November 1, 2019

五常・アンド・カンパニー、元スマートニュース 執行役員の堅田航平氏がCFOに就任

五常・アンド・カンパニー、元スマートニュース 執行役員の堅田航平氏がCFOに就任

マイクロファイナンス・テクノロジー企業である五常・アンド・カンパニー株式会社(以下「当社」)は、堅田航平氏がCFO(Chief Financial Officer)に就任したことをお知らせいたします。


経歴: 堅田 航平 (かただ こうへい)
学生時代にバングラデシュのNGOにおける長期インターンを通じてマイクロファイナンスと出会う。大学卒業後はモルガン・スタンレー証券会社(現三菱UFJモルガン・スタンレー証券株式会社)投資銀行部門にてM&Aアドバイザリー業務に従事。ヘッジファンドを経て、2008年にライフネット生命保険株式会社に入社。企画・財務・事業開発・上場準備等を担当し、2013年 執行役員CFOに就任。2014年、スマートニュース株式会社に入社しコーポレート部門の責任者として財務・経営管理・採用・人事を担い、累計86億円超の資本調達を主導。2018年より、国内外の複数のスタートアップにおいて財務・経営管理に関与。2019年、五常・アンド・カンパニーのCFOに就任。

<堅田 航平氏 コメント>

<五常・アンド・カンパニー 代表取締役 慎 泰俊 コメント>



⺠間版の世界銀行として世界中に金融アクセスを届けることをミッションとして、2014年7月に設立されました。2030年までに50カ国で1億人に廉価かつ高品質な金融サービスの提供を目指しています。創業5年でインド・カンボジア・ス リランカ・ミャンマーでのグループ従業員は2,500人、顧客数は45万人を突破しました。融資総額は200億円を超え、2017年度より連結黒字化しています。※

ビジョン: 誰もが自分の宿命を乗り越えることができる世界
ミッション: 民間版の世界銀行として世界中の人に金融アクセスを届ける
本社所在地: 東京都渋谷区
代表取締役: 慎泰俊
設立日: 2014年7月4日
連結総資産: 約270億円

※ KPIと財務数値はインドの子会社化予定グループ会社を含む

November 1, 2019

Kohei Katada joins Gojo as CFO

Gojo & Company, Inc (CEO: Taejun Shin; Head Office: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo) is happy to announce that Mr. Kohei Katada, former Senior Vice President of SmartNews, Inc. has joined us as our Chief Financial Officer.

Over the 5 years since its establishment, Gojo group has expanded to 6 Partner companies in 4 countries; Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and India, with approximately 2,500 employees and more than 450,000 clients. Mr. Katada, leveraging his experience in corporate finance and administration, shall accelerate the growth of Gojo to achieve its long-term goal to:

“Enable provision of high-quality affordable financial services for 100+ million unserved and underserved people in 50+ countries by 2030”

Prior to joining Gojo, Mr. Katada has served as Senior Vice President of Finance at SmartNews, Inc., a developer of a news discovery app and led a total of over US$ 80 million in fundraising and the setting-up of its administration department. Before that, as one of the founding members and as Chief Financial Officer at LIFENET INSURANCE COMPANY, he led the insurer’s successful $100 million Initial Public Offering.

Mr. Katada began his career at Morgan Stanley Japan Ltd. as part of its M&A Advisory Group in the Investment Banking Division. In 2005, he joined Och-Ziff Capital Management, a global hedge fund.

Mr. Katada has a B.A. in Law from the University of Tokyo. While at school, he did an internship at PROSHIKA, a local NGO in Bangladesh where he was inspired by the power of microfinance that can unlock the potential of micro-entrepreneurs.

Gojo extends a warm welcome to Mr. Kohei Katada!

About us
Gojo & Company, Inc. was founded in July 2014 with a mission to provide financial inclusion to everyone in the world as a Private Sector World Bank. It aims to provide low-cost, high-quality financial services to 100 million people in 50 countries by 2030. For the last five years since its inception, it has acquired and/or founded microfinance institutions in Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and India and employs over 2,500 serving more than 450,000 people. The total loan amount under the management has exceeded US$ 200,000; the consolidated net profit has turned positive since FY2017.

October 17, 2019




五常・アンド・カンパニー株式会社(代表取締役:慎秦俊、本社:東京都渋谷区)は9月末にシリーズCの ファイナルクローズを完了し、本ラウンドでの調達総額は42.2億円に、累計の資本調達額は76億円となりました。

本シリーズのリード投資家は既存株主である第一生命保険株式会社が務め、9月末に実施したファイナルクローズではDIMENSION、アイザワ・インベストメンツ株式会社、SBIインベストメント株式会社、15th Rock Venturesが新たに株主に加わりました。SeriesCで調達した42.2億円によりマイクロファイナンスの既存オペレーションをより良くするためのテクノロジー投資とアジア地域における拠点拡大を進めます。





グローバルチームの組成も順調に進んでいます。直近1年でグループ会社の経営支援、投資、新規事業開発の各領域のメ ンバーは拡充し、2020年1月までに5名の新規加入も確定しています


SDGs (持続可能な開発目標) への取組
マイクロファイナンスの業界にはSocial Performance Management(SPM)の国際認証があります。五常のグループ会社では全社が認証取得に向けて取組んでおり、カンボジアのグループ会社では既に認証を取得しています。SDGsの実現に向けて自社事業もしくは国際NGOとの業務提携によって各分野に積極的に取組んでいます


⺠間版の世界銀行として世界中に金融アクセスを届けることをミッションとして、2014年7月に設立されました。2030年までに50カ国で1億人に廉価かつ高品質な金融サービスの提供を目指しています。創業5年でインド・カンボジア・ス リランカ・ミャンマーでのグループ従業員は2,500人、顧客数は45万人を突破しました。融資総額は200億円を超え、2017年度より連結黒字化しています。※

ビジョン: 誰もが自分の宿命を乗り越えることができる世界
ミッション: ⺠間版の世界銀行として世界中の人に金融アクセスを届ける
本社所在地: 東京都渋谷区
代表取締役: 慎泰俊
設立日: 2014年7月4日
連結総資産: 約270億円



第一生命保険株式会社 執行役員投資本部⻑ 重本 和之

東京理科大学イノベーション・キャピタル株式会社 代表取締役 マネージング・パートナー 片寄裕市、高田久徳
五常 ・アンド ・カンパニー社が取り組む社会イノベーションの実現のため、資金面、事業展開の支援を実施します。テクノロジーを駆使した金融アクセスの改善、生活水準の向上により、持続的に社会価値と経済価値を生み出すことを期待しています。

株式会社丸井グループ 取締役 常務執行役員 加藤 浩嗣
「すべての人に金融アクセスを」というミッションに私たちは大変共感しています。また、決して簡単ではないそのミッション実現に向けて情熱をもって、着実に進めている様子はとても素晴らしく、今回投資させていただく機会をいただい たことに感謝しています。

株式会社セブン銀行 代表取締役社⻑ 舟竹 泰昭
「世界中の人に金融アクセスを届ける」というミッションに共感し、出資させて頂きました。持続可能な開発目標(SDG s)への取組みが世界的な潮流となる中、金融アクセスの改善も大きな課題として掲げられています。今後アジアへさらなる進出を目指す五常のビジネスモデルは、当社の海外事業戦略とも親和性が高いと考えています。「誰一人取り残さない」世界の実現に向け、取り組んで行きたいと思います。

TransLink Capital Partners (SOMPO) I, L.P. SOMPOホールディングスCVC/TransLink Capital, Partner 土佐林 淳

独立行政法人 国際協力機構 ⺠間連携事業部 部⻑ 廿枝 幹雄

DIMENSION 代表取締役 宮宗 孝光
20年近くベンチャーの経営支援に携わってきましたが、慎さんをはじめとする経営陣やスタッフの皆様の意識・熱量・ 実行力の高さは、群を抜いてます。お客様や関わる方々からも強く感謝されている点も素晴らしいと思い、この度、出資を決めました。五常・アンド・カンパニーのアジアでの更なるサービス伝搬に、期待しています。

アイザワ・インベストメンツ株式会社 執行役員投資部⻑ 楠本 祥一郎
慎社⻑の掲げるビジョンのもと、2030年に⺠間版の世界銀行を目指すという⻑期目標に向かって邁進する五常・アンド ・カンパニーのパワーと顧客第一主義を貫く経営姿勢に世界を変える大きな期待をしています。

SBI Investment株式会社 投資部部⻑ 田中 正人

15th Rock Ventures Founder/General Partner 源健司
初めて慎さんにお会いした際に、このご事業をやるモチベーションについて、「誰もが生まれ持っての境遇を乗り越え、よりよい人生を勝ち取る機会がある世界をつくりたい」と仰っていたことをよく覚えています。あれから少し時間が経ち 、素敵な仲間もたくさん増え、夢が現実になりつつあるのではないでしょうか。我々もその世界が現実になるまで、ずっと応援し続けます。

日本ベンチャーキャピタル株式会社 取締役専務執行役員 桑園 寛之

ニッセイ・キャピタル株式会社 代表取締役 安達 哲哉
慎社⻑の人間的な魅力・人徳が、今回の素晴らしい投資家の皆さまからの資金調達や優秀な経営メンバー獲得の最大の要 因だと思います。マイクロファイナンス・テクノロジーと慎社⻑を中心とした五常メンバーの情熱で「世界中の誰もが金融にアクセス出来る世界を実現」することを期待しています。

株式会社リンクアンドモチベーション 取締役CFO 大野 俊一
「誰もが自分の宿命を乗り越えることができる世界」というVision、経営理念、慎さんの経営にかける熱意・信念に共感し、出資をさせていただきました。「世界中の人に金融アクセスを届ける」という五常・アンド・カンパニーの目指す世 界の実現に向けて、微力ではありますが、組織・人事面からご支援させていただければ幸いです。

株式会社ジャフコ パートナー 井坂 省三



2019年8月末時点の女性顧客比率は99%を超えています。マイクロファイナンス機関が担う顧客層は幅広く、低〜中間 所得者層の方々が融資の対象です。基本的には、返済原資を生み出す事業を行うことができる人が融資対象であり、個人事業をすでに営んでいる人が大半です。新たに事業を開始する人に対して融資するケースも一部あります。

⻑期的な収益の最大化を図るために、潜在顧客から「まずは相談してみる」という評判を得ることを大切にしています。 そのためには、当社社員が顧客と対面でやり取りする際のホスピタリティを高め、口コミで顧客が増加することを重視しています。その他には、村⻑に対して当社の説明を行った上で集会所に人を集めてもらい、融資商品や会社概要について説明する合同融資説明会の開催を通じて新規顧客を獲得します。


まず、現地のマネーレンダー(通常の金融機関の審査を通過することができない人達向けに高利で貸付を行う、事業ライ センスを持たない貸金業者)が課す200%以上の年利からすると相対的に低いといえます。これは、マイクロファイナンスのビジネスモデルである、グループ連帯責任貸付やゲーム理論的な融資契約設計、組織化を通じた効率化により金利を大幅に下げたことに起因します。これでも先進国の貸付金利と比べると高い印象がありますが、途上国におけるMFIの一般的な借入金利が10%強、人件費およびその他管理費を賄うために30%前後の貸出金利が必要であることを勘案すると、マイクロファイナンス機関の持続可能な経営の観点からすると妥当な水準と考えます。また、日本と比べると物価上昇率が高いことも影響しています。ただし、これは資金供給者側の都合であり、顧客のためにはより低い金利が望ましいため、当社は金利を引下げられるよう事業を行っています。




共同創業者の慎とSanjay Gandhiは10年以上の業界経験があります。世界中の人的ネットワークやFinancial Advisorからの紹介、持ち込み案件数も増加しており、月に数件の新規案件の検討が進められています。今後は、グローバルに事業を展開するマイクロファイナンス投資ファンドからの紹介案件も増えることが想定されます。

October 17, 2019

Gojo & Company, Inc completed its Series C funding and raised US$40 million

Gojo & Company, Inc completed its Series C funding round and raised US$ 40 million.

