December 17, 2020

Completion of USD 68 million Series D financing

Gojo to accelerate investments to fuel further digitalization and social impact of group companies as it successfully completes the final close of its Series D financing

Gojo & Company, Inc. (“Gojo”) is pleased to announce the successful final close of its Series D financing of USD 26 million. Gojo has raised a total of USD 68 million in Series D, with cumulative paid-in capital since our establishment in July 2014 now reaching USD 140 million. 

In addition to follow-on investments from existing shareholders, The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited, MARUI GROUP Co., and ASTMAX Fund Management Co., Ltd. as the General Partner of TUS (Tokyo University of Science) Capital Ⅰ L.P., Gojo welcomes RICOH LEASING COMPANY, LTD., Beyond Next Ventures Inc., GMO VenturePartners, Inc., and several newly joined institutional and individual investors in this final close. 

We see the follow-on investments from existing shareholders and investments from these distinguished new investors as indications of their confidence in Gojo’s ability to achieve double bottom line returns, seeking both financial sustainability and positive social impact through financial inclusion. As a business whose core vision is to enable people in poverty to overcome barriers to better futures, Gojo is committed to delivering positive impact on the following Sustainable Development Goals: Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere; Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth; and Goal 10: Reduced inequality. 

Gojo’s group companies have shown quick recovery from COVID-19 impact and are now en route back to growth. The funds raised will mainly be used to further their growth and digitalization , to explore future expansion opportunities in new markets in Asia and Africa, and to engage in further impact measurement activities to evaluate the outcomes of our operations in clients’ lives. 

Nomination of Ms. Royanne Doi as new independent director to strengthen group governance 

Gojo is happy to announce the nomination of Ms. Royanne Doi, former Corporate Chief Ethics Officer of Prudential Financial Inc., and former Advisor for Global Legal, Ethics & Compliance to Yamaha Corporation as independent director of the board. Ms. Doi will officially be appointed as a board member subject to an Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting resolution in early 2021. 

Ms. Doi states “I am honored to serve on Gojo’s Board as an independent director. My first touch point with microfinance banking was in 2010. I made a contribution to the capital of a fledgling microfinance bank, which was focused on unbanked women and farmers in India." Ms. Doi brings extensive practical experience in law, global business ethics, and international compliance. She is expected to facilitate the process of instilling and safeguarding Gojo’s mission, vision, and core values within Gojo’s group companies, including by:

  1. Facilitating learning on ethics & compliance best practices among Gojo’s group companies, and
  2. Helping Gojo’s board better manage integrity/misconduct risks with high standards of corporate governance in the international arena.

Gojo is working to establish an optimal group governance system through implementation of more advanced internal control systems and enhancement of compliance. Ms. Doi’s appointment as independent director is expected to further accelerate the strengthening of internal audit and corporate governance that will enable the sustainable growth of Gojo Group. 

Prior to Yamaha, Ms. Doi held senior legal positions with major global financial institutions. At one point,  she managed 200+ staff around the world, with business experience in North and South America, Asia and Europe. During her tenure as a global ethics officer, Prudential Financial received Ethisphere’s designation as one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies for the first time in 2015, and multiple times thereafter. 

Ms. Doi has an undergraduate degree in Philosophy, from Washington University in St. Louis, graduating Magna Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa. She earned her Juris Doctorate from UCLA School of Law. She is married to her law school sweetheart and has lived in Japan since 1994.  

Recovery from impact of COVID-19 and acceleration of growth initiatives 

The immediate health impact of COVID-19 on our clients and employees and on our group companies’ operations remains low, even though the microfinance sector has had to adapt to lockdowns in an increased number of the areas where we operate. We are complying with government regulations for COVID-19 in all the affected countries and communicating with our clients very closely. As lockdowns have gradually been lifted in all areas, collection efficiency has broadly improved to the pre-COVID-19 level across four operating countries. New loan disbursement has been cautiously resumed and liquidity of the group companies continues to remain strong. The microfinance sector, whose end-clients are engaged in essential businesses such as agriculture, rearing livestock, and neighborhood grocery services, has shown resilience over the past two decades. 

