大

五常・アンド・カンパニー株式会社(本社:東京都渋谷区、代表執行役:慎泰俊、以下「五常」)は、2024年11月、タジキスタンの商業銀行であるCJSC Bank Arvand(以下「Arvand」)の発行済株式の9.0%を取得したことをお知らせします。2021年の預金取扱マイクロファイナンス機関Humoへの出資に続き、五常にとってタジキスタンにおける2件目の出資となります。Arvandは2019年に銀行免許を取得し、タジキスタンの銀行及び預金取扱マイクロファイナンスを営む金融機関として4番目の規模を有しています。五常は、中小零細事業者や個人向けの金融包摂の推進及びタジキスタンの経済・社会の成長促進に取り組むArvandとのパートナーシップを強化してまいります。


Arvand CEO Shoira Sodiqova氏コメント

五常 Principal & Head of VC Sohil Shahコメント

オランダの社会的インパクト投資家であるTriodos Investment Management及びベルギーの社会的インパクト投資家であるIncofin Investment Managementからの株式取得と合わせて、Arvandの自己株式を取得しました。

CJSC Bank Arvandについて

五常は東南アジア、南アジア、中央アジア・コーカサス及びアフリカの13カ国で事業を展開するグループ会社及び主な投資先を通じ、途上国においてマイクロファイナンスを展開するホールディングカンパニーです。金融包摂を世界中に届けることをミッションとして、2014年7月に設立されました。2024年3月末時点で1万人を超えるグループ従業員を擁し、グループ会社及び主な投資先合算の顧客数は240万人を突破しました。2025年1月に「B Corp™」認証を取得し、社会的・環境的パフォーマンスの向上に取り組んでいます。

February 28, 2025

Gojo further expands its business in Tajikistan with investment in CJSC Bank Arvand as its second investment in the country

Gojo & Company, Inc. (“Gojo”) is pleased to announce the acquisition of 9.0% stake in CJSC Bank Arvand (“Arvand”), a commercial bank in Tajikistan in November 2024. This is Gojo's second investment in the country following the investment in CJSC MDO “HUMO” in 2021. Arvand is the fourth largest financial institution including banks and micro credit deposit organizations in Tajikistan, having obtained its banking license in 2019. Gojo will progressively work towards strong collaboration and support Arvand in its mission to provide appropriate and high-quality financial services to entrepreneurs and individuals, with the aim of stimulating the economic and social growth of Tajikistan.

Arvand offers unsecured loans which enable low-income households and micro-entrepreneurs to increase their income and improve their living standards, achieving a Gross Loan Portfolio of USD 115 million as of December 2024. In addition to loans, Arvand provides a wide range of financial services, including deposit accounts, remittances, online banking, currency exchange, ATM cards, and cash management solutions.  Arvand’s strategic focus on digitalisation has successfully driven significant progress, with more than 65% of client transactions now being conducted through digital channels. Beyond financial services, Arvand supports its clients with non-financial offerings such as training programs and consultations on financial literacy.

Ms. Shoira Sodiqova, Chief Executive Officer at Arvand, said “The investment from a globally recognised and highly reputable international investor like Gojo is a testament to the trust we have earned and the results of our ongoing efforts to deliver high-quality, essential financial services to the unbanked. We aim to expand opportunities for clients by enhancing both the scale and quality of our services, solidifying our position as a leader in sustainable finance. With Gojo, it will be possible.”

“Arvand is one of the most trusted and respected banks serving the micro and SME clients of Tajikistan, and we are very pleased to partner with them. This is Gojo’s second investment in Tajikistan which underscores our confidence in the depth of the market and the robust regulatory regime. We remain optimistic about the country’s future and look forward to supporting the growth and development of Bank Arvand.” said Sohil Shah, Principal and Head of VC at Gojo.

Gojo acquired Arvand shares from Triodos Microfinance Fund and Triodos Fair Share Fund (managed by Triodos Investment Management), Rural Impulse Fund II (managed by Incofin Investment Management), and from Arvand (treasury stock).

