May 2, 2022

五常・アンド・カンパニー、デジタル金融サービスのプラットフォーム”MyShubhLife”を展開するDatasigns Technologyに出資

五常・アンド・カンパニー株式会社(代表執行役:慎泰俊、本社:東京都渋谷区)は、インドのベンガルールでMyShubhLifeを展開するDatasigns Technology Pvt. Ltd.への出資を実行したことをお知らせいたします。

社会起業家のグローバルネットワーク アショカ・フェローの一員であるMonish Anandにより創業されたMyShubhLifeは工場労働者やタクシードライバーなどの低所得層を対象としたデジタル金融サービスを展開してきました。同社は比較的リテラシーの低い層にサービスを届けるため「フィジタル(フィジカル+デジタル)」モデルを採用し、多くの工場労働者やギグワーカーを抱える企業・プラットフォームなどとパートナーシップを結んでおり、これらのチャンネルを通じることで効率的な顧客獲得を実現しています。


MyShubhLife Founder & CEO、Monish Anand氏コメント


五常・アンド・カンパニー共同創業者・Chief Investment Officer、 Sanjay Gandhi氏コメント


本取引においてはVertices Partnersがリーガルアドバイザーを、Unitus Capitaが財務アドバイザーを務めました。MyShubhLifeのリーガルアドバイザーはSaakshyaが務めました。

*残された5億人 (Next Half Billion): インドの所得分布の下位60%を示す


MyShubhLifeは、インドで6つの言語で利用することのできるAndroidアプリケーションを通じて、銀行口座を持たない人々に少額から大口の個人向けローン、給料日前に給与を引き出せるEarned Wage Access、小切手支払い、保険、積立投資(Systematic Investment Plan)、電子マネー(E-Gold)や電子納税システム(E-filing tax)などのフルスタックの金融サービスを提供しています。

これまでに、Pravega Ventures、SRI Capital、Saama Capital、BeeNext、Omidyar Network、Flourish Ventures、Patamar Capital等から約19億円を調達しています。

共同創業者であるMonish AnandとRahul Sekar / MyShubhLife



ビジョン: 誰もが自分の未来を決めることができる世界
本社所在地: 東京都渋谷区
代表執行: 慎泰俊
設立日: 2014年7月4日

※ KPIと財務数値は、MyShubhLifeを除くグループ8社の単純合算

May 2, 2022

Gojo announces investment in MyShubhLife, a digital lending and savings platform focusing on the Next Half Billion in India

Gojo & Company, Inc. (Gojo) is pleased to announce its investment in Bengaluru-based MyShubhLife (a product of Datasigns Technologies Private Limited), the full stack financial services platform. With this fresh investment, MyShubhLife will further increase its footprint with more corporate and large platform partnerships, invest in technology and enlarge its talent pool to offer a seamless, financially inclusive program for the next half billion. MyShubhLife will also grow its NBFC book and increase disbursements through its co-lending partners.

Monish Anand, Founder & CEO of MyShubhLife who is a member of Ashoka Fellow said, “This investment firms up MyShubhLife’s resilience during the Covid-19 pandemic and its capabilities in delivering meaningful financial products to the next half billion through our technology platform, driven by complex data science models and a future-ready credit engine. The investment also gives impetus to MyShubhLife to be future ready for a full stack Digital Bank License. We are excited to work with a visionary social impact-focused investor, passionate about using technology to scale impactful partnerships like Gojo.”

Speaking on the investment, Sanjay Gandhi, Co-founder & Chief Investment Officer of Gojo said “We are delighted to have MyShubhLife as our ninth partner, the first digital lending company in our group. MyShubhLife is one of the very few digital lenders in India who truly reach the underserved/unserved customer segment through its unique partnership driven “Phygital” approach. The underwriting and analytics capability they have built for this segment is second to none and we are happy to work with the team to take the next leap in its growth.”

Gojo was represented by Vertices Partners as its legal advisor. Unitus Capital acted as the financial advisor while Saakshya Law acted as legal advisor to MyShubhLife.