We will accelerate the implementation of non-touch-based technology by promoting cashless operations and expanding loan automation for SMEs to microfinance clients, in order to be ahead of the curve once the macro environment recovers. As an example, Satya MicroCapital, our group company in India, has substantially strengthened digitalization of its operations, including cashless disbursement and collections utilizing fingerprint and mobile payments, called “SatyaPay.” Gojo’s technology team is also working on expanding our own Digital Field Application (DFA) which has been first implemented in MAXIMA, our group company in Cambodia. These initiatives will be optimized and deployed across the group companies. 

We will continue to pursue digital transformation of traditional microfinance services while achieving the best possible combination of technology and human touch. Keeping a client-centric approach, we will continue to provide more convenient financial services to our clients in Asia, Africa, and the rest of the world. 

Comments from existing investors:

Masahisa Aoki, Director and Senior Executive Officer, General Manager, Co-Creative Investment Department, President and Director, D2C & Co. Inc. 


"Gojo is an irreplaceable partner for us to achieve cross-border financial inclusion, which MARUI GROUP aims to achieve by 2050. Our beliefs in Gojo have remained unchanged since our first investment in June 2019 but it grows stronger through exponential business growth, persistent efforts under the impact of COVID-19 and strengthening of the team. We made an additional investment to build a stronger partnership from the perspective of “Co-creation”. We have strong empathy with Gojo’s mission “to extend financial inclusion to everyone”. We would like to realize financial inclusion through a combination of the passion of the team and financial technology."

Kazuyuki Shigemoto, Executive Officer / Chief General Manager, Investment

The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited

“We made an additional investment in Gojo as an “Impact Investment” to aim both earning investment income and creating social impact with having sympathy with Taejun Shin, CEO, and his vision “to create the Private Sector World Bank”. Since our last investment, Gojo has achieved steady growth. We expect Gojo to continue contributing to the improvement of people’s Quality of Lives by expanding financial access in developing countries.

Kentaro Obata, Managing Executive Officer 

ASTMAX Fund Management Co., Ltd. as the General Partner of TUS (Tokyo University of Science) Capital Ⅰ L.P.

“ASTMAX manages a university-originated venture capital fund mainly invested by the Tokyo University of Science as we aim to increase our asset value through the investment to contribute to our society. We made our first investment in Gojo in August 2019 driven by our sympathy towards Taejun Shin, CEO, and the team’s passion and capabilities to achieve their vision, “A world where everyone can determine their own future.” With continued expectations, we were pleased to make an additional investment in this round.” 

Comments from new investors:

Tokuharu Nakamura, Representative Director, President and Chief Executive Officer


“We are investing and supporting business fields that have a positive impact on social issues, and we are investing as part of this. We expect Gojo’s further growth with maximizing both economic and social values as Gojo to achieve their vision, “A world where everyone can determine their own future.”” 


Beyond Next Ventures Inc.

Beyond Next Ventures supports start-ups that strive for transformation of society utilizing technology with vision to create a world in which everyone can challenge. As an entrepreneur who founded the company in a similar financial field around the same time, I strongly empathize with Gojo’s grand vision “to create the Private Sector World Bank” and respect Taejun Shin, CEO who is making it happen in the world. We believe that his vision will materialize in the near future devising Gojo’s technology and group strategy.”  

Ryu Muramatsu, Director, Founding Partner

GMO VenturePartners, Inc. 

“An attempt called Gojo, an attempt to empower microfinance through scale. Moreover, Gojo’s essence as “a global social experiment from Japan,” solving poverty and revolutionizing peoples’ lives by delivering the greatest mobility of capital in human history to people around the world who really need but marginalized by utilizing the power of Japan’s capital markets and financial technology. As GMO Global Fintech Fund, our goal is to connect Fintech in Japan and the world. We are honored to participate in such an attempt as GMO Global Fintech Fund.”

A Cambodian lady who now runs a weaving factory with several employees. / Taejun Shin

About Gojo & Company

Gojo was founded to extend financial inclusion to everyone in the world beginning with the developing countries. Gojo encourages the formalization and growth of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises. Our long-term goal is to enable the provision of high-quality affordable financial services for 100+ million unserved and underserved people in 50+ countries by 2030. Six years since our establishment, we work in Cambodia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and India with USD 288 million gross loan portfolio, 4,800+ employees, serving more than 600,000 clients.