About CJSC Bank Arvand
Arvand is a leading financial institution in Tajikistan’s microfinance sector, dedicated to empowering low-income families, micro-entrepreneurs, and small businesses to improve their livelihoods and contribute to the country’s economic growth. With a network of approximately 70 service points and a team of 900 skilled professionals nationwide as of December 2024, Arvand delivers innovative and inclusive financial services to over 317,000 clients, including 54,000 borrowers. As a market pioneer in implementing an ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) strategy, Arvand has made significant strides in promoting sustainable finance. Notably, 10% of its loan portfolio is dedicated to Green Finance initiatives. The bank also demonstrates a strong commitment to social inclusion, with 42% of its borrowers being women, over 70% residing in rural areas, and 33% classified as low-income individuals. Additionally, approximately 30% of Arvand’s offices are strategically located in remote regions of Tajikistan, ensuring access to financial services for underserved communities.

About Gojo & Company
Gojo is a Tokyo-based holding company of inclusive financial service providers operating in 13 countries in Southeast Asia, South Asia, Central Asia & the Caucasus, and Africa. Gojo was founded in 2014 to extend financial inclusion across the globe. Gojo Group including major investees is serving more than 2.4 million clients across the globe, through over 10 thousand group employees as of March 2024. Gojo is a Certified B Corporation™, committed to the continuous improvement of its social and environmental performance.

January 17, 2025

Gojo becomes a B Corp Certified organisation, demonstrating its dedication to creating a positive impact

Gojo & Company, Inc. ("Gojo") is pleased to announce that the global non-profit organisation B Lab Global™ (“B Lab”) issued a "B Corp™" (“B Corp”) certification for Gojo as of January 2025, demonstrating its dedication to creating a positive effect with its business activities. SATYA MicroCapital, Ananya Finance for Inclusive Growth, and Prayas Financial Services in India, alongside seven other group companies of Gojo, were included in the scope of the assessment.

Founded in 2006, B Lab has the goal of fostering a positive impact on people, communities, and the planet by assessing and reporting which businesses generate such benefits. Through its rigorous certification process, B Lab verifies whether companies meet their high standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability. To obtain the B Corp certification, companies must complete a B Impact Assessment™ journey and earn an audited minimum score of 80 out of 200 maximum points. Furthermore, they are required to undergo periodic re-assessments every three years, with the aim of continuously strengthening the benefits they bring to society and the planet.

At the time of signing the Declaration of Interdependence with B Lab, Gojo had reached a score of 102.8. According to the final B Corp assessment, Gojo performs especially well in its mission-centric governance and its positive impact on Customers, Workers, and Communities, scoring well above the average of the sector in all four of these categories. Please see “Our B Corp™ Certification” for more details.

In addition to seeking external evaluations such as B Corp, Gojo continues its own monitoring and auditing activities to constantly enhance its business practices and minimise any risks of negative impact. An effort is ongoing to fully certify Gojo’s consolidated group companies on client protection measures, with four of them already certified for their Client Protection Standards. With a vision to create a world where everyone can determine their future, Gojo is fully committed to positively impacting the lives of its end clients by offering financial services to grow their businesses and improve their livelihood, based on input from all stakeholders.

“We are truly delighted to welcome Gojo & Company, which provides microfinance services in developing nations, as a member of B Corp. Gojo’s business positively impacts the world by providing concrete solutions to tackle social issues. We look forward to seeing Gojo’s continued success and further contributions as a member of the B Corp community.”  said Ms. Yuki Mizobuchi, Co-Lead of B Market Builder Japan.

"We are incredibly proud to officially join the B Corp movement today," said Arnaud Ventura, Managing Partner of Gojo. "This designation demonstrates to our clients, employees, group companies, investors, and communities that we are committed to continuous improvement as we work to balance both social and economic returns and use financial services as a force for good. We couldn't have achieved this milestone without the passion of our colleagues at Gojo and at our group companies who are all part of this process. The journey to keep improving on our social performance and impact is only starting now."

As a Certified B Corporation, Gojo and its group companies redouble their commitment to creating a world of "People Using Business as a Force for Good ®", and will be working with B Lab and the global B Corp Network to continuously improve on impact assessment metrics. This certification will allow Gojo to join an international community of impact-focused companies, a precious opportunity to learn and share best practices and new ideas to further social and environmental goals. This will help Gojo expand on its Guiding Principles and demonstrate its steadfast commitment and dedication to creating a better world for everyone.

About Gojo & Company
Gojo is a Tokyo-based holding company of inclusive financial service providers operating in 13 countries in Southeast Asia, South Asia, Central Asia & the Caucasus, and Africa. Gojo was founded in 2014 to extend financial inclusion across the globe. Gojo Group including major investees is serving more than 2.4 million clients across the globe, through over 10 thousand group employees as of March 2024. Gojo is a Certified B Corporation™ since January 2025, committed to the continuous improvement of its social and environmental performance.