Gojo & Company, Inc (CEO: Taejun Shin; Head Office: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo) completed the Series C financing at the end of September, raised a total amount of US$ 40 million. The cumulative paid-in capital reached US$ 70 million.

About Series C
The lead investor of this series was the existing shareholder Dai-ichi Life Insurance Co., Ltd; DIMENSION, Izawa Investments Co., Ltd; and SBI Investment Co., Ltd. 15th Rock Ventures have joined as new shareholders at the final close held at the end of September.

The proceeds will be used to accelerate investment in technology to revamp the subsidiaries’ operational system and expand Gojo & Co’s investment in Asia.

Why Gojo & Co. was founded
Gojo & Co. aspires to provide low-cost, high-quality financial services in emerging countries around the world. Microfinance, which emerged in the 1970s, attracted a great deal of attention in 2006 when Grameen Bank’s Muhammad Yunus won the Nobel Peace Prize. Microfinance has received a lot of attention from capital markets, and several microfinance institutions have listed on the stock markets. Nevertheless, fundamental issues still remain in the industry. To address the problem, Gojo & Co. was founded in July 2014.

Achievements so far
Since its inception, Gojo & Co’s asset under the management has grown rapidly at compound annual growth rate of more than 200%, while it has maintained exceptional quality in its loan portfolio (the delinquency rate of 30 days or more is less than 1%). Consolidated quarterly sales for 2019 were US$ 10 million, the number of borrowers was 450,000 and the number of employees exceeded 2,500.

Future expansion plans
Gojo & Co has been expanding its business through a greenfield investment or acquisition. In the next few years, it will focus on Asia, including the Philippines and Indonesia, followed by Eastern Europe, Africa and Latin America as a long-term goal.

Equity and debt financing
Gojo & Co has raised its capital mainly from Japanese individuals and institutional investors, while it has obtained debt financing at each subsidiary level. Gojo & Co and its affiliates cultivated the diversified debt funding ecosystem with more than 50 lenders, including local banks, international microfinance lenders and social impact funds. The total debt has reached US$150 million.

About the team
Gojo & Co has been tirelessly building a strong team to accelerate global expansion. In the last year, it has recruited in the areas of management support, investments and new business development. Five new employees will join the team by January 2020.

Establishing a pole position with big data in emerging countries
Gojo & Co collects repayment histories, KYC data and household information from 450,000 borrowers. Taking advantage of having a customer database of low to middle-income groups in emerging countries, Gojo & Co is developing a credit scoring system based on machine learning.

Initiatives for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
All of Gojo & Co’s group companies are in the process of being certified for the Social Performance Management (SPM) international certification. Maxima, a group company in Cambodia, was the first to obtain the certification in 2019. To realise the SDGs,
Gojo & Co has actively been engaged in various areas of SDGs through microfinance business and partnered with international NGOs.

We are hiring and looking for team members who want to collaboratively achieve the goal of being a Private Sector World Bank. Gojo & Co aspires to create a world where everyone can determine their own destiny. Financial access is a major factor of the equality of opportunity. If you are interested, please contact us at

About Gojo & Company, Inc
Gojo & Co was founded in July 2014 with a mission to deliver financial access to the world as a Private Sector World Bank. It aims to provide low-cost, high-quality financial services to 100 million people in 50 countries by 2030. For the last five years since its inception, it has acquired or founded microfinance institutions in Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and India and has employed over 2,500 and served more than 450,000 people. The total loan amount under the management has exceeded US$ 200,000; the consolidated net profit has turned positive since FY017.

Gojo & Company, Inc.
Vision: A world where everyone can determine their own destiny
Mission: Deliver financial access to people around the world as a Private Sector World Bank
Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo

Comments from equity investors:

Kazuyuki Shigemoto, Executive Officer/ Chief General Manager, Investment
Dai-ichi Life Insurance Co., Ltd.

We invested in Gojo & Company as an ‘impact investment’ aiming to achieve both an investment return and social impact. We hope that by providing financial access in emerging countries through the microfinance business, we will contribute to the economic independence of local people and the improvement of living standards.

Yuichi Katayori / Hisanori Takata, Managing Partner
Tokyo University of Science Innovation Capital Co., Ltd.

We will support for Gojo & Company to realize social innovation. We hope to create sustainable social and economic value by improving financial access using the latest technology and improve living standards in emerging countries.

Hirotsugu Katoh, Director, Managing Executive Officer

We were pleased to participate in Gojo’s series C equity fundraising; we were touched by Gojo’s mission statement of ‘Financial Access for All’. It is an ambitious goal; it is great to see how Gojo has transformed its passion into steady progress.

Yasuaki Funatake, President and Representative Director
Seven Bank Ltd.

We have been inspired by Gojo & Company’s mission statement of ‘Delivering financial access to people around the world’. Financial inclusion is one of the major agendas among Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which we follow. We believe that the Seven Bank’s overseas business strategy is compatible with Gojo’s business model. We also aim to create a world where one is left behind.

Jun Tosabayashi, Partner
TransLink Capital Partners (SOMPO) I, L.P.

Under its mission statement of becoming the Private Sector World Bank, Gojo & Company has been growing rapidly. It is exciting to see that talented and experienced professionals have recently joined Gojo and building a strong team under the robust leadership of CEO, Taejun Shin. We could say that Gojo is the most promising start-up company in Japan.

Mikio Hataeda, Director General Private Sector Partnership and Finance Department
Japan International Cooperation Agency (‘JICA”)

Financial inclusion is one of the major agendas in development finance. We resonate with Gojo’s mission statement of ‘We aspire to create a world in which everyone has an opportunity to overcome one’s destiny and attain a better life’ and support its microfinance business as a means to realise its vision. We hope that Gojo keeps on its approach of ‘the clients first’.

Takamitsu Miyaso, Chief Executive Officer

Gojo & Company is one of the most outstanding start-up companies that I, as a venture capitalist, have ever invested for the last two decades. Taejun Shin, CEO, and his team’s passion and ability to make it happen are eminent. It is also nice to see that its group companies and their clients appreciate Gojo’s management support. We look forward to seeing Gojo & Company penetrating further in Asia.

Masato Tanaka, General Manager Investment Department
SBI AI&Blockchain Investment LPS

We have decided to invest in Gojo as it is a rare company which has succeeded in pursuing both social impact and profitability. The number of its clients is expanding exponentially; in future we expect Gojo to focus more on quality over quantity by bringing better financial products and services to the poor population. The SBI Group will continue to foster Gojo by providing its FinTech expertise and financing.

Shoichiro Kusumoto, Executive officer Investment Department General Manager
AIZAWA Investments Co.,Ltd

We firmly believe that Gojo & Company will change the world. It has a passion and capacity to advance towards its goal of being the Private Sector World Bank by 2030. It is great to see that Gojo & Company and its affiliates always put their clients first.

Takeshi Minamoto, Founder / General Partners
15th Rock Ventures Fund 1 L.P

Taejun Shin, CEO, once told me the source of his motivation, ‘I want to create a world where everyone has an opportunity to build a better life no matter of his/her background.’ That was a striking remark and remained deep in my mind. Some years have passed since the conversation; great people joined his team, and his dream is forming a shape. We keep supporting Gojo until it reaches its goal, then the world finally becomes a better place.

Hiroyuki Kuwazono, Director Senior Managing
Nippon Venture Capital Co., Ltd.

Over the past two years, we have observed that bright, dedicated professionals joined the team one after another, and Gojo & Company has achieved tremendous growth. We warmly welcome JICA as a signature shareholder and hope JICA’s support will be a prominent driving force to realize Gojo’s grand vision.

Tetsuya Adachi, President

We could see Taejun Shin, CEO as a driving force, and his humanitarian virtue has attracted teams, investors, and group companies. We hope that Gojo & Company, led by microfinance technology, to realize its goal of financial inclusion.

Shunichi Ono, Director, Chief Financial Officer
Link and Motivation Inc

We have been inspired by Taejun Shin, CEO’s vision (to create a world in which everyone has an opportunity to overcome one’s destiny and attain a better life), and his management philosophy. To make Gojo’s vision to be realised, we will continue to support Gojo though our expertise in human relations as well as equity investment.

Shozo Isaka, Partner
JAFCO Co., Ltd.

Although Gojo & Company has an ambitious goal, taking care of each customer matters the most for them. We see this as essence of finance.

September 29, 2019

Completion of the first investment in AVIOM India, an Indian Affordable Housing Finance Company

Gojo & Company, Inc. (“Gojo”) is pleased to announce that Gojo has successfully concluded the first investment in AVIOM India Housing Finance (“AVIOM”), a housing finance provider based in New Delhi, India. Gojo obtained approximately a 25% stake of AVIOM through the first investment.

AVIOM India is an Affordable Housing Finance Company facilitating families in mostly semi-urban areas in realizing their dream of owning their first home. Along with home purchase loans, AVIOM assists with innovative and segment-appropriate affordable products for home building, up-gradation, and extensions.