About MyShubhLife

MyShubhLife is a full stack financial services platform that offers products such as small and large-ticket personal Loans, Earned Wage access, Bill Payments, Insurance, SIPs, E-Gold and E-filing taxes to the unbanked segments in the Next Half billion via its Android app that is available in 6 Indian languages.

MyShubhLife had earlier raised around INR 115 crores from marquee Seed and Series A investors like Pravega Ventures, SRI Capital, Saama Capital, BeeNext, Omidyar Network, Flourish Ventures and Patamar Capital.

For more on MyShubhLife, please visit:

Monish Anand and Rahul Sekar, Cofounders / MyShubhLife

About Gojo & Company, Inc

Gojo is a Tokyo-based holding company of inclusive financial service providers. Since 2014, Gojo has invested in nine entities, operating in Cambodia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, India, and Tajikistan. Gojo was founded to extend financial inclusion to everyone in the world. Gojo encourages the formalization and growth of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). Our long-term goal is to enable the provision of high-quality affordable financial services for 100+ million unserved and underserved people in 50+ countries by 2030. Established in 2014, Gojo is serving more than 1.2 million clients and managing an aggregated AUM of ~USD 651 million with 7,700 employees.

March 3, 2022



タジキスタンで最も速いスピードで成長する預金取扱マイクロファイナンス機関の一つであるCJSC MDO “HUMO”(Humo)への約6.6億円の投資を実行し、同社の過半数株式を取得しました。Humoへの出資により、同社のテクノロジー実装を通じて、タジキスタン地方部に住む顧客に利便性の高い金融サービスを届けることができるようになります。


Humo General Director、 Firdavs Mayunusov氏コメント


五常・アンド・カンパニー共同創業者・Chief Investment Officer、 Sanjay Gandhiコメント


五常による出資を通して、Humoはタジキスタンでの事業をより強固なものとするだけでなく、中央アジア各国への進出を計画しています。なお、本取引においてはABG Legal Advisorsがリーガルアドバイザーを、RSM Tajikistanが財務アドバイザーを務めました。


CJSC MDO Humoについて

Humo は タジキスタンを代表する預金取扱マイクロファイナンス機関の一つで、運用資産残高は銀行を含めた金融セクターにおいて上位5位にランクインします。HumoはモバイルバンキングサービスHumo Onlineをはじめとする、幅広い金融サービスを各種チャネルを通じて提供しています。Humoは、マイクロファイナンス機関の信用格付としてA-、ソーシャル格付としてsA-を取得しており、持続可能な事業と社会的インパクトの創出を両立して事業展開しています。

Humo社員 / Humo



ビジョン: 誰もが自分の未来を決めることができる世界
ミッション: すべての人に金融アクセスを
本社所在地: 東京都渋谷区
代表執行: 慎泰俊
設立日: 2014年7月4日

※ KPIと財務数値はグループ8社の単純合算

March 3, 2022

Gojo expands to Central Asia, announces investment in Humo, crossing 1 million loan clients

Gojo & Company, Inc. (Gojo) is pleased to announce its first investment in Tajikistan which marks its entry into the Central Asian region. Gojo has invested USD 6 million to acquire a majority stake in Closed Joint Stock Company (CJSC) Microcredit Deposit Organization (MDO) "HUMO" (Humo), one of the fastest growing microcredit deposit organizations in the country. The investment in Humo will be instrumental in increasing access to financial services for clients living in remote regions of the country through continued technological transformation of Humo.

Apart from various lending products, Humo offers deposits and savings accounts, internal and external money transfers, settlement and exchange transactions. More recently, Humo has embarked on the digitization strategy making it one of the most tech forward MDOs in Tajikistan. Humo’s suite of digital products include a multilingual mobile banking app, payment cards, agent banking services, and quick digital loans through its Orzu platform.

Firdavs Mayunusov, General Director of Humo, mentioned, “Gojo is well aligned with Humo’s mission of extending financial inclusion. Gojo not only recognizes the technological advances and innovations that Humo has been introducing over the past years, but also infuses additional capital to take Humo to greater heights within the country and beyond. We are delighted to have a like-minded partner join us in this journey.”