January 17, 2025

五常・アンド・カンパニー、社会や環境に配慮した公益性の高い企業に対する国際的な認証制度であるB Corp™認証を取得

五常・アンド・カンパニー株式会社(代表執行役:慎泰俊、本社:東京都渋谷区、以下、「五常」)は、2025年1月、グローバルな非営利団体であるB Lab™(以下、「B Lab」)から「B Corp™」認証(以下、「B Corp認証」)を取得したことをお知らせいたします。この認証は、五常の事業を通じたポジティブな社会的インパクトの創出を評価するものです。評価対象には、インドのSATYA MicroCapital、Ananya Finance for Inclusive Growth、Prayas Financial Servicesに加え、その他の連結子会社7社を含みます。

B Labは、2006年に、人々、コミュニティ、そして地球に対してポジティブな影響を創出する企業を評価し、その成果を報告することを目的として設立されました。B Labの厳格な認証プロセスは、企業が社会的・環境的パフォーマンス、透明性、説明責任において高い基準を満たしているかを検証します。B Corp認証を取得するためには、B Impact Assessment™という評価プロセスを完了し、200点満点中80点以上のスコアを獲得する必要があります。また、企業は3年ごとに再評価を受け、社会や地球に対する貢献を継続的に改善することを求められます。

今回の評価において、五常はガバナンス、顧客、従業員、コミュニティへのポジティブな影響の4分野で業界平均を大きく上回り、102.8点を獲得しました。詳しくは、ウェブサイト「B Corp認証の取得」をご覧ください。

五常はB Corp認証をはじめとする外部評価を活用することに加えて、独自のモニタリング及び内部監査を継続し、事業運営の質を一層向上させるとともに、社会や環境に対するネガティブな影響を最小限に抑えます。また、フランスの非営利団体であるCerise+SPTFが定める8つの顧客保護基準を遵守し、連結子会社の全てにおいて格付機関からのClient Protection Certification (CPP)の取得を目指しており、これまでに連結子会社4社がCPPを取得しています。誰もが自分の未来を決めることができる世界を目指して、五常は、ステークホルダーの意見を反映しながら、世界中に金融包摂を届け、顧客の生活にポジティブな影響を創出することに力を尽くします。

B Market Builder Japan 共同代表 溝渕由樹様コメント

途上国向けのマイクロファイナンス事業に取り組む五常・アンド・カンパニーをB Corpの一員として迎えることができ、心から嬉しく思います。同社のビジネスは、社会課題への具体的な解決策を提供しながら、世の中にポジティブなインパクトを与えています。同社がB Corpコミュニティの一員として、より一層活躍していくことを期待しています。

五常 Managing Partner Arnaud Venturaコメント

この度、正式にB Corp認証企業の一員となることを、大変誇りに思います。この認証は、社会的リターンと経済的リターンの両立を目指し、金融サービスをよりよい目的のために活用するために、私たちが絶え間ない改善を続けていることを、顧客、従業員、グループ会社、投資家、コミュニティをはじめとする全てのステークホルダーに示すものです。認証の取得は、五常とグループ会社の従業員一人ひとりの努力の賜物です。私たちは引き続き、社会的パフォーマンス及びインパクトの向上に真摯に取り組んでまいります。

B Corp認証企業として、五常グループは、「People Using Business as a Force for Good®」の理念に基づき、B Lab及びグローバルなB Corpネットワークと連携し、インパクト評価指標の継続的な改善を目指します。インパクトを重視する国際的なコミュニティの一員として、社会的・環境的パフォーマンスの向上に向けた、新たなアイデアを学び、ベストプラクティスを共有する貴重な機会を得ることができます。五常は、すべての活動においてGuiding Principles(行動規範)を遵守し、金融サービス事業者の社会的責任を浸透させることを目的としたソーシャル・パフォーマンス・マネジメントとインパクト測定を意思決定の中心に据えてきましたが、今後はこれをより一層強化し、より良い未来の創造にコミットします。


五常は東南アジア、南アジア、中央アジア・コーカサス及びアフリカの13カ国で事業を展開するグループ会社及び主な投資先を通じ、途上国においてマイクロファイナンスを展開するホールディングカンパニーです。金融包摂を世界中に届けることをミッションとして、2014年7月に設立されました。2024年3月末時点で1万人を超えるグループ従業員を擁し、グループ会社及び主な投資先合算の顧客数は240万人を突破しました。2025年1月に「B Corp™」認証を取得し、社会的・環境的パフォーマンスの向上に取り組んでいます。

