February 5, 2020



五常・アンド・カンパニー株式会社(代表取締役:慎泰俊、本社:東京都渋谷区、以下”五常社”)は、株式会社クレディセゾン(代表取締役社長:COO 山下 昌宏、本社:東京都豊島区、”クレディセゾン社”) との間で900万ドルの融資契約に合意しました。









ビジョン: 誰もが自分の未来を決めることができる世界
ミッション: すべての人に金融包摂を
本社所在地: 東京都渋谷区
代表取締役: 慎泰俊
設立日: 2014年7月4日
融資残高: 約300億円
問合わせ先: info@gojo.co
会社HP: http://gojo.co/
※ KPIと財務数値はインドの子会社化予定グループ会社を含む、2019年12月末時点数値

February 5, 2020

Gojo & Company, Inc. signs USD 9 Million Loan Agreement with Credit Saison Co., Ltd.

Gojo & Company, Inc. (“Gojo”) is pleased to announce that Gojo has successfully agreed on the USD 9 Mn loan agreement with Credit Saison Co., Ltd. (“Credit Saison”)

Gojo & Company, through its seven group companies based in Cambodia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and India, operates financial businesses that contribute to financial inclusion, one of the top global issues. Gojo will finance the raised funds to the group companies as inter-company loans.

Purpose of the Loan
The Group companies that will receive the inter-company loans will use the funds for micro-loans to micro, small and medium enterprises. More than 95% of the borrowers are women entrepreneurs who mainly use the loans for working capital or capital investment in their micro, small, and medium businesses.

Lenders for Microfinance Institutions in Emerging Markets
Microfinance institutions are some of the major borrowers from commercial banks in emerging markets. Other notable lenders are impact investment funds and non-profit organizations based in Europe and other developed countries, who provide loans to microfinance institutions to achieve economic and social impact. On the other hand, most Japanese financial institutions have not yet entered this sector due to concerns on its information gap.

Gojo’s role for Japanese Financial Institutions
Gojo will play the role of a bridge between Japanese financial institutions and microfinance institutions in emerging countries, enabling Japanese financial institutions to reduce screening and monitoring costs.

Gojo is well aware of the market environment in each country, and has a system in place to provide additional value to lenders not only in the form of financial return, but also of market information. With Credit Saison, Gojo will explore not only loan agreements but also the possibility of business collaboration.

Expanding the Network of Japanese Lenders
Five and a half years have passed since Gojo’s inception. Group companies have continued their stable growth while recording profits for several years. Gojo aims to expand the borrowers’ networks by leveraging growth funds from Japanese financial institutions as well as more than 50 lenders from various countries. Gojo will continue to grow its number of borrowers to achieve the long-term goal of delivering affordable and high-quality financial services to more than 100 million people in 50 countries by 2030.

About us
Gojo was founded to extend financial inclusion to everyone in the world beginning with the developing countries. Gojo encourages the formalization and growth of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises. Our long-term goal is to enable the provision of high-quality affordable financial services for 100+ million unserved and underserved people in 50+ countries by 2030. 5 years since our establishment, we work in Cambodia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and India with 3,000+ employees, serving more than 500,000 women who are also mothers. The total loan portfolio reached approximately $300 million including off-balanced receivables, and since 2017 the company has made a profit on a consolidated basis.

December 20, 2019

五常・アンド・カンパニー、インドFintech企業のLoan Frame社へ総額約11億円を出資へ

五常・アンド・カンパニー株式会社(代表取締役:慎泰俊、本社:東京都渋谷区)は、2019年11月末にインドでSupply Chain Finance Platformを運営するLoan Frame Technologies Pte. Ltd.(Founder & CEO: Shailesh Jacob、事業拠点本社:インド・ニューデリー)との間で10百万ドルの投資契約に合意しました。Loan Frame社は本ラウンドの資金調達によりさらなる顧客基盤の拡大や独自の情報処理技術の強化に取り組みます。五常はLoan Frame社の事業成長を株主として支援しながら、自社のテクノロジーチームの拡充や既存グループ会社とのシナジーの創出に取り組みます。