Speaking on the investment, Sanjay Gandhi, Co-founder and Chief Investment Officer of Gojo, said that “We are extremely pleased to have partnered with Humo. It is not only the second largest MDO in the country, but also emerging as one of the best fintech neo-banks in the region. We see Humo as our partner in promoting Gojo’s mission for providing financial inclusion, not only in Tajikistan but across Central Asia as well.”

With this infusion, apart from strengthening its position in Tajikistan, Humo also plans to expand its operations into other Central Asian countries. ABG Legal Advisors acted as the Transaction Legal Advisor and RSM Tajikistan acted as financial advisor to Gojo.

With Humo joining the group, the number of loan clients of Gojo Group Companies has passed 1 million as of December 2021.

Gojo will strive to extend financial inclusion further, to reach the goal of 100 million people by 2030.

About Humo

Closed Joint Stock Company Microfinance Deposit Organization "HUMO" (Humo) is one of the leading microfinance organizations of the Republic of Tajikistan and one of the top 5 financial organizations in terms of loan portfolio among banks and microfinance organizations. Humo provides a wide range of financial services through accessible channels to the population. Positioning itself as a fintech, the organization places a tremendous emphasis on social aspects. To encompass all layers of the population, Humo presents an opportunity to its customers to use the mobile wallet - Humo Online with mobile banking features. MF-Rating assigned to Humo high institutional rating A- and high social rating sA-, indicating reliability, sustainability and social responsibility. 

For more on Humo, please visit: 

The Humo team / Humo

About Gojo

Gojo is a Tokyo-based holding company of inclusive financial service providers.  Since 2014, Gojo has invested in eight entities, operating in Cambodia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, India, and Tajikistan. Gojo was founded to extend financial inclusion to everyone in the world. Gojo encourages the formalization and growth of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). Our long-term goal is to enable the provision of high-quality affordable financial services for 100+ million unserved and underserved people in 50+ countries by 2030. Established in 2014, Gojo is serving more than 1million clients and managing the aggregated AUM of USD 516 million with 7,000+ employees.

February 22, 2022

Gojo to raise debt funds through online platform “Funds”

Gojo & Company, Inc. (Gojo) is pleased to announce the launch of debt fund “Gojo & Company Microfinance Fund” on the online platform “Funds” aiming for up to JPY 200 million borrowing as its initial attempt on the platform operated by Funds which allows retail investors to invest in debt funds from as small as one Japanese Yen. Gojo intends to raise up to a few billion Japanese yen through the platform in the coming fiscal year.

Optimizing funding costs is essential to achieve Gojo’s long-term goal "Enable provision of high-quality affordable financial services for 100+ million unserved and underserved people in 50+ countries by 2030.”

Gojo, among other inclusive financial service providers in developing countries, has unique access to Japanese investors as a holding company established in the country. Taking this advantage, Gojo aims to achieve competitive funding costs lower than the borrowing rates from local financial institutions or depositors while providing attractive returns to Japanese investors.

Gojo has track record of borrowings from Japanese lenders since 2017. In parallel with strengthening relationships with Japanese financial institutions, Gojo plans to offer several debt funds on Funds’ online platform totaling a few billion yen by the end of fiscal 2022.

About Funds

Funds provides an online platform that allows individual investors to make debt investments in various companies from 1 JPY. To date, 16,655 funds have been offered by 50 companies, mainly listed companies, and there has been no delay in distribution or defaults. (as of December 31, 2021).

Company Name: Funds, Inc.
Address:  Tokyo, Japan
Representative Director:  Yuichiro Fujita
Establishment: November 1, 2016
Capital: 483,000,000 JPY
Type II Financial Instruments Business
Registration Number: Director-General of the Kanto Local Finance Bureau (Kinsho) No. 3103
Member of Type II Financial Instruments Dealers Association

About us

Gojo is a Tokyo-based holding company of eight inclusive financial service providers operating in Cambodia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, India, and Tajikistan. Gojo was founded to extend financial inclusion to everyone in the world, beginning with developing countries. Gojo encourages the formalization and growth of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises. Our long-term goal is to enable the provision of high-quality affordable financial services for 100+ million unserved and underserved people in 50+ countries by 2030. Established in 2014, Gojo is serving more than 1million clients and managing the aggregated AUM of USD 516 million with 6,800+ employees.