December 23, 2024

五常・アンド・カンパニー、JSC Credo Bankへの出資を通じてジョージアに進出

五常・アンド・カンパニー株式会社(代表執行役:慎泰俊、本社:東京都渋谷区、以下、「五常」)は、JSC Credo Bank(以下、「Credo」)の 発行済株式の16.8%を取得し、ジョージアに進出しました。Credoは2017年に銀行免許を取得したジョージアで5番目の規模を有する商業銀行です。手頃な価格の金融サービスの提供を通じて中小零細事業者を支援し、より良い未来を創造するというミッションを追求するCredoを通じて、五常は中央アジア・コーカサス地域における金融包摂を推進します。


Credo CEO Zaza Pirtskhelava氏コメント


五常 代表執行役 慎泰俊コメント


少額融資で養鶏場を経営するジョージアの女性 / 慎泰俊

JSC Credo Bankについて

Credoは、ドイツのAccess Microfinance Holding AG、オランダのTriodos Investment Management BV、フランスのProparco、そして日本の五常など、国際的な社会的インパクト投資家および開発金融機関が出資する、ジョージアで 5番目の規模を有する商業銀行です。「手頃な金融サービスを提供することで、ジョージアの中小零細事業者とその従業員を支援し、より良い未来を創造すること」をミッションとして掲げ、94の拠点を通じてジョージア国内に広く展開し、48万人以上の顧客に質の高い革新的な金融サービスを提供しています。



December 23, 2024

Gojo enters Georgia with investment in Credo

Gojo & Company, Inc. (“Gojo”) is pleased to announce its first venture into Georgia with the acquisition of 16.8% stake in JSC Credo Bank (“Credo”), the country’s fifth-largest commercial bank. Credo transformed from a microfinance organization into a full-fledged bank after obtaining a banking license in 2017. Gojo will support Credo to continue pursuing its mission of supporting Georgia’s micro, small and medium entrepreneurs and their employees to create a better future by offering affordable financial services.  

Credo offers a comprehensive suite of banking products and services through both traditional and digital channels. As of December 2023, Credo managed a total asset of approximately 2.5 billion Georgian Lari (USD 918 million). By tailoring its offerings to the seasonality of businesses, Credo effectively supports predominantly rural entrepreneurs who often lack access to financial solutions and are underserved by traditional banks. Credo’s business and retail loans, installment loans and deposit products further empower clients to build financial resilience. The convenience of credit and debit cards as well as daily banking ensures Credo’s clients have easy access to funds and seamless transactions.

Zaza Pirtskhelava, Chief Executive Officer at Credo, said, “It is with great pleasure that I welcome Gojo as a new shareholder. Their involvement will significantly strengthen Credo Bank’s positioning and reinforce our goal of providing sustainable financial services to micro, small and medium-sized entrepreneurs with a special focus on digitalization and innovative product delivery. This landmark transaction underscores our shareholders’ trust in the bank and its potential as a solid foundation for our future growth, while advancing financial inclusion, positive environmental and social impact.”

“We are delighted to partner with Credo to advance our shared mission of accelerating financial inclusion worldwide. Credo has been instrumental in expanding access to financial services in rural Georgia, and we look forward to supporting its continued growth and development.” said Taejun Shin, Founder & CEO at Gojo.

PwC Georgia acted as the legal advisor for this transaction.

Woman in Georgia who runs a poultry farm with funding from microcredit / Taejun Shin

About JSC Credo Bank

Credo is the fifth-largest commercial bank in Georgia. With its wide regional outreach through 94 service centers, it offers fully-fledged and innovative banking services to over 480,000 customers. The bank’s mission is to support Georgia’s micro, small and medium sized entrepreneurs and their employees to create a better future by offering affordable financial services. It is owned by international social impact and development finance institutions such as Access Credo GmbH from Germany, funds managed by Triodos Investment Management BV from the Netherlands, Development Finance Institution Proparco (Groupe Agence Française de Développement) from France and now Gojo & Company, Inc. from Japan.