AVIOM offers services in the niche segment of the semi-formal and informal sector, with special focus on women empowerment. With a woman at the helm of the Company who is in tune with women’s needs, AVIOM’s first loan applicant is always the ‘Woman.’ Targeting the social bottom-line, AVIOM develops women’s strengths and capacity to earn an income via the ‘AVIOM Shakti’ model. Hence, AVIOM also facilitates women’s economic empowerment leading to women’s confidence and financial autonomy within the household, the basic unit of societal change. AVIOM prides itself on its strong team, which works diligently with the values of transparency, simplicity of processes, and respect in all its transactions to ensure customers’ delight.

Gojo has a partnership with Ananya Finance and Satya MicroCapital, a wholesale lender and microcredit provider in India. By adding Aviom to its partner’s list, Gojo will be able to provide a wide range of financial solutions to the low/middle-income households in India.

Gojo is committed to address the financial inclusion globally. Through the AVIOM investment, Gojo expands its footprint to the affordable housing market in India.

About us
Gojo was founded to provide financial access for everyone in the world beginning with the developing countries. Our long-term goal is to provide quality and affordable financial services for 100+ million people in 50+ countries by 2030. 5 years since our establishment, we work in India, Cambodia, Myanmar and Sri Lanka with 2,300+ employees, serving more than 400,000 women who are also mothers. The total loan portfolio reached $200 million, and since 2017 the company has made a profit on a consolidated basis.

Gojo & Company, Inc.
Vision: Create a world in which everyone can overcome one’s destiny and attain a better life
Mission: The first mission is to be the “Private Sector World Bank” providing financial access for everyone in developing countries
HQ: Tokyo, Japan
CEO: Taejun Shin
Since: 4 July 2014
Capital: Approximately $70 million

August 29, 2019




本シリーズCラウンドのリード投資家は世界屈指の機関投資家であり既存株主の第一生命保険株式会社が務め、セカンドクローズでは独立行政法人国際協力機構(JICA)、株式会社丸井グループ、株式会社セブン銀行、SOMPOホールディングス株式会社のCVC(運営はシリコンバレーのベンチャーキャピタルのTransLink Capital)が新たに株主に加わりました。ファーストクローズ同様、今回の調達によって、アジア地域における拠点拡大とテクノロジー投資を進めてまいります。


ビジョン: 誰もが自分の宿命を乗り越えることができる世界
ミッション: 民間セクターの世界銀行として世界中の人に金融アクセスを届ける
本社所在地: 東京都渋谷区
代表取締役: 慎泰俊
設立日: 2014年7月4日
連結総資産: 約240億円


August 29, 2019

Gojo & Company, Inc (“Gojo”) has completed the second part of its Series C financing

Gojo & Company, Inc (“Gojo”) has completed the second part of its Series C financing. JICA, Marui Group, Seven Bank and CVC Fund of Sompo Holdings have joined with a total of $24 million. The aggregated amount raised over the Series C financing has reached to $35 million, making Gojo’s equity $65 million.

Dai-ichi Life Insurance, one of the most reputable Japanese life insurance companies, led the round. JICA, Marui Group, Seven Bank and CVC Fund of Sompo Holdings have newly joined through the second window of the series. With the freshly injected capital, Gojo will expand its footprint to new countries in Asia, and invest in cutting-edge technologies.

Gojo is a microfinance-technology company. Founded in July 2014, it currently employs more than 2,300 people, provides multiple financial products with over 400,000 clients (most of them are women) in India, India, Cambodia, Myanmar and Sri Lanka. Gojo’s gross loan portfolio has attained c. $200 million. We aim to provide quality and affordable financial services, with 100+ million people in 50+ countries by 2030. The net profit has been positive since 2017.

About us
Gojo was founded to provide financial access for everyone in the world beginning with the developing countries. Our long-term goal is to provide quality and affordable financial services for 100+ million people in 50+ countries by 2030. 5 years since our establishment, we work in India, Cambodia, Myanmar and Sri Lanka with 2,300+ employees, serving more than 400,000 women who are also mothers. The total loan portfolio reached $200 million, and since 2017 the company has made a profit on a consolidated basis.

Gojo & Company, Inc.
Vision: Create a world in which everyone can overcome one’s destiny and attain a better life
Mission: The first mission is to be the “Private Sector World Bank” providing financial access for everyone in developing countries
HQ: Tokyo, Japan
CEO: Taejun Shin
Since: 4 July 2014
Capital: Approximately $65 million

February 11, 2019




ビジョン: 誰もが自分の宿命を乗り越えることができる世界
ミッション: 民間セクターの世界銀行として世界中の人に金融アクセスを届ける
本社所在地: 東京都渋谷区
代表取締役: 慎泰俊
設立日: 2014年7月4日
連結純資産: 約50億円

February 11, 2019

Gojo completes the first leg of its Series C financing

Gojo & Company, Inc. (“Gojo” or “We”), a microfinance-technology company, made the first close of its Series C financing led by Dai-ichi Life Insurance followed by Tokyo University of Science Investment Management Company and other individual shareholders. The total funding amount in the financing round is expected to be in the range of $35 to $50 million.

The raised funds will be used for expanding Gojo’s international footprint and for accelerating our technology initiatives. Until recently, some MFIs in our group have adopted the digital model of cashless collections, fingerprint authentication, and credit risk modeling, and these innovations will be applied in all group companies of Gojo. Gojo’s group company, Satya MicroCapital, is the only MFI in India which is successfully running cashless repayment using fingerprint authentication. From this year, Gojo will make sure that all group MFIs apply the cashless model, although the practical application may vary from country to country. Also, we will install our credit risk model in all group companies and will further develop it by using voice and GPS information of the clients. Furthermore, we wish to maximize the impact that we can make from our microcredit and thus start developing an application by which our field staff can provide meaningful business support for the clients.

We are also pleased to share that during this period, Mr. Stuart Rutherford, a reputable microfinance practitioner, and researcher, joined us as a Director thereby augmenting the company. In 2015, Stuart’s book, “Portfolios of the Poor” was one of the recommendations made by Mark Zuckerberg’s book club; “A Year of Books”. Business Insider said of the book; A fundamental finding in “Portfolios of the Poor” is that extreme poverty flourishes in areas not where people live dollar to dollar or where poor purchasing decisions are widespread but instead is where they lack access to financial institutions to store their money. The authors’ research has inspired them and their respective organizations to find ways to bring banking to the worlds least fortunate. We are very happy to welcome Mr. Rutherford to the Gojo Board.

Gojo will continue to raise its equity in a private round. It is expected to be a “unicorn” after the Series D financing and will work in 6 to 10 nations, serving more than 3 million people. To underpin the growth, we will recruit talent from all over the world.

About us
Gojo was founded to provide financial access for everyone in the world beginning with the developing countries. Our long-term goal is to provide quality and affordable financial service for 100+ million people in 50+ countries by 2030. 4.5 years since our establishment, we work in India, Cambodia, Myanmar and Sri Lanka with 1,600+ employees, serving more than 300,000 women who are also mothers. The total loan portfolio reached is $150 million, and since 2017 the company has made a profit on a consolidated basis.

Gojo & Company, Inc.
Vision: Create a world in which everyone can overcome one’s destiny and attain a better life
Mission: The first mission is to be the “Private Sector World Bank” providing financial access for everyone in developing countries
HQ: Tokyo, Japan
CEO: Taejun Shin
Since: 4 July 2014
Capital: Approximately $45 million

August 1, 2018

Satya MicroCapitalの株式を取得しました

当社は、インドのニューデリーを拠点とするSatya MicroCapital Ltd.(以下「Satya MicroCapital」)の発行済株式の約25%を取得しました。

“Satya”は古代インド語で「真実」を意味します。この「真実」は、自分の考えや言論、行動の一貫性を具現化する倫理的概念です。Satya MicroCapitalは、顧客との関係において「信用」と「真実」の関係を発展させるべく活動しています。当社とも強く共鳴するこの考え方は、チームの強さと相まって、指数関数的な成長を成し遂げる力となりました。

Satya MicroCapitalは、2025年までに500万世帯の生活をより良くするビジョンを持ち、インドのマイクロファイナンス業界で最も有望なマイクロファイナンス機関の1つとみなされています。18ヶ月という短期間でインドの11の州に55の支店を開設し、ビジネス拡大のためにローンを必要とする10万人以上の女性顧客にサービスを提供してきました。これらの女性マイクロ起業家には、無担保ローンが提供されています。また同社は、ソーシャルとテクノロジーの融合に確信を持っており、創業以来、マイクロファイナンス業務にテクノロジーを活用しています。


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Sheetal Bhandari

Audit Manager

Sheetal joined Gojo in the Internal Audit Team as a consultant in Apr-23. In Apr-24, she joined Gojo as a full-time member. At Gojo, she is responsible for conducting/supporting HoldCo and Partner audits. Also, she would assist in developing the risk framework for Gojo and Partner companies.

She is a qualified Chartered Accountant with over 15 years experience in Process & Internal Audit, IFC (Internal Financial Controls), development of RCM (Risk Control Matrix), SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) & CSA (Control Self Assessment), SOX documentation. Prior to Gojo, she has worked at consulting firms, Tata Motors, Tata Power, Tata Trent, Axis Bank in full-time/part-time roles.

In her free time she likes to read, travel and write.

Works in: India

Kshama Fernandes

Outside Director

Kshama has three decades of experience in Capital Markets, Risk Management, and Structured Finance, with the last 15 years focused on the financial inclusion space in India. Respected for her knowledge and commitment towards the cause of unleashing the power of finance for the greater good, Kshama has been a member of various High Powered Committees set up by the Government of India and has worked on consulting assignments for the World Bank, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Ministry of Finance, Government of India, and NSEIT. Through her innovative and pioneering work, she has been instrumental in creating and developing the market for debt for the underbanked in India. Kshama is recognized as a leading figure in the Indian financial markets, and in the world of impact investing. She is also the Vice Chairperson of the Northern Arc Group, a leading finance company in India that invests and connects underbanked institutions and businesses to capital markets investors.

She has a Bachelor's in Mathematics, a Master's in Management, and a Ph.D. in Finance. An adventure sports enthusiast, Kshama is a trained mountaineer, sailor, skydiver, and an ardent biker.

Almira Zejnilagic

Outside Director

Almira has two decades of experience in risk and crisis strategy management, having worked as an advisor, board member and management, as well as having extensive Investment Committee experience. Most recently she was a senior executive in a global, fast-growing Web 3 financial services business and previously a Partner at FTI Consulting where she spent a decade and helped build and ran Global Risk and Investigation Practic in Europe, Central Asia and Africa.

During her formative years, as a Bosnian refugee, Almira experienced challenges relating to remittances and access to finance, which later shaped her keen interest in finacial inclusion and digital finance as well as broader issues of social justice.