Vision: Create a world where everyone can determine their future
Mission: Extend financial inclusion to everyone
Long-term Goal: Enable provision of high-quality affordable financial services for 100+ million unserved and underserved people in 50+ countries by 2030
Address: Tokyo, Japan
Founder & CEO: Taejun Shin
Establishment: July 4, 2014

February 22, 2022


五常・アンド・カンパニー株式会社(代表執行役:慎泰俊、本社:東京都渋谷区)は、ファンズ株式会社(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役:藤田雄一郎)が運営する貸付ファンドのオンラインマーケット「Funds(ファンズ)」上で「五常・アンド・カンパニー マイクロファイナンス事業ファンド」が公開されたことをお知らせします。第1回目となる本ファンドを通じて総額2億円、2022年度末までに累計数十億円規模の資金調達を目指しています。






商号 ファンズ株式会社
本社 東京都港区西麻布3-2-1 北辰ビル 7F
代表取締役 藤田雄一郎
設立 2016年11月1日
資本金 483,000千円
登録番号 関東財務局長(金商)第3103号
一般社団法人 第二種金融商品取引業協会 加入



ビジョン: 誰もが自分の未来を決めることができる世界
ミッション: すべての人に金融アクセスを
本社所在地: 東京都渋谷区
代表執行: 慎泰俊
設立日: 2014年7月4日

February 16, 2022

五常・アンド・カンパニー、Therion Advisers共同創業者兼Managing PartnerのMilena Nikolova氏が社外取締役として参画、並びにArnaud Ventura氏が執行役に就任

五常・アンド・カンパニー株式会社(代表執行役:慎泰俊、本社:東京都渋谷区)は、Therion Advisersの共同創業者兼Managing Partnerを務めるMilena Nikolova氏が社外取締役として参画したことをお知らせいたします。

Milena Nikolova氏は、投資銀行、ウェルスマネジメント、ベンチャーキャピタル、インパクト投資において20年以上の経験を有する金融セクターの専門家です。幅広い経験を通じて、インパクトのために資金を投じることは、利益を損なうことなく、世の中のために強力な力となり得るという信念をもっています。

Milena Nikolova氏は、スタートアップ向けアドバイザーのTherion Advisersの共同創業者兼Managing Partner、気候変動の課題解決に取り組む革新的なソリューションに投資するグローバル・ベンチャーキャピタルであるAera VCのVenture Partner、ベンチャーキャピタルAntlerのVenture Partnerを務めています。以前はロンドンでUBSグループ投資銀行部門のExecutive Director、シンガポールのウェルスマネジメントのコンサルタントを歴任しました。慈善活動にも力を注いでおり、複数のNGOのパートナーや創設者でもあります。米国証券アナリスト、London School of EconomicsでInternational Accounting and Financeの修士号を取得しています。

Milena Nikolova氏コメント


Milena Nikolova氏本人によるビデオメッセージをこちらからご覧いただけます(英語)。

なお、五常はMilena Nikolova氏の関与するいずれのベンチャーキャピタルとも資本関係を有しておりません。

Arnaud Venturaが執行役に就任

2021年3月にManaging Partnerとして当社に参画したArnaud Ventura氏が、執行役に就任したことをお知らせいたします。Arnaud Venturaは、20年以上にわたるマイクロファイナンスセクターにおける起業経験とグローバルネットワークを強みとして、グループガバナンス体制の確立、資金調達、デジタル化、新規投資及びアジア・アフリカにおける拠点の拡大を率いています。Arnaud Venturaの執行役就任によりグループの成長の加速、金融包摂をすべての人に届けるというミッションの達成に寄与することを期待しています。



ビジョン: 誰もが自分の未来を決めることができる世界
ミッション: すべての人に金融アクセスを
本社所在地: 東京都渋谷区
代表執行: 慎泰俊
設立日: 2014年7月4日

※ KPIと財務数値はグループ8社の単純合算

February 16, 2022

Milena Nikolova joins Gojo as Outside Director, and Arnaud Ventura appointed as Executive Officer

Gojo & Company, Inc. (Gojo) is pleased to announce that Milena Nikolova, co-founder and Managing Partner of Therion Advisers and Venture Partner at Aera VC, has joined Gojo board as a new Outside Director.