About Gojo & Company

Gojo is a Tokyo-based holding company of inclusive financial service providers operating in 13 countries in Southeast Asia, South Asia, Central Asia & the Caucasus, and Africa. Gojo was founded in 2014 to extend financial inclusion across the globe. Gojo Group including major investees is serving more than 2.4 million clients across the globe, through over 10 thousand group employees as of March 2024.

November 14, 2024

五常・アンド・カンパニーにAlmira Zejnilagic氏、Kshama Fernandes氏、川城瑛氏の3名が新たな社外取締役として参画。また、Sanjay Gandhi及び堅田航平が執行役に就任

Almira Zejnilagic氏、Kshama Fernandes氏、川城瑛氏の3名が新たに社外取締役として参画しコーポレート・ガバナンスを強化
五常・アンド・カンパニー株式会社(CEO:慎泰俊、本社:東京都渋谷区)は、Almira Zejnilagic氏、Kshama Fernandes氏、川城瑛氏の三名が社外取締役として参画したことをお知らせいたします。これにより当社の取締役会は8名体制となり、うち社外取締役7名、女性比率50%とガバナンスとダイバーシティがさらに強化されました。

Almira Zejnilagic氏は20年にわたりリスクマネジメント及び危機管理の分野でアドバイザー、取締役、経営陣等を歴任しました。直近では、急成長中のグローバルWeb3金融サービス企業で管理職を務め、それ以前は、FTI Consultingのパートナーとして、ヨーロッパ、中央アジア、アフリカにおけるリスク調査業務を10年にわたりリードしました。また、世界経済フォーラムのYoung Global Leaderにも選出されています。

Kshama Fernandes氏はインドの金融市場とインパクト投資分野における第一人者です。また、伝統的な金融サービスへのアクセスが制限されている人々や企業と資本市場の投資家をつなぐ金融機関であるNorthern Arc Groupの副会長も務めています。彼女の30年にわたる資本市場、リスクマネジメント、ストラクチャード・ファイナンスの専門知識と、過去15年間にわたり注力してきたインドにおける金融包摂の知識が五常にさらなる躍進をもたらしてくれると確信しています。

川城瑛氏は日本及びアメリカイリノイ州の両地域において資格を有する弁護士です。現在、東京の法律事務所サウスゲイトのパートナーを務めています。 主な専門分野は、国内及びクロスボーダーのM&A、ベンチャーキャピタル投資及び証券規制です。また、東京証券取引所上場部への出向経験があり、開示規制に関する深い知識を有しています。

Kshama Fernandes氏は参画にあたり以下のコメントを寄せています。

「社外取締役として五常に参画できることを大変嬉しく思います。世界中に金融包摂を拡大するという五常のミッションは、非常に刺激的であり、私個人の理念や目標と深く共鳴しています。私はインドのNorthern Arc Groupでの業務を通じて、金融は、恵まれない人々が自分の人生をコントロールし、自分の運命を切り開くための強力なツールとして使うことができるということを目の当たりにしました。このような、世界が直面する最大の問題のひとつに、最善のアイデアをもって取り組むことで、初めて持続可能な進歩がもたらされると信じています。献身的で幅広い才能を持つチームを有する五常とともに、金融包摂の旅を続けられることを嬉しく思います。」

Sanjay Gandhi、堅田航平が執行役に就任
五常は、共同創業者兼Chief Investment Officer(CIO)であるSanjay GandhiとChief Financial Officer(CFO)である堅田航平が、執行役に就任したことをお知らせいたします。

Sanjay Gandhiは、2014年にCIOとして五常を共同創業し、Investment Departmentを率いています。2003年にマイクロファイナンス業界に入り、以来、29カ国で約125のマイクロファイナンス機関の格付けと評価を実施し、400以上の格付けレポートを承認しました。世界銀行、ADB、UNDP、Cordaid、Mercy Corpsなどの案件を担当し、マイクロファイナンス分野における豊富な経験を積んでいます。

堅田航平は、財務及び経営管理における20年以上の豊富な経験を持ち、五常では2019年からCFOとしてファイナンス業務を統括しています。 学生時代にバングラデシュのNGOにおける長期インターンを通じてマイクロファイナンスと出会いました。大学卒業後は、モルガン・スタンレー証券会社にてキャリアをスタートし、その後Och-Ziff Capital Managementにて資産運用業務に携わりました。ライフネット生命保険の上場を主導したのち、2014年、スマートニュースに入社しコーポレート部門の責任者として資金調達と経営管理の両面で重要な役割を果たしました。