Almira is a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum. She speaks English, Serbo-Croatian and Russian (as well as some basic Tajik). She enjoys reading and cooking with her family.

Abhishek Iyer

Regional Finance

Abhishek has joined Gojo & Company as part of the Finance team. He is a qualified Chartered Accountant with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and has over 6 years of experience across the banking and financial sector & has worked across housing finance, NBFC, microfinance, and fintech. He is originally from Mumbai (India) and is currently living in the city of Bengaluru in the state of Karnataka in India.

Prior to joining Gojo, he worked at Rupeek Fintech which is asset backed gold lending co. At Rupeek he was responsible for managing the financial reporting & audits of Rupeek Fintech & its subsidiary Rupeek Capital.

Outside of work, he enjoys playing cricket and badminton, and loves cooking.

Works in: India

Vidary Inthamone

Debt Fundraising & Treasury Manager

Vidary joined Gojo in September 2022, working part of her time in the finance team. She has over 10 years of experience in microfinance - in the investment department at the holding company Advans International, and in the operations department whilst working for a Mexican MFI at the beginning of her career.

The other part of her time as an independent consultant is still dedicated to the microfinance industry, working mostly on ESG related matters.

Vidary graduated from EM Lyon, Master of Science in Management, specialized in Finance & International business. She speaks French, English, Spanish fluently and can be conversational in Slovak and Laotian.

Vidary loves soul music, cooking, travelling, mountain climbing and surfing. She’s the mother of 2 young boys.

Works in: Slovakia and France

松村 葉子

Legal & Compliance Officer




勤務地: 東京

Yoko Matsumura

Legal & Compliance Officer

Starting in October 2023, Yoko is responsible for legal and compliance matters at Gojo. She is a qualified attorney-at-law in Japan.

After becoming a registered attorney-at-law in 2009, Yoko spent five years working in the corporate department of Clifford Chance's Tokyo office. Subsequently, she joined Recruit Co., Ltd. right after its initial public offering, where she handled a wide range of legal matters, including major M&A transactions, venture investments, stock-based compensation, and disclosure requirements.

In her personal life, Yoko is a mother of two children. She aspires to balance her work at Gojo with parenting and actually enjoying the process. Yoko loves browsing stunning photographs from around the world while contemplating her next vacation destination.

Location: Tokyo

Rania Manayra

Corporate Planning Officer

Rania started her journey with Gojo in January 2022 as an intern, working closely with the Corporate Planning and SPM/IM team. She mainly helped develop Gojo's Impact Reports, write and implement group-wide policies, and conduct social and environmental due diligence. She transitioned to becoming a full-time member in October 2023.

Prior to joining Gojo full-time, Rania studied at Keio University as a MEXT scholarship recipient and graduated with a Bachelor's degree in strategic management. During her time in university, she was a seminar lead for the International Business and Entrepreneurship Research lab, where she often served as student consultant for various companies and published several papers. She also interned at a global manufacturing company and volunteered at an Indonesian education NPO.

In her spare time, Rania enjoys cooking, reading sci-fi, and going to museums and art galleries.

Works in: Japan

Pooja Kumari Singh

Junior Internal Auditor

Dedicated to analyzing, assessing, and mitigating risks, Pooja is a part of the Internal Audit team at Gojo. She earned her master's degree in Post Graduate Diploma in Management with her major in Finance from Management Development Institute Murshidabad in April 2023. Certified as an ISO 31000:2018 Risk Management Specialist, Pooja started her journey with Gojo in June 2022 as an intern, working closely with the IA team, taking care of the data room, managing communication with the partner companies and building reports to be submitted to the Audit committee. Post completing her studies, she successfully transitioned her internship into full-time work at Gojo in July 2023 and is currently supporting the team with Audit functions and developing various policies such as the Internal Credit Risk Policy. Pooja had previously worked as an intern in a CA firm in India, where she drafted financial statements and was a business analyst for Purv Technologies, among other organisations.

Outside of work, she enjoys taking part in case study competitions primarily in finance and marketing. She is a sports enthusiast and loves travelling.

Grateful for the opportunities that have shaped her career so far, she is motivated to explore the world of finance!

Works in: India

香田 華奈

IR & Fundraising/IPO Project Lead





Kana Koda

IR & Fundraising/IPO Project Lead

Kana joined Gojo's finance team in June 2023, where she is the IPO Project Lead and is involved in investor IR and debt/equity financing.

Prior to joining Gojo, she worked at the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) since 2015, where she was mainly in charge of structuring and managing loans for various overseas projects in which Japanese companies participate, including infrastructure projects in developing countries. She also gained experiences in developing ALM strategies based on profitability and market risk analysis for the bank at the Treasury Department. In 2022, she graduated from the University of Cambridge, UK, with a Master of Public Policy.

She enjoys cafe-hopping, cooking, travelling and hot springs. Mother of one child.

Location: Japan

Ignacio Mas-Ribo

Board Member

Ignacio is a non-executive director at Gojo & Company, Senior Fellow at the Fletcher School's Council on Emerging Market Enterprises at Tufts University, and an independent consultant.

During 2015-2020, Ignacio was co-founder and executive director at the Digital Frontiers Institute, a not-for-profit that develops professional development training courses around digital money and payments. Previously, he was Deputy Director in the Financial Services for the Poor program at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Senior Advisor at the Technology Program at CGAP. I have been Director of Global Business Strategy at Vodafone Group, Executive VP of Marketing and Account Management at DoCoMo interTouch, and Senior Manager responsible for telecoms investments in Europe for Intel Capital.

Ignacio has undergraduate degrees in maths and economics from MIT and a PhD in economics from Harvard University. He has been Adjunct Professor at the Booth School of Business at the University of Chicago.

Mehnaaz Rehman

Deputy Manager - HR & Admin

Mehnaaz joined Gojo in March, 2023 as an Deputy Manager- HR & Admin. She has 7 years of experience in HR and has managed Recruitment, Employee Engagement along with managing end to end employee lifecycle. Prior to joining Gojo, Mehnaaz was associated with Universal Sompo general insurance company where she worked as a HRBP heading North region , taking care of various employee greviances , and conducting GPTW surveys . Apart from Universal Sompo, she has also worked with Maxbupa Health insurance company which has given her exposure across industries.

At Gojo, she works under Human Resource and manages end to end employee life cycle with Admin related activities.

Mehnaaz did her Masters in Business Administration from RIT, Roorkee and did her BCA from her hometown Roorkee.

Mehnaaz lives in Ghaziabad , Uttar Pradesh with her family. She has a keen interes in Decoring , Dancing and travelling . She also loves to socialize with all age group people to establish more powerful bonds.

Works In: India

Charm Cai





Charm Cai

Office Manager

Charm takes care of Gojo team members as the office manager. Having worked in various industries and a strong understanding of different cultures and people from all walks of life, she always strives to make a difference for others. In Gojo, she is dedicated to creating a positive, welcoming, and inclusive environment for everyone.

In her spare time Charm likes to cook, play with cats, doing volunteer work, and watch the sea. She is thankful for her peaceful life with family and friends.

Works in: Japan







Hiroko Watanabe

Financial Reporting / Accounting

Hiroko is a Certified Public Accountant and works at Gojo as a member of the finance team, primarily working on accounting and financial reporting.

She passed the CPA exam in Japan while studying at Keio University and after graduation, she joined PwC Aarata LLC, where she engaged in audits of the asset management industry, internal control verification services, financial regulatory advisory services, and experienced audits under IFRS and J-GAAP.

Outside work, she enjoys playing the clarinet and watching baseball games.

Works in: Japan

Arya Murali

SPM & Impact Measurement Officer

A Master's in Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship graduate from the London School of Economics and a Chevening Scholar, Arya cares deeply about poverty alleviation, gender equality, education and youth development. At Gojo, Arya works on social performance management of Gojo’s partners and runs initiatives to measure impact of Gojo’s partners’ products and services on clients’ lives.

Prior to Gojo, she worked for 5 years in strategy, business development, community building, program management and leadership in NGOs, social enterprises and for-profit enterprises. Most recently, she served as the Vice President, India at Women in Technology International, a 30 year old pioneer in empowering women in technology across the globe, where she built and led WITI’s business for India. She has in the past built communities of 5000+ women in tech and conducted several online learning and mentorship programs.

Arya is also a TEDx speaker and one of the 18 young women to receive the prestigious WeTech Qualcomm Global Scholarship. In her spare time, she enjoys reading non-fiction books, writing blogs on her website ( and listening to countless hours of Indian music.

Works in: India

菅沼 小春









財務計画・分析を担当。JP Morgan の元金融アナリストとして、財務分析、予算編成、予測、差異分析などを専門としていた。以前は、DeloitteにTax seniorとして勤務し、Tax戦略等を担当したほか、恵まれない人々のコミュニティを向上させ、社会的、経済的、慈善的な意識を広めるための同社イニシアチブである「Impact Days」に積極的に参加していた。

Jai Hind Collegeで商学を学び、IBSでMBA(Management Finance)を取得。分散型金融とデジタル通貨プロトコルに情熱を注いでいる。



Ishaq Sutarwala

FP&A Officer

For Gojo, Ishaq works on Financial Planning & Analysis. As an ex-financial analyst at JP Morgan, he specialised in analysing financials, budgeting, forecasting and variance analysis. Before being an analyst, he worked with Deloitte as a tax senior taking care of all statutory compliances for its clients, assisting in quarterly projections and annual tax planning strategy. At Deloitte, he actively participated in ‘Impact Days’- the company’s initiative to spread social, economical and philanthropic awareness by uplifting underprivileged communities.

Ishaq did his MBA from IBS in Management Finance and graduated in Commerce from Jai Hind College, Mumbai. He is passionate about decentralised finance and digging deep into digital currency protocols.

Ishaq is scrupulous and professionally valued for using agile methods in executing financial analysis. Driven, he targets to grow in leadership positions pertaining to finance. He enjoys watching sports and comedy.