インドのみならず新興国では、MSME (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises)向けの資金需要に対する供給のギャップが大きく、その金額は550兆円以上*と推測されています。中小零細企業向けの融資は銀行には小さく、主に個人事業主向けの融資を行うマイクロファイナンス機関にとっては大きすぎることから貸し手が不足している課題があります。この課題は金融包摂に取り組む業界では”Missing Middle”と呼ばれ、中小零細企業の成長を阻害する要因の一つになっています。

​*市場規模の推測データは世界銀行のウェブサイトを参照 (https://www.worldbank.org/en/topic/smefinance)

◼Loan Frame社について
Loan Frame社はデータ解析の自動化を含む最先端のテクノロジーを駆使し、中小零細企業の資金繰り問題の解決を目指して2016年5月に事業を開始しました。独自に開発したアルゴリズムを用い、中小零細企業の与信審査を行います。与信情報はサプライヤーに通知され、サプライヤーは受領した与信情報に基づいて中小零細企業へ商品の発送を行います。Loan Frame社はプラットフォーマーとして金融機関への与信機能の提供によって得られる対価を売上として計上しています。

◼Loan Frame社のこれまでの実績
これまで、インド国内の30の都市において2万件弱・約100百万米ドル相当の融資を仲介してきました。直近では、インド国内の金融セクターで最も権威のある表彰であるFinancial ExpressのFintech部門のIndia’s Best Banks Award2019を受賞しました。*

*Loan Frame社のHPより引用

誰もが自分の未来を決めることができる世界をつくることをビジョンに掲げ、2014年7月に設立されました。廉価で良質な金融サービスを2030年までに50カ国1億人以上に届けることを目指しています。創業5年でインド・カンボジア・ス リランカ・ミャンマーでのグループ従業員は3,000人、顧客数は50万人を突破しました。融資総額は300億円を超え、2017年度より連結黒字化しています。※
ビジョン: 誰もが自分の未来を決めることができる世界
ミッション: すべての人に金融包摂を
本社所在地: 東京都渋谷区
代表取締役: 慎泰俊
設立日: 2014年7月4日
連結総資産: 約300億円
問合わせ先: info@gojo.co
会社HP: http://gojo.co/
※ KPIと財務数値はインドの子会社化予定グループ会社を含む

Loan Frameの経営陣

December 20, 2019

Completion of investment in Loan Frame Technologies, an advanced fintech company in India

Gojo & Company has committed to invest USD 10 Mn in supply chain financing platform, Loan Frame. The investment in Loan Frame will be instrumental in increasing access to working capital for small businesses as it will be deployed for further developing technology, increasing the number of corporate partners, adding more banks as lenders on its platform, making acquisitions and starting its own NBFC.

Loan Frame’s proprietary and flexible technology platform enables short term and flexible credit to distributors, dealers and retailers associated with mid to large sized corporates. The company primarily focuses on distribution finance where it enables 7-90 day pay-as-you-use working capital products. Distribution finance gives small businesses credit primarily for purchasing inventory whilst helping corporates to better manage their receivables.

Loan Frame uses proprietary scoring and risk assessment algorithms to process both traditional and alternate data to assess borrower creditworthiness, and plans to invest further in artificial intelligence and machine learning to assess customers better and faster. The company has automated all major workflows to enable same day loan disbursals.

Loan Frame which is on track to achieve approximately USD 100mn of disbursals by this fiscal year, recently won in the Fintech category at the prestigious Financial Express India’s Best Banks Awards.

“In India you have over 63 million MSMEs and credit penetration is circa 10%. The investment will enable us further invest in developing innovative short term technology-enabled unsecured working capital products that fill critical financing gaps for small businesses. We are very excited to partner with a long term oriented investor such as Gojo & Company who are deeply passionate about the democratization of financial access.” said Shailesh Jacob, Founder & CEO of Loan Frame.

Speaking on the investment, Sanjay Gandhi, Co-founder, and Chief Investment Officer, Gojo & Company, Inc. said that “It gives us great pleasure to have Loan Frame as our Fintech partner. With immense potential in the MSME lending space, we believe Loan Frame is the right fit for our thesis of promoting financial access for the “missing middle”. We invested in Loan Frame because of their strong leadership team, differentiating technology, and their vision to leverage it to unlock working capital financing to small businesses that have been neglected by traditional players. We envision Loan Frame as a long term partner in promoting Gojo’s quest for providing financial inclusion for everyone, not only in the Indian markets but all across Gojo’s global endeavours.”