December 17, 2020




本最終クローズでは、既存株主である第一生命保険株式会社、株式会社丸井グループ、東京理科大学ベンチャーファンド(無限責任組合員:アストマックス・ファンド・マネジメント株式会社)からの追加出資に加え、新規投資家としてリコーリース株式会社、Beyond Next Ventures株式会社、GMO VenturePartners株式会社を含む複数の機関投資家及び個人投資家を新規投資家として迎え入れ、合計27.2億円を調達しました。 

ご参画いただいた株主の皆さまからは、長期的な利益の追求と社会的インパクトの創出を両立させるダブルボトムライン(Double bottom line)の実現を目指す弊社の取組みを評価いただいたものと理解しています。当社は、誰もが自分の未来を決めることができる世界をつくることをビジョンとして、SDGsが掲げる目標1「貧困をなくそう」、目標8「働きがいも経済成長も」、目標10「人や国の不平等をなくそう」を中心とした社会課題に取り組んでいます。



2020年12月16日付の当社取締役会にてRoyanne Doi氏が新たに社外取締役として内定したことをお知らせいたします。2021年初に開催予定の臨時株主総会における決議を経て、正式に就任予定です。Doi氏は、長年にわたりグローバル大手金融機関数社のシニア法務担当者を歴任した後、2015年より米国プルデンシャル・ファイナンシャルにてChief Compliance Officer及びChief Ethics Officer、直近ではヤマハ株式会社にてGlobal Legal, Ethics & Complianceのアドバイザーを務めてきました。年初より取締役会のオブザーバー、従業員向けトレーニング、世界中のネットワークの紹介などを通じ、当社の事業成長に貢献してきました。

「私のマイクロファイナンスとの出会いは、2010年のことです。正規の金融サービスから排除されてきたインドの女性や農民を対象とした、草創期のマイクロファイナンス機関の資金調達に携わってきました。法律、グローバルな企業倫理、コンプライアンス等の分野での実務経験を活かして、グループ会社との間で五常のミッション、ビジョン、価値観を持続的に浸透させることを目指します。そのためにも、企業倫理とコンプライアンスのベストプラクティスの学習機会の提供、五常の取締役会のコーポレート・ガバナンスを国際的な水準に高め不祥事等のリスクを未然に防ぐことに取り組んでいきます。」(Royanne Doi氏)


Royanne Doi氏の経歴
Doi氏は、ヤマハ株式会社以前は、プルデンシャル・ファイナンス、ステート・ストリート信託銀行、シグナ・コーポレーション、エース・リミテッドなどのグローバル大手金融機関各社でシニア法務担当者を歴任。北米、南米、アジア、欧州で200名以上の従業員を管理した経験も有しています。また、Global Ethics Officerとして携わったプルデンシャル・ファイナンスは、2015年に初めて「世界で最も倫理的な企業」の1つに認定され、その後複数回にわたり認定を受けています。Doi氏はセントルイスのワシントン大学で哲学の学士号を、カリフォルニア大学ロサンゼルス校ロースクールにて法務博士号を取得しており、1994年より日本に在住しています。



マクロ環境の回復を見込み、当社は積極的なデジタル化・自動化などのテクノロジー実装を進めています。具体的には、インドのグループ会社Satya MicroCapitalが提供している指紋認証やモバイルペイメントを活用したキャッシュレスでの融資・回収業務は、この期間に一段と顧客に浸透しました。カンボジアのMAXIMAは、五常のテクノロジーチームが独自にバックエンド・サービスを開発したデジタル・フィールド・アプリケーション(DFA)を用いて少額融資プロジェクトを拡大させています。これらの取り組みは、後にグループ各社にも展開されていく見込みです。



株式会社丸井グループ 取締役 上席執行役員 共創投資部長 兼 D2C&Co.株式会社 取締役 青木正久


第一生命保険株式会社 執行役員投資本部長 重本 和之


東京理科大学ベンチャーファンド(アストマックス・ファンド・マネジメント株式会社) 代表取締役 小幡健太郎

当社は、学校法人東京理科大学が主に出資する大学発ベンチャーキャピタルファンドの運用を行っており、広く社会に寄与する出資を実施して、資産価値の向上も実現することを目指しております。五常 ・アンド ・カンパニーが、そのビジョンである「誰もが自分の未来を決めることができる世界」の実現に向け、慎社長を中心に熱意と実行力をもって事業展開していることに共感し、2019年8月に最初の出資を行いました。変わらぬ期待をもって、この度のラウンドで追加出資をさせて頂きました。