Milena has over 20 years of finance experience spanning investment banking, wealth management, venture capital investing, and startup advisory. She is a strong believer that directing capital for impact can be a powerful force for good without compromising financial returns. 

Milena is a Founding Partner of Therion Advisers, a startup advisory and investment firm, as well as Venture Partner and Director at Aera VC, a global venture capital firm investing in radical solutions to climate change. Milena is also a Venture Partner in Antler, a global early-stage VC that enables the founding of about 200 startups per year.

Prior to that, as Executive Director at UBS Investment Bank in London, she advised leading European banks and insurance companies on mergers, acquisitions, and IPO transactions totaling over $10bn in deal value. In wealth management in Singapore, she worked with ultra-high net worth individuals on financial assets allocation, wealth planning, or corporate structuring. 

Milena also devotes considerable time to charitable causes and is a partner/founder in several NGOs. She has 3 children and is an adventurer who loves outdoor sports and salsa dancing. She is a CFA charterholder and has an MSc degree in International Accounting and Finance from the London School of Economics.

Milena states, “Gojo is a special, highly purpose-driven organization. It is run with sustainable profitability in mind, but large-scale social impact is at the core of all decision making. Their long term goal of enabling high-quality affordable financial services for 100+ million unserved and underserved people is very aligned with my personal values and it is my immense pleasure to contribute to their journey.”

Here is a short video message from Milena herself.

As of today, Gojo has no capital relationship with any of the Venture Capital firms which relate to Milena.

Gojo extends a warm welcome to Milena and looks forward to accelerating financial inclusion further!

Arnaud Ventura appointed as Executive Officer

Gojo is happy to announce that Arnaud Ventura, Managing Partner, is officially appointed as Executive Officer. Arnaud Ventura joined Gojo as Managing Partner in March 2021 to further accelerate Gojo’s fundraising, digitalization, investment, and geographic expansion strategy into Africa and beyond. Prior to Gojo, Arnaud founded and led two of the foremost European financial inclusion groups active in Micro & SME digital finance. In his newly added role, Gojo expects Arnaud to further contribute to the acceleration of the group's growth, achieving the mission of extending financial inclusion to all.

About us

Gojo is a Tokyo-based holding company of eight inclusive financial service providers operating in Cambodia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, India, and Tajikistan. Gojo was founded to extend financial inclusion to everyone in the world, beginning with developing countries. Gojo encourages the formalization and growth of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises. Our long-term goal is to enable the provision of high-quality affordable financial services for 100+ million unserved and underserved people in 50+ countries by 2030. Established in 2014, Gojo is serving more than 1million clients and managing the aggregated AUM of USD 516 million with 6,800+ employees.

Vision: Create a world where everyone can determine their future
Mission: Extend financial inclusion to everyone
Long-term Goal: Enable provision of high-quality affordable financial services for 100+ million unserved and underserved people in 50+ countries by 2030
Address: Tokyo, Japan
Founder & CEO: Taejun Shin
Establishment: July 4, 2014

March 11, 2021

Arnaud Ventura joins Gojo as Managing Partner

Gojo & Company, Inc. (Gojo) is pleased to announce that Mr. Arnaud Ventura, Founder and CEO of Baobab Group until end of 2019, has joined Gojo as Managing Partner.

Before joining Gojo, Arnaud founded and led two of the foremost European financial inclusion groups active in Micro & SME digital finance.

Between 1998 and 2008, Arnaud co-founded and led PlaNet Finance with the support of Jacques Attali (Chairman) and Muhammad Yunus (Chairman Advisory Board). It was one of the most successful European financial inclusion groups, providing mainly advisory services in the sector and operating in more than 30 markets in Asia, Africa and Latin America. 

In 2008, Arnaud then went on to found Baobab (formerly MicroCred), the leading Micro & SME digital bank in Africa & China. In 2019 alone, Baobab lent $1 billion to 1 million clients, generating around $200 million total revenues and more than $40 million pre-tax profit.