ミレーナは、スタートアップ向けアドバイザーのTherion Advisersの共同創業者兼Managing Partner、気候変動の課題解決に取り組む革新的なソリューションに投資するグローバル・ベンチャーキャピタルであるAera VCのVenture Partner、ベンチャーキャピタルAntlerのVenture Partnerを務めています。以前はロンドンでUBSグループ投資銀行部門のExecutive Director、シンガポールのウェルスマネジメントのコンサルタントを歴任。慈善活動にも力を注いでおり、複数のNGOの創設者やパートナー。米国証券アナリスト。London School of EconomicsでInternational Accounting and Financeの修士号を取得。




以前の経歴は米国プルデンシャル・ファイナンシャル Chief Compliance Officer及びChief Ethics Officer、ヤマハ株式会社 Global Legal, Ethics & Compliance Advisor。

ヤマハ株式会社入社前には、プルデンシャル・ファイナンシャル、ステート・ストリート信託銀行、シグナ・コーポレーション、エース・リミテッドなどのグローバル大手金融機関各社でシニア法務担当者を歴任。北米、南米、アジア、欧州で200名以上の従業員を管理した経験も有する。また、Global Ethics Officerとして携わったプルデンシャル・ファイナンシャルは、2015年に初めて「世界で最も倫理的な企業」の1つに認定され、その後複数回にわたり認定を受ける。Doi氏はセントルイスのワシントン大学で哲学の学士号を(最も優秀な学生に贈られるMagna Cum Laude、Phi Beta Kappaを取得)、カリフォルニア大学ロサンゼルス校ロースクールにて法務博士号を取得。1994年より日本に在住し、日本を中心にアジアにおける女性のエンパワーメント、神経科学、行動倫理に取り組む。


琴坂 将広



数社の起業を経験の後、マッキンゼー・アンド・カンパニーの日本およびドイツを拠点に主に海外企業の経営支援に従事。その後、オックスフォード大学に移籍し、経営学の優等修士号と博士号を取得。立命館大学経営学部を経て、2016年より現職。専門は、経営戦略、国際経営、および、制度と組織の関係。慶應義塾大学政策・メディア研究科委員、オックスフォード大学サィードビジネススクールアソシエイトフェロー、上場企業を含む複数のスタートアップの社外役員を兼務。著書に『STARTUP優れた経営者は何を考え、どう行動したか』、『経営戦略原論』、『領域を超える経営学』、分担著に『Japanese Management in Evolution』などがある。


Internal Audit



Microland Ltd、Wipro Infotech、Axis Bank、ICICI Bankなどの組織でさまざまな職務を経験し、最終的にはBandhan Bankの内部監査部門を担当。





Internal Audit

2021年12月から内部監査責任者として五常に参加。五常グループの内部監査機能を担当し、各パートナー会社の内部監査機能と連携。Chartered Accountant, Certified Fraud Examiner, Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist, ISO9001:2015 Lead Auditorの資格を保有。銀行・金融業界で合計20年の経験を持ち、様々な銀行や金融機関に勤務。

Axis Bankでは、マネーロンダリング防止コンプライアンスを担当。また、Lulu Financial Groupのアブダビにあるグローバル本社では、チーフ内部監査役として勤務した。その他、ICICI Bank、PwC、YES Bank、HDFC Lifeでの勤務経験がある。




Researcher in Residence






Data Analytics






Systems and Knowledge

学生時代は物理学と宇宙工学を学び、Sapienza University of Romeと宇宙航空研究開発機構(JAXA)で博士課程を修了。2019年までは超小型人工衛星メーカーの株式会社アクセルスペースで衛星の開発とプロジェクトマネジメントを経験。





HR Assistant Director

2022年8月、人事部のアシスタント・ディレクターとして五常に入社。12年の人事経験を持ち、採用、従業員エンゲージメント、業績評価、従業員のライフサイクル管理などを行ってきた。五常入社前は、EYで職場におけるウェルビーイングを推進するプロジェクトを担当し、調査、従業員の考え方の理解、ウェルビーイングプログラムのカスタマイズなどの仕事を経験した。また、Genpact、HCL、Max Bupa Health Insurance、Pearl Academyなど様々な企業で働き、業界を超えた経験を積んできた。





Impact Measurement


卒業後は、社会的投資の金融仲介を行うSocial Financeに加わり、英国、カメルーン、ウェストバンクでインパクト・ボンドを設計し、国の保護を離れた若者の成果を追跡するためのアプリ作成を支援した。また、英国で難民女性をトレーニングし雇用する社会的企業、Proof Bakeryの創設者でもある。



Head of Corporate Planning




Chief People and Inclusion Officer





著書:ブータンで本当の幸せについて考えてみました。 -「足るを知る」と経済成長は両立するのだろうか?



CEO, Maxima






Deputy CEO, MIFIDA / IR and Alliance, Gojo

ミャンマーのMicrofinance Delta International (MIFIDA)社の副社長と、五常のパートナー会社のための資金調達・事業開発を兼務。







米国のSarah Lawrence Collegeでリベラルアーツを学び、一度ミャンマーに帰国し、金融セクターで6年以上の経験を持つ。マイクロファイナンス機関であるProximity FinanceでMISを管理。その後、KBZ Bankでミャンマーの銀行セクターに参入し、Huaweiとのパートナーシップのもと、さまざまなステークホルダーと協力してKBZ Payを開発し、同銀行のアウトリーチを拡大させた。五常入社前は、Yoma Bankのデジタル部門に所属し、SMART Creditというデジタル融資商品を作成し立ち上げた。




Chief Operating Officer


キャリアをスタートさせた当初から、イノベーションとインパクトに関心があり、現在ドイツ1位にランクインする初の完全自動化オンラインクレジットソリューション、easyCreditを開発。五常入社以前は、Vision Fund MyanmarのCOOとして、完全デジタル化されたマイクロファイナンスシステムを開発・導入し、貧困顧客30万人以上にローン、預金、教育へのアクセスを提供。現在は、デジタル化と変革のプロセスについて、いくつかの銀行にアドバイスをしている。




Software Engineering

Androidアプリケーション開発で7年以上の経験を持つ。テクノロジーチームのソフトウェアエンジニアとして五常に入社。 Nagarjuna college of Engineering and Technology を卒業し、工学学士号を取得。

五常に入社する前はSeqatoのリード エンジニアとして、モバイル チームの指揮とモバイル アプリケーションの開発を担当。また、Rainconcert Technologies、Codeleven Technologies、Businocrats に勤務していた。さまざまなカテゴリのAndroidアプリケーションを開発。




Data Engineering


卒業後、Quikr India Pvt. Ltd.に入社し、さまざまな社内システムの実装を主導。五常入社前は、Shaadi.comのデータエンジニアリングチームで、クラウドベースのデータレイクとデータウェアハウジングシステムの実装・強化を担当。






Innovation Product Director


五常入社以前は、Launcho VenturesでSEAと米国市場を中心とした消費者ブランドの拡大に取り組んだ。また、Vertex Venture Holdingsに在籍し、中東地域と台湾への投資を行なった。Vertex以前は、Reebonz Taiwanで、高級電子商取引プラットフォームを拡張し、デジタルビジネスをゼロから立ち上げた。また、大手食料品スタートアップのHonestbeeでは、C-suite Managerとして勤務。



梁穎恩 (グレース)

Financial Reporting / Accounting


PwC香港事務所でキャリアをスタートし、2012年にPwC Japanに移籍。PwCでは、法定監査、財務報告アドバイザリープロジェクト等に従事。また、2014年から2016年までIFRS財団アジア・オセアニア事務所に出向し、国・地域ごとの税務開示やIFRS報告に関する調査を行っていた。Gojoに入社する直前には、ITベンチャー企業のJapan Computer Vision Corp.で2年間、経理・財務企画・分析チームのリーダーを担当。




Regional Finance Manager

五常のファイナンスチームに参加。Chartered Accountant with Institute of Chartered Accountants of Indiaの資格を持ち、財務領域の複数の分野で8年以上の経験を持つ。インドのカルナータカ州にあるベンガルールを拠点に活動。

五常入社以前は、フィンテックスタートアップのAvanti Financeに勤務。Avantiでは財務部門全体を担当し、最初のエクイティ資金調達である 2600 万米ドルの調達を成功させたチームの一員でもあった。また、CapitaLandでは、インド事業の財務報告を担当し、インド事業の財務機能の立ち上げを主導した経験もある。



大場 有紗

IR Manager

2020年4月より五常の財務チームに参画し、Investors Relations、エクイティ・デット調達、IPO準備、PRに従事。



趣味はヨガ(RYT 200)、旅行、読書。

勤務地: 日本

佐竹 亮

Head of Accounting and FP&A

2020年8月より五常・アンド・カンパニーに所属。同社でHead of Accounting and FP&Aを担当している。



堅田 航平

Chief Financial Officer

大学在学中にバングラデシュのNGOにおけるリサーチ・インターンを通じて、マイクロファイナンスの可能性と課題を認識。大学卒業後、インドの英文校正スタートアップの立ち上げに関与したのち、モルガン・スタンレー証券 投資銀行本部においてM&Aアドバイザリー業務に従事。Och-Ziff Capital Management(Hong Kong)を経て、2008年にライフネット生命保険に入社し、経営管理、事業開発、組織開発、韓国におけるJV設立などを担当。IPO準備の責任者として同社を東証マザーズ上場に導き、執行役員CFOに就任。

2014年に7番目の社員としてスマートニュースに入社。コーポレート部門の立ち上げ、累計85億円強の資本調達、米国子会社の設立、採用・人事・組織開発等を担当したのち執行役員 財務担当に就任。



note: 民間版の世界銀行を目指す五常・アンド・カンパニーに入社しました

勤務地: 東京


Principal/Head of VC

ムンバイ大学で電子工学の学士号を、ミシガン大学でファイナンスの修士号を取得。五常入社以前は、Aavishkaar-Intellecapグループに所属し、ソーシャルインパクト・スタートアップへの投資に焦点を当てたエンジェル投資ネットワークであるIntellecap Impact Investment Networkを率いた。5年間の在籍中、インドと東アフリカで約35件の投資を主導した。

投資銀行業務の専門家。以前はBank of Americaにシニアアナリストとして勤務していた。グローバル投資銀行チームに所属し、ヘルスケア分野に重点を置き、数十億ドル規模のM&A取引に関与。それ以前は、インドのFortune Financial Services LtdとNYのCrucible Capital Groupの投資銀行チームに所属していた。




共同創業者・Chief Investment Officer


Delhi University卒業前に公認会計士(CPA)の資格を取得。1990年代前半にインドで監査マネージャーとして勤務した後、金融会社でコーポレートバンキング(北インド)チームを率いる。

2003年にマイクロファイナンス業界に入り、以来、29カ国で約125のMFI格付けと評価を実施し、400以上のMFI格付けレポートを承認した。世界銀行、ADB、UNDP、Cordaid、Mercy Corpsなどの案件を担当。2013年にカンボジアのMFIでCEOを務めた後、慎と共に五常を設立し、マイクロファイナンス分野における豊富な経験を活かしている。