リコーリース株式会社 代表取締役社長執行役員 中村徳晴


Beyond Next Ventures株式会社 代表取締役社長 伊藤毅

Beyond Next Venturesは”誰もが挑戦できる世界を作る”をVisionに掲げ、テクノロジーを活用し社会変革に挑戦するスタートアップに出資をしています。私も畑は違えども同じ金融のフィールドで同時期に創業した起業家として、五常・アンド・カンパニーが掲げる ”民間版の世界銀行を作る”という壮大な構想に強く共感し、世界を舞台に着実に実現する慎社長を心から尊敬しています。五常の有するテクノロジーとグループ戦略により、近い将来その構想が実現すると信じています。

GMO VenturePartners株式会社 取締役 / ファウンディングパートナー 村松 竜  

Gojoという試み。マイクロファイナンスに規模による力を与える試み。しかしそれだけではない。その本質は、人類史上最大級の資本の流動性を、それが本当に必要だが届いていない世界の人達に、日本の資本市場・金融テクノロジーの力を使って届け、貧困問題を解決し生活に革新をもたらす「グローバルな日本発の社会実験」であると思っています。そのような試みに「日本と世界のFintechを繋ぐことが目的のGMO Global Fintech Fund」として参加させて頂くことが出来て大変光栄です。

数人の従業員とともに織物工場を経営しているカンボジアの女性 / Taejun Shin



ビジョン: 誰もが自分の未来を決めることができる世界
ミッション: すべての人に金融アクセスを
本社所在地: 東京都渋谷区
代表取締役: 慎泰俊
設立日: 2014年7月4日

 ※ KPIと財務数値はインドの子会社化予定グループ会社を含む、2020年10月末時点数値

September 15, 2020





本クローズでは、TGVest Capital、Baillie Gifford、東日本銀行地域企業活性化ファンド及び複数の個人投資家より、合計20.2億円を優先株式及び転換社債型新株予約権付社債の組み合わせにより調達しました。

TGVest Capitalは、アジア域内のテクノロジー企業へのバイアウト投資およびグロースキャピタル投資にフォーカスしたプライベートエクイティファンドです。Baillie Giffordは、英国・スコットランドを拠点とし3,240億ドル(34.3兆円)の運用資産を誇る独立投資組合です(2020年6月末時点)。成長企業やテクノロジー分野における豊富な投資実績を有する海外投資家からの信任を得て、五常はマイクロファイナンスのデジタル・トランスフォーメーションを更に推進してまいります。




TGVest Capital DC Cheng, Chairman

Baillie Gifford Praveen Kumar, Investment Manager (Japanese Equities)
Baillie Giffordは、長期目線のグロース投資家として、急速な成長を遂げ既存のビジネスモデルに変革を起こし、またインパクトの大きな成長機会に挑戦し、独自のビジネスモデルを追求するスタートアップ企業への投資機会を求めています。五常・アンド・カンパニーは、我々が求めるこれらの全ての条件を満たしていることから、今回の出資を決定しました。加えて、我々は、マイクロファイナンスや低価格の金融サービスを通じて、世界中で低所得者層の金融アクセスの改善に取り組む五常のビジョンに賛同しています。低所得者層の生活向上を存在意義として邁進する営利企業に出会える機会は非常に稀有なことであり、我々は五常の更なる躍進を心から願っています。

慎 泰俊 共同創業者・代表取締役からのコメント



2020年2月にVISA及びMastercardでアジア・太平洋地域のプロダクト戦略ディレクターを歴任したSyam NairがChief Technology Officerとして五常に参画し、テクノロジーチームの強化を推進しています。従来型のマイクロファイナンスの変革を進めるとともに、デジタル・トランスフォーメーションを全拠点で本格始動することで、顧客にとって更に利便性の高い金融サービスの提供に取り組んでいます。