Arnaud Venturaが代表執行役に就任
併せて五常は、執行役のArnaud Venturaを代表執行役に選任いたしました。これにより、代表執行役2名(慎泰俊、Arnaud Ventura)と新たに就任した執行役2名(Sanjay Gandhi、堅田航平)の計4名を中心に経営執行を行うこととなりました。



Arnaud Venturaは代表執行役として選任されておりますが、必要な手続きの完了後の就任を予定しています。(2025年2月5日追記)

November 14, 2024

Gojo strengthens corporate governance by welcoming three new Outside Directors and appointing Managing Partners

Almira Zejnilagic, Kshama Fernandes and Akira Kawashiro joined Gojo as Outside Directors
Gojo & Company, Inc. (Gojo) is pleased to announce that three new members - Almira Zejnilagic, Kshama Fernandes and Akira Kawashiro - have joined Gojo’s board as new Outside Directors. As a result, our Board of Directors now has eight members, seven of whom are Outside Directors, and the ratio of female directors is 50%, further strengthening our governance and diversity.

Almira Zejnilagic (Outside Director)
Almira has two decades of experience in risk and crisis strategy management, serving as an advisor, board member, and senior executive, with extensive experience on investment committees. Most recently, she held a senior role in a global, fast-growing Web3 financial services company. Prior to that, she was a Partner at FTI Consulting, where she spent a decade building and leading the Global Risk and Investigation practice across Europe, Central Asia, and Africa. Almira is also recognized as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum.

Kshama Fernandes (Outside Director)
Kshama is a leading figure in the Indian financial markets and in the field of impact investing. She also serves as the Vice Chairperson of Northern Arc Group, a prominent finance company that connects underbanked institutions and businesses with capital markets investors. Kshama brings to Gojo’s board three decades of expertise in capital markets, risk management, and structured finance, with the last 15 years focused on promoting financial inclusion in India.

Akira Kawashiro (Outside Director)
Akira Kawashiro is an attorney qualified to practice both Japanese law and Illinois law, currently serving as a Partner at Southgate, a law firm in Tokyo. His practice primarily focuses on domestic and cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&A), venture capital investments, and securities regulations. He has also been seconded to the Tokyo Stock Exchange, and has a deep knowledge of disclosure regulations.

Kshama Fernandes, one of the newly appointed Outside Directors, says “I am indeed very happy to be joining the board of Gojo as an Outside Director. The company’s mission of extending financial inclusion across the globe is truly inspiring and resonates deeply with my personal goals and aspirations. Finance can be used as a powerful tool to help the underserved take control of their lives and chart their own destiny. I have witnessed this first hand through my work at Northern Arc Capital in India. It is only when we put the best minds to work on the biggest problems facing the world, that we will make sustainable progress. I am delighted to continue this journey of financial inclusion with a group of highly committed and a widely talented team at Gojo”.

Gojo extends a warm welcome to Almira, Kshama and Akira and looks forward to accelerating financial inclusion further!

Sanjay Gandhi and Kohei Katada appointed as Managing Partners
Gojo has appointed Sanjay Gandhi, founder & Chief Investment Officer, and Kohei Katada, Chief Financial Officer, as new Managing Partners ("Shikko-yaku", under the Companies Act in Japan).

Sanjay Gandhi (Managing Partner & CIO)
Sanjay Gandhi has been leading Gojo's investments for ten years. Sanjay is a qualified Chartered Accountant and joined the microfinance industry in 2003. He conducted 125 MFI ratings & assessments in 29 countries and approved more than 400 MFI Rating reports. Some of the assignments were for the World Bank, ADB, UNDP, Cordaid, and Mercy Corps.

Kohei Katada (Managing Partner & CFO)
Kohei Katada has been leading Gojo’s fundraising efforts since 2019, bringing with him over 20 years of extensive experience in finance and corporate management. He began his career at Morgan Stanley, followed by a tenure at Och-Ziff Capital Management. In 2012, Kohei successfully led the IPO of LIFENET INSURANCE. Later, as Senior Vice President of Finance at SmartNews, he was pivotal in both fundraising and the establishment of essential corporate functions.

Kohei states, “Since joining the company in 2019, I have embraced numerous challenges in fundraising as CFO while dedicating efforts to building a strong foundation for sustainable growth through enhanced governance and internal controls. I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to the many shareholders and lenders who have supported our growth. Moving forward, I will continue to advance step by step toward our vision of becoming the private sector version of the World Bank, with the steadfast support of our dedicated team members from around the world. I look forward to your continued support and encouragement as we strive for further progress”.