妻と2人の娘とインドで暮らす。 英語、ヒンディー語、パンジャブ語を話し、読書、映画、音楽をこよなく愛する。長年The Beatlesを愛している。



Managing Partner、執行役


Jacques Attaliとムハマド・ユヌスの支援を受け、プラネットファイナンスを共同設立し、世界中でアドバイザリーサービスを提供。またアフリカ9カ国と中国でBaobab(旧MicroCred)を設立・CEOとして主導。退職前の2019年にBaobabは100万人の顧客に10億ドルを貸し出し、約2億ドルの総収益と4000万ドル以上の経常利益を創出。

世界経済フォーラムのヤング・グローバル・リーダーであり、the French China FoundationとShare Africaの共同設立者でもある。パリのEFREIでコンピュータサイエンスを、La Sorbonneで哲学を学んだ。フランス語、英語、スペイン語を流暢に話し、歴史と哲学を愛する。スキーとハイキングが好きな二児の父。


慎 泰俊



金融機関で働くかたわら、2007年にLiving in Peaceを設立し(2017年に理事長退任)、日本初のマイクロファイナンス投資ファンドを企画した。過去15年以上にわたり社会的養育を受ける子どもの支援に携わっており、2021年に日本児童相談業務評価機関を共同設立した。

単著は9冊。日本縦断1648kmウルトラマラソン完走。空手黒帯、ブラジリアン柔術青帯(2022年時点)。世界経済フォーラムのYoung Global Leader 2018選出。一般財団法人五常代表理事。朝鮮大学校法律学科、早稲田大学大学院ファイナンス研究科卒。趣味はストリート写真を撮ること。時々バンドでドラムを叩く。



Michelle Chang

Innovation Product Director

Michelle joined Gojo in September 2022 as the innovation product director. She is a seasoned technology and VC executive with pan-Asian experience at leading VC funds and diverse insight spanning e-commerce marketing, venture building, and finance.

Before joining Gojo, she was venture manager at Launcho Ventures focusing on scaling consumer brands focusing on SEA and the US market. Her career has included her significant time at Vertex Venture Holdings, a subsidiary of Temasek Holdings. In her four years at Vertex, she made investments across the SEA market and Taiwan. Before Vertex, Michelle was the first employee of Reebonz Taiwan, scaling a luxury e-commerce platform and led the growth of the digital business from the ground up to nearly $USD1 million in its first year. She also worked at the leading grocery startup Honestbee as C-suite manager.

Works in: Singapore

Shraddha Kumari

HR Assistant Director

Shraddha joined Gojo in August, 2022 as an HR Assistant Director. She has 12 years of experience in HR and has managed Recruitment, Employee Engagement, Performance Appraisal along with managing end to end employee lifecycle. Prior to joining Gojo, Shraddha was associated with EY (Ernst & Young) where one of the most fun project she worked was around driving Wellbeing at work which included surveys, understading employee mindset and customizing Wellbeing programs under diffferent pillars like Social, Financial, Physical and mental wellness. Apart from EY, she has worked with different organizations like Genpact, HCL, Max Bupa Health Insurance and Pearl Academy which has given her exposure across industries.

At Gojo, she leads Human Resource and manages end to end employee life cycle along with focusing on building the right culture.

Shraddha did her Masters in Business Administration from IBS, Kolkata and did her Psychologu Hons. from her hometown Jaipur.

Shraddha lives in Jaipur, Rajasthan with her family. She loves to travel, enjoys going on treks and is an ardent dog lover. She also enjoys meeting new people and building meaningful connections.

Works in: India

Haruna Tanaka

Corporate Planning team

Why did you join Gojo?
Since the beginning of my career I had wanted to spend my time on supporting people in developing countries. However, I ended up starting my career as a strategy consultant. After 3 years, I joined Rakuten, a Japan-based internet services company, where I worked mainly at the CEO office as an internal consultant. There were many interesting projects and I really enjoyed my time there, but I couldn't give up on my original aspiration. After spending 10 years at Rakuten I decided to shift my career to pursue my personal mission.

You can read more about my career here.

What does a day in your life look like?
A typical day will be like this:

0700-0900 : Time with kids - breakfast, send them off to school, dish washing, laundry etc

0930-1200 : Start working at home. Morning is usually more quiet and I get time to do analysis, write / read reports etc. (if I'm lucky)

1200-1300 : Lunch

1300-1800 : Meetings with Gojo team members, group company counterparts, committees and board meetings

1800-2000 : Time with kids - dinner, bath, homework etc

2000-2200 : Not everyday but sometimes late night meetings, some additional work to be done

What do you find challenging and rewarding about your job?
The best part is the people you work with. It is amazing to work with really talented people who share the same values and the goal to achieve a social mission. Everyone is very kind and empathetic, while being super professional. I also like the flat and open culture - you are encouraged to dissent without fear, almost all information is disclosed to everyone so transparency is quite high, very little hierachy. The challenges are workload management and distance with the clients. Being a startup there is always so much work that needs to be done, while as a working mother there is only limited time I can spend, so it sometimes becomes difficult. Being in Japan, it is sometimes difficult to provide effective support to clients in a timely manner. Having said that I feel that the challenges are possible to overcome with the great team members.

A word for prospective team members
I think it was one of my best decisions I made in my life to come to Gojo. I am sure you will feel the same too.

Koharu Suganuma

Financial Reporting / Accounting

Koharu is a Certified Public Accountant and Tax Accountant in Japan and works at Gojo with a focus on accounting, tax, and financial reporting.

Koharu has a B.A. in Policy Management from Keio University. She passed the CPA exam when she was a sophomore in university and started her career at Ernst & Young Tokyo as an auditor. After spending 4 years focusing on statutory/internal control audits and IFRS implementation projects, she joined Deloitte Tohmatsu Financial Advisory and experienced cross-border and domestic M&A advisory, mainly financial due diligence, overall support for carve-out transactions, deal structuring, and PMI projects for 3 and half years.

Outside of Gojo, Koharu delivers several supports to start-ups by building and improving business flows and providing accounting/tax services. Koharu loves listening to music, watching movies, traveling and visiting hot springs. She also enjoys road biking and hopes to take a long vacation and go around Taiwan by bike in the future.

Works in: Japan

Joydeep Bandyopadhyay

Internal Audit

Hello Everyone

Joydeep has joined Gojo Group in the Internal Audit Department from June 2022 and would collaborate with the partners and also involve with Group Internal Audit functions. He has undetgone graduation in Computer Science and professionally undergone Insurance and stock market trading certification. Apart from that, also a diploma holder in software technology and have undergone certification in KYC and AML.

He has started his career way back in 2004 and have a total experience of almost 18 years in the Banking and Financial Services industry with experience in Retail Banking Business and operations, Micro-Banking Operations, Internal Audit functions for different verticals, Fraud Investigations, Process Reviews, Compliance Testing. He has worked with various organizations such as Microland Ltd, Wipro Infotech, Axis Bank, ICICI Bank at different capacities and lastly with Bandhan Bank in the Internal Audit Department.

On the personal side, he likes to spend leisure time with family and also take out playing time with his adorable two pets, that is a Beagle and a Rottweiler. He is from Kharagpur and now settled in Kolkata with his family and his wife is a homemaker and they are blessed with a son of age of 13 years.

Works in: India

Grace Leung Wing Yan

Financial Reporting / Accounting

Grace has joined Gojo & Company as part of the Finance team with a focus on accounting and financial reporting. She earned her Bachelor's degree in professional accountancy from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Grace started her career with PricewaterhouseCoopers(PwC) Hong Kong and later relocated to PwC Japan in 2012. At PwC, she engaged in statutory audits and financial reporting advisory projects including IFRS/USGAAP conversions and accounting policy advisory. She was also seconded to the IFRS Foundation Asia-Oceania Office between 2014 - 2016, performed research on tax disclosure and IFRS reporting by jurisdictions. Just prior to joining Gojo, she spent 2 years at Japan Computer Vision Corp., an IT startup company where she was responsible for leading the accounting and financial planning and analysis team.

Outside of work, she enjoys spending time outdoor with her family and she also loves watching soccer games.

Works in: Japan

Sajin J S

Software Engineering

Sajin has over 7 years of experience in Android application development. He joined Gojo as a Software Engineer as part of the technology team. He is a Bachelor of Engineering graduate, passed out from Nagarjuna college of Engineering and Technology, Bangalore, India.

Before joining Gojo, Sajin was a Lead Engineer at Seqato, and was responsible for leading the mobile team and developing mobile applications. Prior to Seqato, Sajin worked in companies Rainconcert Technologies, Codeleven Technologies and Businocrats. In his career, he developed Android applications in different categories like Weather, Health & Fitness, Finance, Social, Business, Productivity, Food & Drink, Maps & Navigation etc.

Sajin likes spending free time with family and friends. He loves playing cricket, chess and carrom board, also he loves to listen to all types of songs.

Works in: India

Milena Nikolova

Outside Director

Milena has over 20 years of finance experience spanning across investment banking, wealth management, venture capital investing and startup advisory. She is a strong believer that directing capital for impact can be a powerful force for good without compromising financial returns.

Milena currently works with Aera VC, a global venture capital firm investing in radical solutions to climate change. She is also Founding Partner of Therion Advisers, a startup advisory firm as well as Venture Partner in Antler, a global early stage VC that enables the founding of about 200 startups per year. Prior to that as Executive Director at UBS Investment Bank in London, she advised leading European banks and insurance companies on mergers, acquisitions and IPO transactions totaling over $10bn in deal value. In Wealth Management in Singapore, she worked with ultra high net worth individuals on financial assets allocation, wealth planning or corporate structuring.

Milena also devotes considerable time to charitable causes and is a partner/founder in several NGOs. She has 3 children and is an adventurer, outdoor sports and salsa dancing lover. She is a CFA charterholder and has a MSc degree in International Accounting and Finance from the London School of Economics.

Works in: Singapore

Karthik Pai Nejigar

Regional Finance Manager

Karthik has joined Gojo & Company as part of the Finance team. He is a qualified Chartered Accountant with Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and has over 8 years of experience across multiple areas of the finance function. He is based out of the city of Bengaluru in the state of Karnataka in India.

Prior to joining Gojo, he worked at Avanti Finance, a fintech startup. At Avanti he was responsible for the entire finance function and was part of the team that successfully closed Avanti's first equity fund raise of USD 26 Million. He has also worked at CapitaLand where he was responsible for financial reporting for India business and led the setup of the treasury function for their India business.

Outside of work he enjoys cooking and also tries to keep fit by cycling and running. He is an avid traveler and has traveled extensively across India.