すべての人に金融アクセスを届けるという五常のミッションを実現するため、顧客の生活の変化を捉えるインパクト測定に取組み、国際規格や顧客保護を遵守するための仕組みを構築しています。2020年7月には、創業来の五常グループの活動を振り返る初のインパクトレポートを発行しました。ファイナンシャル・ダイアリー(Financial Diary)と呼ばれる、顧客の融資の活用や資金のやり繰りを理解するためのプロジェクトの調査設計や運用モデルの策定を行っています。今後も顧客の立場に立ち、顧客の目的達成の支援に資するより良い金融サービスを届けることに力を尽くしていきます。



ビジョン: 誰もが自分の未来を決めることができる世界
ミッション: すべての人に金融包摂を
本社所在地: 東京都渋谷区
代表取締役: 慎泰俊
設立日: 2014年7月4日

※ KPIと財務数値はインドの子会社化予定グループ会社を含む、2020年8月末時点数値

September 15, 2020

Completion of USD 19 million additional close of Series D financing from international institutional investors

Successful completion of first-ever fundraising from international institutional investors as Gojo accelerates digital transformation 

Gojo & Company, Inc. (“Gojo”) is pleased to announce the successful additional close of its ongoing Series D financing of USD 19 million as of September 14, 2020. Gojo has successfully globalized its investor base by welcoming two international institutional investors as its investors for the first time. 

Welcoming international institutional investors with strong expertise in the tech space

TGVest Capital, Baillie Gifford, Future Venture Capital (CVC of East Japan Bank), and several individual investors joined as Gojo investors in this financing round. 

TGVest Capital is an Asia-based technology-focused private equity fund specializing in buyout and growth capital investments in companies. Baillie Gifford is an independent investment partnership based in Scotland, UK, with USD 324 billion of assets under management (as at 30 June 2020).  Gojo will drive further digital transformation at our group companies’ operations as we gain further confidence in our capabilities through investments from international investors having extensive investment experience in the tech space. 

We will continue to work towards the final close of the Series D financing. The newly raised funds will be mainly used for further growth and digitalization of its existing group companies in Cambodia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, and India apart from future expansion to new markets in Asia and Africa.

Comments from international investors:

TGVest Capital DC Cheng, Chairman
"As a growth capital private equity fund, we are always interested in innovative businesses disrupting an industry with tech-enabled applications. Gojo represents a milestone in our quest to strengthen our Asian presence and ESG practice, and a truly remarkable one. Gojo’s mission to extend financial inclusion in less developed countries and its innovative approach to overcome long-existing industry bottlenecks have resonated with us from the beginning. We consider Gojo a pioneer in redefining the microfinance landscape and we believe its unique business model and tremendous growth potential make it an invaluable addition to our portfolio."

Baillie Gifford Praveen Kumar, Investment Manager (Japanese Equities)
“As long-term growth investors, we look for fast growing and disruptive young businesses addressing a large growth opportunity and employing a unique or genuinely differentiated business model. Gojo ticks all of these boxes and hence we decided to make an investment. We also like Gojo’s vision of improving financial access across some of the world’s poorest nations through microfinance and other forms of affordable lending. It is quite rare to come across a commercial enterprise like Gojo whose sole raison d'être is the upliftment of the poor and we wish the management team at Gojo all the success in their future endeavours.”

Comments from Taejun Shin, Founder and CEO of Gojo:

Under the travel restriction due to the impact of COVID-19, we had active discussions with TGVest and Baillie Gifford through a series of video conferences and in-depth due diligence processes. We believe the investments from sophisticated international institutional investors such as TGVest and Baillie Gifford indicates their trust in Gojo and confidence in Gojo’s growth potential. Despite the adverse economic environments, we have made many progress in our services with our technology team. We will keep working to extend financial service to the world.” 

Accelerating digital transformation

Syam Nair, having previously worked at Visa and Mastercard in technology and digital leadership positions across the Asia Pacific region, joined as Gojo’s Chief Technology Officer in February to lead group’s digital transformation initiatives and technology team build-out. Gojo initiated digital transformation programs within all group companies to leverage digital technologies and business models enabling us to provide more convenient financial services to our clients. 

Gojo launched the pilot of Digital Field Application (“DFA”) which was co-developed with MAXIMA, our group company in Cambodia aiming to accelerate digitalization and also reduce lead time in serving financial products to clients. The entire loan process, from registration to approval, was reduced to 40 minutes from what took days before. Gojo aims to deploy DFA that consists of a brand-new Android application that runs on tablets and sophisticated backend services in the group companies. An R&D team was newly formed to innovate and conceptualize new products for microfinance and their clients. The team is in the product ideation stage for many innovative concepts including digital savings and others. 