Since he left Baobab in December 2019, Arnaud has served as an advisor to Gojo and we have built trusting relationships. Arnaud will support the organization and development of Gojo by establishing an optimal group governance system, supporting the digital strategy of the group and fundraising activities, as well as leading Gojo’s initial entry to Africa. With over 20 years of entrepreneurial experience in microfinance and a global network, Arnaud is expected to further accelerate Gojo’s fundraising, digitalization, investment, and geographic expansion strategy immediately into Africa and beyond. 

Arnaud is a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum. He also co-founded the French China Foundation, the leading network of Young Leaders between France and China, and Share Africa, a platform to promote Africa's innovation and creativity. Arnaud graduated from EFREI, Paris, in Computer Science, and La Sorbonne in Philosophy. He speaks French, English and Spanish fluently and loves reading history & philosophy. He loves skiing and hiking in the mountains (particularly in the south of France), and has 2 young boys.

Arnaud states, “Since advising Taejun Shin, Founder & CEO, and Gojo’s team for more than 1 year, I have been impressed by the quality of the team and the ambition of the company. I am happy to be able to support its development and transform Gojo’s vision into reality in the coming years”. 

Gojo extends a warm welcome to Arnaud and looks forward to extending financial inclusion further!

About Gojo & Company

Gojo was founded to extend financial inclusion to everyone in the world beginning with the developing countries. Gojo encourages the formalization and growth of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises. Our long-term goal is to enable the provision of high-quality affordable financial services for 100+ million unserved and underserved people in 50+ countries by 2030. Six years since our establishment, we work in Cambodia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and India with USD 310 million gross loan portfolio, 5,000+ employees, serving more than 627,000 clients.

March 11, 2021

五常・アンド・カンパニー、Baobab Group創業者兼前CEOのArnaud Ventura氏がManaging Partnerとして参画

五常・アンド・カンパニー株式会社(代表執行役:慎泰俊、本社:東京都渋谷区)は、2019年末までBaobab Groupの創業者兼CEOを務めたArnaud Ventura氏がManaging Partnerとして参画したことをお知らせいたします。

Arnaud Ventura氏は、中小零細企業(MSME)向けデジタルファイナンス領域で金融包摂に取り組む欧州の金融機関2社を創業した経験を有しています。

1998年から2008年にかけて、Arnaud Ventura氏はジャック・アタリ氏(Chairman)やムハマド・ユヌス氏(Chairman Advisory Board)の支援のもとPlaNet Financeを共同創業しました。PlaNet Financeは欧州で最も成功した金融包摂グループの1つであり、アジア・アフリカ・ラテンアメリカを中心に30以上のマーケットでアドバイザリー・サービスを提供してきました。2008年には、アフリカ及び中国でMSME向けデジタルファイナンス事業を展開するBaobab Group (前MicroCred)を創業しました。Baobab Groupは2019年には顧客数100万人、融資残高10億米ドル、売上2億米ドル、税引前利益4,000万米ドルに達しています。

2019年12月にBaobab Groupを退社して以来、Arnaud Ventura氏はアドバイザーとして五常と強固な信頼関係を築いてきましたが、今後は五常の最適なグループガバナンス体制の確立に取り組み、デジタル戦略及び資金調達活動をサポートするとともにアフリカ地域への進出を率います。Arnaud Ventura氏の20年以上にわたるマイクロファイナンスセクターにおける起業経験とグローバルネットワークを強みとして、資金調達、デジタル化、新規投資及びアジア・アフリカにおける拠点の拡大を加速してまいります。

Arnaud Ventura氏は2013年に世界経済フォーラムのYoung Global Leaderに選出されたほか、フランスと中国間の若手リーダー育成を目指すネットワークであるFrench China Foundation、アフリカにおけるイノベーションの促進を目指すプラットフォームであるShare Africaを共同創業しました。フランスのEFREI Parisでコンピューターサイエンスを、Sorbonne Universityで哲学を専攻しました。

Arnaud Ventura氏コメント




ビジョン: 誰もが自分の未来を決めることができる世界
ミッション: すべての人に金融アクセスを
本社所在地: 東京都渋谷区
代表執行: 慎泰俊
設立日: 2014年7月4日

※ KPIと財務数値はインドの子会社化予定グループ会社を含む、2020年12月末時点数値


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