Works in: India

Rajnish Roy

Head of Internal Audit

Rajnish has joined the Gojo Group as the Head of Internal Audit from Dec 2021. He is responsible for internal audit function in Gojo Group and collaborating with the internal audit functions with each partner of Gojo. He is a Chartered Accountant, Certified Fraud Examiner, Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist and ISO9001:2015 Lead Auditor. He has a total experience of 20 years in the Banking and Financial space and has worked in various banks and financial institutions.

In his last assignment with Axis Bank, he was responsible for Anti Money Laundering Compliance. He has also worked with the Lulu Financial Group as the Chief Internal Auditor, at their Global Headquarter in Abu Dhabi. In his other job assignments, he has worked with ICICI Bank, PwC, YES Bank and HDFC Life.

In his free time he runs marathon, hikes and listens to music.

Works in: India

Haruna Tanaka

Head of Corporate Planning

Haruna is a professional with expertise in strategy, business development and incubation. She is the Head of Corporate Planning of Gojo, working on strategy development, post merger integration, corporate governance, social performance management, impact measurement, stakeholder impact management and any other projects that are needed to further enhance Gojo's work.

Prior to Gojo, she worked for Rakuten, a Japanese internet services company for 10 years. As a member of the CEO's office, she worked on special projects and other items on the CEO's agenda, including acquisition of overseas companies, enrollment of Englishnization at Rakuten, strategy development of Rakuten Mobile and more. Amongst other things, she also led Rakuten's ebook business as business manager in Japan and Taiwan, Asian business development, and innovation activities, including internal and external accelerator programs. Before Rakuten, she was a strategy consultant at Booz and Company. She graduated from Tokyo University majoring in Economics. She has lived 3 years in UK and a year in US in her childhood and is fluent in Japanese and English.

Outside of work, Haruna is a partner and board member of Social Venture Partners Tokyo, an NPO supporting seed stage social entrepreneurs to succeed. She is also a mother of 2 children, and enjoys reading and playing the flute.

Works in: Japan

Royanne Doi

Outside Director

Royanne Doi is the former Corporate Chief Ethics Officer of Prudential Financial Inc., and former Advisor for Global Legal, Ethics & Compliance to Yamaha Corporation.

Prior to Yamaha, Royanne held senior legal positions with major global financial institutions. At one point, she managed 200+ staff around the world, with business experience in North and South America, Asia, and Europe. During her tenure as a global ethics officer, Prudential Financial received Ethisphere's designation as one of the World's Most Ethical Companies for the first time in 2015, and multiple times thereafter. As a member of Gojo's board, she will further accelerate the strengthening of internal audit and corporate governance to enable the sustainable growth of Gojo group.

Royanne has an undergraduate degree in Philosophy, from Washington University in St. Louis, graduating Magna Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa. She earned her Juris Doctorate from UCLA School of Law. She is married to her law school sweetheart and has lived in Japan since 1994. She has three passions: economic empowerment for women, Asia with an emphasis on Japan, and the intersection between neuroscience and behavioral ethics.

Works in: Japan

Rahul Rokade

Data Engineering

Rahul holds a masters degree in Computer Science & Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology - Bombay, India.

After graduating, he joined Quikr India Pvt. Ltd. and led implementation of various in-house systems there. Prior to joining Gojo, Rahul worked for leading Indian matchmaking platform in their Data Engineering team, and was responsible for implementing and enhancing cloud-based data lake and data warehousing systems. At Gojo, Rahul is working as a part of the Technology/Data team on building a data management platform to support the company's data strategy.

Rahul likes photography and cooking. He has a keen interest in topics related to the existence and evolution of life, and has recently developed an interest in learning about the influence of religion and mythology on modern technological advancements. Rahul is an animal lover. He loves to spend his free time with family, friends and his dog Eathen.

Works in: India

Arnaud Ventura

Managing Partner

Arnaud has founded and led two of the leading European financial inclusion groups active in Micro and SME finance, as well as digital finance.

Between 1998 and 2008, Arnaud cofounded and led PlaNet Finance with the support of Jacques Attali (Chairman) and Muhammed Yunus (Chairman Advisory Board). It was one of the most successful European financial inclusion groups, providing mainly advisory services in the sector. Between 2008 and 2019, Arnaud founded & led Baobab (formerly MicroCred), the leading Micro&SME digital bank in Africa & China. In 2019 alone, Baobab lent $1 billion to 1 million clients, generating around $200 million total revenues and more than $40 million pre-tax profit.

Arnaud is a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum. He also cofounded the French China Foundation, the leading network of Young Leaders between France and China, and Share Africa, a platform to promote Africa's innovation and creativity. Arnaud graduated from EFREI, Paris, in Computer Science, and La Sorbonne in Philosophy. He speaks French, English and Spanish fluently and loves reading history & philosophy. He loves skiing and hiking in the mountains (particularly in the south of France), and has 2 young boys.

Works in: France

Ryo Satake

Head of Accounting and FP&A

Ryo is a Certified Public Accountant and works at Gojo as a head of Accounting and FP&A. Ryo has a bachelor's degree in Economics from the University of Keio. While at university he passed the CPA exam, the youngest to do so that year. He did an internship at Ernst & Young Philippines, where one of his clients was a microfinance institution, and was impressed with the purpose of microfinance and its business model.

After graduating, he joined Ernst & Young in Tokyo, where he engaged in financial audits, internal control audits, operations/financial management advisory and financial due diligence for potential M&A. He also spent 2 years on secondment at the EY Los Angeles office, where he was in charge of supporting a unicorn startup company headquartered in the United States. He has experience auditing under IFRS, US-GAAP and J-GAAP.

Ryo is very fond of traveling, reading books, watching soccer and going to the sauna.

Works in: Japan

Marco Giancotti

Technology team

Why did you join Gojo?
I come from a science/tech background, but originally I was making satellites and web platforms for satellite data, not financial services. Working on tech projects was great in itself, but I felt that I wanted to channel that fun to solve non-first-world problems as directly as possible. I started looking to pivot my career in that direction and found Gojo to be the perfect match for that. Even better than I hoped, actually.

What does a day in your life look like?
When there is no pandemic bringing the world to its knees, I usually work from Gojo's office in Tokyo. Otherwise, I work from home. My team is scattered around the globe, so we communicate online most of the time anyway.

What do you find challenging and rewarding about your job?
In the half-year that I've been working here (it flew by like a flash!) I've learned lots already, and it's really fun to work with the best of the best professionals from very different fields. Everyone is both highly-skilled and committed to doing good. No one is fooling around. Best of all for me, they are all simply nice people. Of course, working with team members spread across many countries and cultures is not easy. You have to step up your interpersonal skills and get used to the overheads. But if you can do that, it's extremely rewarding and, I repeat, fun. We get to meet our clients, team up with our partners, and solve some of the toughest problems of our society. What better job can I wish for?

A word for prospective team members
You have to be a little crazy and very empathic to work at Gojo. If you are, you are going to love it!

Sohil Shah

Investment team

Why did you join Gojo?
Prior to joining Gojo, I worked with one of India’s largest impact investing groups covering many sectors like healthcare, financial services, agriculture, education etc. After 5 years, I felt the need to build deep expertise in a particular area so as to make a meaningful contribution. With financial inclusion as its core theme, Gojo not only gave me an opportunity to work directly on the field but also think about how I can make real impact.

What does a day in your life look like?
Even after a year at Gojo, my days are still intellectually stimulating! Typically I have a bunch of calls/meetings on various issues – managing partner companies, fundraising, building investment pipeline, technology strategies for a group, etc. Initially, it did look overwhelming, but I like the fact that it gives me an opportunity to cover multiple facets related to building a strong foundation for the group. There are also a lot of casual chats with colleagues between meetings which make for a fun day!

What do you find challenging and rewarding about your job?
The only challenge I see at Gojo is our remote style of working. Throughout my career, I have worked with colleagues co-located in a physical office so this was definitely new to me. But the rewards outweigh the challenges and make it all worthwhile. The opportunity to understand the hardships of our clients, experience their lives, and constantly strive to make them better keeps me going. You feel that you’re making a dent in the universe, in your own small way, and that feeling has been very satisfying for me.

A word for prospective team members
Despite the large scale, Gojo still operates like a start-up. If you want to make a difference to the society while working in a flat organization with a high level of ownership, then this is the place for you!

Cheriel Neo

Impact Measurement

Cheriel works on initiatives to measure and learn from the impact of Gojo's partners' products and services on our clients' lives. She has a BA (Hons.) in History and English from Exeter College, Oxford University, and an MSc. in Translation Studies from the University of Edinburgh. Cheriel got started in the world of social impact during her time in Oxford, where she ran a homeless outreach, and helped found what would become a national student-led charity for social justice.

After graduating, she joined Social Finance, a social investment financial intermediary, where she designed Impact Bonds in the UK, Cameroon and the West Bank, and helped create an app to track young people’s outcomes after leaving state care. She is a founding director of Proof Bakery, a social enterprise training and employing refugee women in the UK.

In her spare time, Cheriel enjoys reading, snacking, and exploring her neighbourhood. She is an accomplished knitter and an avid home cook.

Works in: Japan

Takao Takahashi

Chief People and Inclusion Officer

At Gojo, Takao leads corporate planning, strategy setting, and HR. Before joining Gojo, Takao was an Investment Officer at International Finance Corporation (IFC), the private sector arm of the World Bank Group, based in both Washington DC and Jakarta. In his 7 years with IFC, he led investments in microfinance institutions, banks and fintech startups in emerging markets. Before IFC, Takao worked as the Bhutan Prime Minister’s Fellow, developing microfinance regulations and financial inclusion policy to contribute to Bhutan’s Gross National Happiness (GNH). He also worked for 4 years as a management consultant with McKinsey & Company based in Frankfurt and Tokyo.

Takao graduated from Georgetown University, USA, with a Master of Science in Foreign Service and completed his Bachelor of Laws from Kyoto University, Japan.

Takao loves singing, both opera and karaoke. Tennis is his favorite sport. He has authored a book in Japanese, the English translation of the title being; ‘What is true happiness? Thoughts from Bhutan’

Works in: Japan

Yoshinari Noguchi

Researcher in Residence

Yoshi joined Gojo and currently is leading the company’s analytics projects. Having graduated from Tokyo University and worked for Dai-ichi Life Insurance for 2 years, he spent 10 years as a quantitative analyst at Goldman Sachs Asset Management where he used to work for Global Alpha, a hedge fund of the investment bank.

At Goldman Sachs, Yoshi managed quantitative global tactical asset allocation of the fund and developed various quantitative investment management products and tools. After leaving Goldman Sachs, he founded his own company and used to run a music studio business while providing consulting services for financial institutions. He loves finance theory, music, and skiing.