Arnaud Ventura appointed as Representative Executive Officer
Gojo has also appointed Arnaud Ventura as Representative Executive Officer (“Daihyo shikko-yaku”). Gojo now has four Managing Partners as its core executive team - Taejun Shin (Managing Partner & CEO), Arnaud Ventura (Managing Partner), Sanjay Gandhi (Managing Partner & CIO) and Kohei Katada (Managing Partner & CFO). We believe this strengthens the corporate governance structure and sustainability of the management team. 

About Gojo
Gojo & Company, Inc. is a Tokyo-based holding company of inclusive financial service providers operating in Cambodia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, India, Tajikistan, and Africa. Gojo was founded to extend financial inclusion across the globe, and its goal is to enable the provision of high-quality affordable financial services in 50 countries. Established in 2014, Gojo Group is serving more than 2.4 million clients across the globe as of March 2024.

(Added 2025/2/5) Arnaud Ventura was appointed as Representative Executive Officer, however, such appointment is not yet effective and will be effective upon completion of required procedures.

October 24, 2024

Gojo completed USD 233 million in Series F equity finance and debt finance combined to support its growth

Gojo raised USD 122 million (JPY 17.5 billion) in Series F equity financing and USD 111 million (JPY 15.9 billion) in debt from multiple lenders

Gojo & Company, Inc. (“Gojo”) is pleased to announce that we have successfully completed our Series F fundraising with paid-in capital since our establishment in July 2014 reaching JPY 46.5 billion (USD 325 million). Gojo also raised approximately JPY 15.9 billion in debt (including Syndicated Term Loan (with availability period) from six Japanese financial institutions including Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation and Mizuho Bank, Ltd.

Gojo closed a JPY 17.5 billion (USD 122 million) Series F Equity Financing round with our effort to actively develop new fundraising methods including private placements to professional investors and fundraising from Japanese crossover investors

Gojo has completed JPY 17.5 billion (USD 122 million) Series F financing round1 by September 2024. In March, Gojo raised approximately JPY 5.0 billion from mainly individual investors in Japan through a private placement to professional investors through J-Ships2, which is part of this Series F financing. 

Gojo was selected as the first equity investment to an unlisted company by crossover funds3 launched by leading Japanese institutional investors, Asset Management One Co., Ltd 4., and Rheos Capital Works Inc.5 as well as Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Asset Management Co., Ltd.6

In addition, we are pleased to welcome new institutional investors including International Cooperation and Development Fund, a Taiwanese dedicated official foreign aid organization, Hungchi Capital Co. Ltd, a Taiwanese impact venture capital focus on sustainability and climate solutions, HiJoJo Partners Inc., an independent investment management company focusing on domestic and international middle and late stage investments, the impact investment division of Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited, Daiwa House Ventures Co.,Ltd., Fujitsu Ventures Fund LLC, Iwagin Mirai Investment Co.,Ltd., The San-in Godo Bank, Ltd., NOW, Inc., ABF Capital, Inc., as well as individual investors. We also received additional investments from existing shareholders, ACA Investments Pte. Ltd., MARUI GROUP CO., LTD., CAPITAL X,Inc., HFA Capital Co.,Ltd., QR Investment Co., 15th Rock Fund II LPS, SAMURAI INCUBATE INC., and GMO VenturePartners,Inc., and DIMENSION, Inc. 

With our cumulative Series F financing amount, we are strengthening Gojo’s financial foundation, investing in further growth of group companies, particularly in India and Tajikistan, as well as investing in financial service providers in Asia and Africa. As part of this, we announced entry into Africa through an investment in Baobab Group, one of the major pan-African microfinance groups.

Gojo raised approximately JPY 15.9 billion (USD 111 million) in debt and diversified debt financing methods

Gojo has been working to diversify debt financing methods and optimise funding costs in parallel with equity financing. As a result, we executed JPY 4.0 billion (USD 30 million) Syndicated Term Loan agreements (with availability period) with Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation as arranger and agent, the Hokkoku Bank, Ltd. and Higashi-Nippon Bank, Ltd. as participating banks in March 2024. In April, Gojo also raised JPY 1.0 billion (loan term: 3 years) from Mizuho Venture Debt Fund Investment Limited Partnership managed by Mizuho Capital Co., Ltd. through the underwriting of unsecured straight bonds. In August, we raised a term loan of JPY 200 million (USD 1.4 million) and a 3-year term from THE BANK OF FUKUOKA. 