Impact Measurement and Social Performance Management (SPM)

During the COVID-19 outbreak, Gojo shared SPM practices to be followed by group companies for client protection, such as rescheduling of loans and extending moratoriums on the collection of principal and interest. 

Gojo released its first impact report in July, which reviews Gojo’s activities since the establishment. Gojo’s impact measurement team has also been planning the research design and operating model for a financial diaries project, which will give us insight into how clients use loans and manage their money. As a client-centric financial service provider, we strive to deliver better financial products and services to the clients so that we can support their goals. 

About Gojo & Company

Gojo was founded to extend financial inclusion to everyone in the world beginning with the developing countries. Gojo encourages the formalization and growth of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises. Our long-term goal is to enable the provision of high-quality affordable financial services for 100+ million unserved and underserved people in 50+ countries by 2030. Six years since our establishment, we work in Cambodia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and India with USD 260 million gross loan portfolio, 3,400+ employees, serving more than 570,000 clients.

August 28, 2020

Announcing Gojo’s new website

We are excited to announce the launch of our redesigned website!

Gojo has grown significantly over the past three years. We wanted a website that would keep pace with our growth, making it easier for users to learn about what we are doing. In addition to a beautiful new design, our new website includes much more information about our impact, what it's like to work at Gojo, and our approach to enabling financial inclusion.

We welcome any comments or feedback on our website.

About Gojo & Company
Gojo was founded to extend financial inclusion to everyone in the world, starting with developing countries. Gojo encourages the formalization and growth of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises. Our long-term goal is to enable the provision of high-quality affordable financial services for 100+ million unserved and underserved people in 50+ countries by 2030. Six years since our establishment, we now work in Cambodia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and India with 3,400+ employees, serving more than 570,000 clients.

August 28, 2020




"About"や”Latest News”を除くページは英語ですが、今後さらに日本語のコンテンツも拡充していきます。



July 10, 2020

Gojo publishes its first ever impact report

We are excited to announce that Gojo’s first impact report is now available on our website here.

Gojo’s mission is to extend financial inclusion to everyone. To achieve this, we aim to enable provision of high-quality financial services to more than 100 million unserved and underserved people in over 50 countries by 2030.

This report reviews our activities and impact from inception in July 2014 to March 2020 in light of our vision, mission and 2030 goal. In this report, we share key indicators, client stories, our future plans for impact measurement, and a review of our Social Performance Management activities, including social performance audit (SPI4) scores benchmarked against industry averages.

Starting from this year, Gojo will report annually on our impact. In future years, we hope to have even more data to share and to present new rigorous measures of progress towards our 2030 goal. As our CEO Taejun says in the report, “Impact is not at all on the periphery of our business. It is right in the center of everything we do.”

We hope you enjoy our impact report, and we welcome any feedback on it.

About Gojo & Company

Gojo was founded to extend financial inclusion to everyone in the world, starting with developing countries. Gojo encourages the formalization and growth of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises. Our long-term goal is to enable the provision of high-quality affordable financial services for 100+ million unserved and underserved people in 50+ countries by 2030. Six years since our establishment, we work in Cambodia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and India with 3,400+ employees, serving more than 570,000 clients.

July 10, 2020






April 16, 2020







Satya MicroCapital (インド):2018年7月の初回出資以降、インドにおける中央銀行であるインド準備銀行(RBI)の承認が必要な持株比率26%を上回らない範囲で追加出資を行ってきました。RBIからの承認プロセス完了の目処が立ったことから、このタイミングで5億円強を追加出資し、認可取得後には更に10億円規模の投資を実行して弊社の持分を更に引き上げます。


Aviom India Housing Finance (インド):2020年2月にRBIより五常の持分比率を引き上げる承認を得て、同年3月に約4億円を追加出資しました。


MAXIMA Microfinance (カンボジア): Maxima社へ5.5億円相当のインターカンパニーローンを実施しました。本ローンはクレディセゾンからの融資が原資となっています。