Works in: Japan

Tomasz Ociepka

Data Analytics

Tomasz graduated from Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom, with a Master of Science in Mathematics.

Before joining Gojo, Tomasz was an independent data scientist based in Oxford, United Kingdom. He was providing services in the area of data analysis and data management for startups and SMEs. He was also a consultant for academic research using advanced quantitative methods.

In 2019 he joined Gojo to fight income inequalities in the world. Among others, he is responsible for data analysis and data projects in Gojo as well as support partner companies with his knowledge and experience.

Likes hiking and ink paintings. When inspiration strikes, he writes haiku.

Works in: Tokyo, Japan

Marco Giancotti

Systems and Knowledge

Marco studied physics and aerospace engineering, up to doctoral studies at the Sapienza University of Rome and the Japanese Space Exploration Agency (JAXA). Before joining Gojo in 2019, he worked as an engineer and then as a project manager at Axelspace, a maker of small commercial satellites.

At Gojo, Marco participated in several tech initiatives, ranging from DX support for partners around the world to the creation of novel financial service platforms. He led the creation of a digital field application (DFA) as product manager from 2020 to 2022.

Marco reads and writes most of the time. He speaks Japanese and is doing independent research in several scientific fields.

Works in: Tokyo

Kaung Set Lin


Kaung Set Lin studied Liberal Arts at Sarah Lawrence College in the United States and returned to Myanmar at the end of 2012. He has over 6 years of experience in the financial sector in Myanmar. He started out his career in microfinance managing the MIS while exploring digital products and partnerships at one of Myanmar’s leading MFIs, Proximity Finance. After this, he entered Myanmar’s banking sector with KBZ Bank, where he worked with different stakeholders in partnership with Huawei to develop KBZ Pay to expand the outreach of the bank. Before joining Gojo & Co in late 2019, he worked for Yoma Bank’s Digital Division, where he created and launched a digital lending product called SMART Credit.

When he is not busy working, Kaung Set likes to travel and read along with learning new skills. He also likes going to music festivals and would travel to go to different events around the region.

Works in: Myanmar

Shun Ito

Deputy CEO, MIFIDA / IR and Alliance, Gojo

Based in Myanmar, Shun is the Deputy CEO at Microfinance Delta, and also takes on a role in fundraising and business development activities for all Gojo's partner companies

After studying at Keio University, Faculty of Economics, and graduating from School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, Shun joined Roland Berger and worked in the Japan and Singapore Offices. As a management consultant, he was involved in multiple projects across Southeast Asia.

As a freelance consultant, Shun worked in rural Japan in Akita for a local supermarket chain. His early childhood was spent in the UK and Brazil. Proficient in English and Japanese, he also has basic Burmese skills. Tennis is his favourite sport. During an earlier stint in Myanmar, Shun ordained at a Buddhist monastery and practiced meditation.

Works in: Myanmar

Tomohiro Isozaki

CEO, Maxima

Tomo joined Gojo in 2018 as a Country representative of Cambodia and became the CEO of Maxima Microfinance Plc. in 2022. He oversees the strategic and operational development of Cambodian business. He leads the MFI by managing strategy, corporate planning, operation, credit, HR, digital initiative, marketing, fundraising, and social performance management.

Prior to Gojo, he worked for Healthbank Pte.Ltd. as a Business Development Associate, working in Vietnam, Malaysia, and Singapore. Next, he joined McKinsey (Tokyo office) and was involved in multiple projects. Later, as a member of the strategic planning division of the Food Business Unit of Mitsui &Co., Ltd. Tomo was engaged in projects of strategy, investment, research, and group company management.

Tomo is proficient in English and Japanese and is also learning Khmer. His motto is “Be tough, wise and tolerant, enjoying your own life.” Throughout the business activity, he tries to establish a fair and free society based on trustworthy relationships.

Works in: Cambodia

Arisa Oba

IR Manager

Arisa works on investor relations and funtraising with the team.

After graduating from Keio University, Department of Political Science, and studying abroad at the University of Manchester as an exchange student, Arisa joined the Investment Banking Division of Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley. She was involved in cross-border and domestic M&As, equity offerings and financial advisories, primarily for the real estate industry.

Building on her long-standing interest in global inequality and her experience interning at a local NGO in Tanzania providing empowerment programs for women and children, she aims to dedicate herself to solving injustice in the world.

She loves yoga, traveling, and reading books to find beauty and peace inside and outside.

Works in: Japan

Sohil Shah

Principal/Head of VC

Sohil graduated from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, with a Masters in Finance and completed his under graduation in Electronics Engineering from the University of Mumbai. Before joining Gojo, Sohil was a part of the Aavishkaar-Intellecap Group where he led Intellecap Impact Investment Network, an early-stage angel network focused on making investments in social impact start-ups. In his five years with the group, he led around 35 investments in India and East Africa of which they exited from 6 companies and another 15 companies raised follow-on round of investment.

An Investment Banking professional with over six years of experience in India and US, Sohil previously worked as a Senior Analyst at Bank of America. He was part of the Global Investment Banking team, with a key focus on the healthcare sector, where he was a part of a few billion-dollar M&A transactions. Prior to that, he worked with the investment banking teams at Fortune Financial Services (India) Ltd and Crucible Capital Group in New York.

Apart from being an avid brewer, Sohil is an angel investor in his personal capacity as well. He lives in Pune with his family.

Works in: India

Gürol Sari

Chief Operating Officer

Gürol Sari joined Gojo in June 2020 as our Chief Operating Officer, and oversees the strategic and operational development of our partner institutions. Gürol has extensive leadership experience in retail banking, SME finance, microfinance & financial digitalization, as well as experience in turnarounds of several institutions. He has worked in the banking sector for over 30 years in many countries, including Germany, Austria, Myanmar, Turkey, Albania, Russia, Australia, and Tanzania.

From the start of his career, his interest was drawn towards innovation and impact: Gürol created the first fully automated online credit solution in Germany, easyCredit, which is ranked No.1 today in Germany. Prior to joining Gojo, Gürol worked as Chief Operating Officer of Vision Fund Myanmar, where he developed and implemented a fully digitized microfinance system that provided over 300,000 clients in extreme poverty with access to credit, savings, and education. He currently advises several international banks on digitization and change processes.

Gürol has a creative spirit and is always active. He is passionate about architecture, gardening, handicraft (particularly remodeling houses), and loves to bike and to play tennis. He dreams of sailing with his wife once his two children are independent.

Works in: Germany

Kohei Katada

Chief Financial Officer

Prior to joining Gojo, Kohei has served as Senior Vice President of Finance at SmartNews, Inc., a developer of a news discovery app. As its 7th employee and part of its management team, he led $80 million of equity financing and undertook a wide range of responsibilities including financial control, accounting, recruiting, people operations, legal, and investor relations.

As one of the founding members and as Chief Financial Officer at LIFENET INSURANCE COMPANY, a leading online life insurer in Japan, Kohei led it’s successful $100 million Initial Public Offering in 2012, and also setup a joint venture in Korea.

Kohei started his career at Morgan Stanley in its Investment Banking Division, where he was involved in multiple cross-border M&A transactions. In 2005, he moved to Hong Kong and joined Och-Ziff Capital Management, a global asset management company.

Kohei has a B.A. in Law from the University of Tokyo. While at school, he did an internship at a local NGO in Bangladesh where he was inspired by the power of microfinance that can unlock the potential of micro-entrepreneurs.

Kohei enjoys playing with his two boys over the weekends. He loves sports and has successfully finished the long-distance triathlon.

Works: Tokyo, Japan

Sanjay Gandhi

Co-Founder & Chief Investment Officer

Sanjay co-founded Gojo in 2014 as Gojo's Chief investment Officer and has led the Investment Division since then. Apart from recommending the investments to be made by Gojo, he also represents Gojo on the Board and Committees of the partner entities and contributes actively towards strengthening the governance at the partner level.

Sanjay qualified as a Chartered Accountant (CPA) before graduating from Delhi University. After his first job as an Audit Manager in India in early 1990s, he led the Corporate Banking (North India) team for a Finance company.

Sanjay joined the microfinance industry in 2003 and has been part of it ever since: conducted about 125 MFI ratings & assessments in 29 countries; approved more than 400 MFI Rating reports. Some of the assignments were for the World Bank, ADB, UNDP, Cordaid, and Mercy Corps. After his CEO assignment at a Cambodian MFI in 2013, Sanjay and Taejun got together to set up Gojo, where Sanjay’s extensive experience in the microfinance sector has been invaluable.

Sanjay operates from India, where he stays with his wife and two daughters. He speaks English, Hindi, and Punjabi. Loves reading; movies; and music. “The Beatles” is his all-time favourite music band.

Masahiro Kotosaka

Outside Director

Masahiro Kotosaka is an Associate Professor at Keio University and an Associate Fellow of Saïd Business School, University of Oxford. He is a non-executive director of Gojo & Company since March 2017. He is an expert in Internationalization strategy and early stage business development, and advisor/non-executive director of several start-up/multinational companies.

Before moving to Keio, he was an associate professor of multinational management at Ritsumeikan University, a teaching & research associate at the University of Oxford, and a consultant at McKinsey & Company based in Frankfurt and Tokyo. As a practitioner, he worked for strategy/marketing projects with sixteen client organizations across nine industries and nine countries and spent four years running three profitable IT/Retail businesses before joining McKinsey.

He graduated from the University of Oxford with D.Phil. (Ph.D) in Management Studies and MSc in Management Research with Distinction. His recent publication includes STARTUP (Co-authored, NewsPicks Publishing, 2020), The Element of Strategic Management (Toyo Keizai, 2018), and The Japanese Business in Evolution (Co-authored, Routledge, 2017).

Works in: Japan

Taejun Shin

Founder & CEO

Taejun cofounded Gojo in 2014 and has led the company's growth until today as the CEO. Before Gojo, Taejun worked as an investment professional at Morgan Stanley and Unison Capital. To deal with an enormous number of investment projects, Taejun studied programming and automated many financial models, some of which are used even today.

While working in the sector, Taejun founded Living in Peace, an NGO, in 2007 and created the first microfinance investment fund in Japan. Taejun has been involved in Japan's child foster care for more than a decade and co-established Japan Office for Standards on Children Services in 2021 to conduct third-party inspections on the local authority children services in Japan.

Taejun is the Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum and is the youngest founding board member of Endeavor Japan. He is an author of 9 books, a finisher of the 1648 km ultra-marathon, and a Karate black-belt holder (he just recently started Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and owns a blue belt as of 2022). Taejun is fluent in Japanese, Korean, and English. He plays drums and loves shooting street photos of the world.

Works in: Japan