Gojo directly supports the debt financing of group companies in developing countries through intercompany loans as a use of funds of the loan raised in Japan as well as strengthening the relationship between our group companies and lenders by providing numerous types of credit guarantees. In August, a Social Loan of JPY 9.0 billion (USD 60 million) and a 2.5-year loan term was executed by SMBC to Gojo’s group company in India followed by 2023. In September, a term loan of JPY 1.7 billion (USD 20 million) and a 2.5-year loan term was executed by Mizuho Bank, Ltd. to Gojo’s group company in India.

Gojo continues to work on optimising funding costs by pursuing global scale and risk diversification, building strong relationships with Japanese financial institutions and individual investors, and diversifying financing methods.


1. Issued Class F, F2, and F3 Preferred Shares 
2. Please refer to the news release of Nomura Securities Co. for details of the J-Ships
3. Crossover investors or crossover funds refer to institutional investors that invest in both listed and unlisted equity
4. Investment through One-Premier Luxembourg Master SA SICAV-RAIF Crossover Capital Master Fund, for which Asset Management One Co., Ltd. serves as the investment advisor
5. Investment from Investment Trust managed by Rheos Capital Works Inc. 
6. Investment from an investment trust (private placement) managed by Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Asset Management Co., Ltd.
7. JPY/USD=142.82

About Gojo & Company

Gojo & Company, Inc. is a Tokyo-based holding company of inclusive financial service providers operating in Cambodia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, India, Tajikistan, and Africa with a JPY 123.7 billion Consolidated Gross Loan Portfolio. Gojo was founded to extend financial inclusion across the globe. Gojo’s goal is to enable the provision of high-quality affordable financial services in 50 countries. Established in 2014, Gojo Group is serving more than 2.4 million clients across the globe as of March 2024.

October 24, 2024






加えて、海外からは台湾の海外援助専門機関であるInternational Cooperation and Development Fund、サステナビリティと気候変動ソリューションに特化した台湾のベンチャーキャピタル Hungchi Capital Co. Ltd.、国内外のミドル・レイトステージ投資に特化した独立系運用会社HiJoJo Partners株式会社、三井住友信託銀行株式会社のインパクト投資部門、大和ハウスベンチャーズ株式会社、合同会社富士通ベンチャーズファンド、いわぎん未来投資株式会社、株式会社山陰合同銀行、NOW株式会社、株式会社エービーエフキャピタルなどの新規機関投資家及び複数の個人投資家の参画に加えて、既存株主である、ACA Investments Pte. Ltd.、株式会社丸井グループ、CAPITAL X株式会社、HFAキャピタル株式会社、株式会社QRインベストメント、15th Rock Fund 2号投資事業有限責任組合、株式会社サムライインキュベート、GMO VenturePartners株式会社、DIMENSION株式会社による追加投資も実現しました。

シリーズFラウンドで調達した資金は、インドやタジキスタンを中心とした既存グループ会社の成長に向けた財務基盤強化とデジタル化の推進、アジア・アフリカ地域において金融包摂に取り組む事業者への出資等に充当します。この一環として、先日、アフリカ最大級のマイクロファイナンスグループであるBaobab Groupへの出資を通じてアフリカに進出したことを公表しています





1. F種、F2種、F3種の各優先株式を発行
2. 制度の詳細等については野村證券株式会社のニュースリリースをご参照ください。
3. アセットマネジメントOne株式会社がインベストメントアドバイザーを務めるOne-Premier Luxembourg Master SA SICAV-RAIF Crossover Capital Master Fundを通じた出資
4. レオス・キャピタルワークス株式会社が運用する公募投資信託からの出資
5. 三井住友トラスト・アセットマネジメント株式会社が運用する投資信託(私募)からの出資
6. クロスオーバー投資家またはクロスオーバー・ファンドとは、上場株式と未上場株式の両方に投資する機関投資家を指します



ビジョン: 誰もが自分の未来を決めることができる世界
ミッション: 金融包摂を世界中に届ける
長期目標: 低価格で良質な金融サービスを50カ国に届ける
本社所在地: 東京都渋谷区
代表執行役: 慎泰俊
設立日: 2014年7月4日
問合わせ先: info@gojo.co
会社HP: https://gojo.co


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