Ananya Finance for Inclusive Growth (インド):株式持分を引き上げるために既存株主が保有する株式の買取と、約1.7億円を追加出資しました。





ビジョン: 誰もが自分の未来を決めることができる世界
ミッション: すべての人に金融包摂を
本社所在地: 東京都渋谷区
代表取締役: 慎泰俊
設立日: 2014年7月4日
融資残高: 約300億円

※ KPIと財務数値はインドの子会社化予定グループ会社を含む、2020年2月末時点数値

April 16, 2020

Completion of USD 22 million Series D first close and capital infusion in group companies

Gojo & Company, Inc. (“Gojo”) is pleased to announce the successful first close of its ongoing Series D financing with USD 22 million in growth capital secured by March 2020. The final close is expected to be announced by July 2020. To be able to raise significant capital in a complicated macro environment marred by COVID-19 is a testament of its unique business model and potential to scale rapidly.

Series D first closing
Continuing from the USD 40 million Series C round announced in October 2019, the newly raised funds will be mainly used for further growth of its existing group companies in Cambodia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and India apart from future expansion to new markets in Asia and Africa.

Seven Bank, Credit Saison, SBI Group and several individual investors including existing shareholders joined this financing round. Follow-on investment from the existing shareholders shows their confidence in Gojo’s market potential and its operational capabilities, even under the current market turmoil.

Follow-on investment in its Partners
Gojo has been continuously injecting fresh equity into its partners. Additionally, Gojo also provides inter-company loans backed by Japanese lenders. In the last quarter, Gojo has invested over USD 15 million in its partners.

Satya MicroCapital: With imminent approval from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to shore up its ownership in Satya, Gojo has invested USD 5 million with a commitment to invest an additional USD 10 million on the closure of all approval formalities.

Winner of the best MFI Award last year, Satya is one of the most promising microfinance institutions in India, delivering the fastest growth in terms of AUM and the number of borrowers in the industry history in India while maintaining robust credit quality. Since its inception in September 2016, Satya has disbursed microloans totaling over USD 250 million across 380,000 women borrowers as of February 2020.

Aviom India Housing Finance: Earlier in February 2020, Aviom received approval from RBI to allow Gojo to increase its ownership in the Company. As a result of this, Gojo invested an additional USD 3.7 million in Aviom in March 2020. Aviom is an Affordable Housing Finance Company facilitating families in mostly semi-urban areas in realizing their dream of owning their first home. The funds will enable Aviom to create an impact at the grass-root level and generate multiple growth opportunities for everyone, especially with a strong focus on women, thereby promoting gender equality.

Maxima Microfinance: Gojo also strengthened its Cambodia operations through an inter-company loan of USD 5 million to Maxima Microfinance. Maxima will use the funds for micro and individual loans mostly to women borrowers and also for the expansion of its small ticket digital loans through the agent banking model.

Ananya Finance for Inclusive Growth: To consolidate its ownership and support the Company’s ongoing expansion plans, Gojo further invested USD 1.55 million in Ananya. Ananya is a wholesale lender to small and mid-sized microfinance institutions in India apart from lending to agri-companies and impact enterprises.

Impact of COVID-19 on business
Similar to the global situation, the spread of the new coronavirus is beginning to affect our businesses as well. Much of our businesses have seen a freeze in new disbursements and slowdown in collections. As a group, Gojo places the highest priority on the safety of clients and employees. Thus we took immediate actions such as conducting remote-working style and extending some moratorium to our borrowers without additional interest payments and penalties. Apart from this, as described above, the capital infusion in our partner companies have given them enough liquidity to battle through this period of global crisis.

Building a world-class diversified team
We have been working on strengthening the team. New members who have expertise in the areas of technology, finance, internal audit, and social impact measurement have joined Gojo. These members come with diverse and multi-faceted experience in countries like India, Singapore, Italy, China, Myanmar and Japan.

About Gojo & Company
Gojo was founded to extend financial inclusion to everyone in the world beginning with the developing countries. Gojo encourages the formalization and growth of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises. Our long-term goal is to enable the provision of high-quality affordable financial services for 100+ million unserved and underserved people in 50+ countries by 2030. Five and half years since our establishment, we work in Cambodia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and India with 3,400+ employees, serving more than 570,000 women who are also mothers.


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