Unitus Capital was the exclusive financial advisor and Vertices Partners was Loan Frame’s legal counsel on this transaction while Anoma Legal advised Gojo & Company, Inc.

About Loan Frame:
Loan Frame is a supply chain finance platform that is changing the way how small businesses get access to working capital finance. Loan Frame merges world-class processes with deep Indian MSME credit experience and cutting edge proprietary technologies to create innovative lending products, superior underwriting and a differentiated customer experience.

For more on Loan Frame, please visit https://www.loanframe.com/.

About Gojo
Gojo was founded to extend financial inclusion to everyone in the world beginning with the developing countries. Gojo encourages the formalization and growth of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises. Gojo’s investment in Loan Frame is also in alignment with our commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals, especially SDG 8- Decent Work and Economic Growth. Our long-term goal is to enable provision of high-quality affordable financial services for 100+ million unserved and underserved people in 50+ countries by 2030. 5 years since our establishment, we work in India, Cambodia, Myanmar and Sri Lanka with 2,700+ employees, serving more than 500,000 women who are also mothers. The total loan portfolio reached $250 million, and since 2017 the company has made a profit on a consolidated basis.

For more on Gojo, please visit https://www.gojo.co/

November 1, 2019

五常・アンド・カンパニー、元スマートニュース 執行役員の堅田航平氏がCFOに就任

五常・アンド・カンパニー、元スマートニュース 執行役員の堅田航平氏がCFOに就任

マイクロファイナンス・テクノロジー企業である五常・アンド・カンパニー株式会社(以下「当社」)は、堅田航平氏がCFO(Chief Financial Officer)に就任したことをお知らせいたします。


経歴: 堅田 航平 (かただ こうへい)
学生時代にバングラデシュのNGOにおける長期インターンを通じてマイクロファイナンスと出会う。大学卒業後はモルガン・スタンレー証券会社(現三菱UFJモルガン・スタンレー証券株式会社)投資銀行部門にてM&Aアドバイザリー業務に従事。ヘッジファンドを経て、2008年にライフネット生命保険株式会社に入社。企画・財務・事業開発・上場準備等を担当し、2013年 執行役員CFOに就任。2014年、スマートニュース株式会社に入社しコーポレート部門の責任者として財務・経営管理・採用・人事を担い、累計86億円超の資本調達を主導。2018年より、国内外の複数のスタートアップにおいて財務・経営管理に関与。2019年、五常・アンド・カンパニーのCFOに就任。

<堅田 航平氏 コメント>
採用ページ: http://gojo.co/ja/career/

<五常・アンド・カンパニー 代表取締役 慎 泰俊 コメント>



⺠間版の世界銀行として世界中に金融アクセスを届けることをミッションとして、2014年7月に設立されました。2030年までに50カ国で1億人に廉価かつ高品質な金融サービスの提供を目指しています。創業5年でインド・カンボジア・ス リランカ・ミャンマーでのグループ従業員は2,500人、顧客数は45万人を突破しました。融資総額は200億円を超え、2017年度より連結黒字化しています。※

ビジョン: 誰もが自分の宿命を乗り越えることができる世界
ミッション: 民間版の世界銀行として世界中の人に金融アクセスを届ける
本社所在地: 東京都渋谷区
代表取締役: 慎泰俊
設立日: 2014年7月4日
連結総資産: 約270億円
問合わせ先: info@gojo.co
会社HP: http://gojo.co/

※ KPIと財務数値はインドの子会社化予定グループ会社を含む

November 1, 2019

Kohei Katada joins Gojo as CFO

Gojo & Company, Inc (CEO: Taejun Shin; Head Office: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo) is happy to announce that Mr. Kohei Katada, former Senior Vice President of SmartNews, Inc. has joined us as our Chief Financial Officer.

Over the 5 years since its establishment, Gojo group has expanded to 6 Partner companies in 4 countries; Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and India, with approximately 2,500 employees and more than 450,000 clients. Mr. Katada, leveraging his experience in corporate finance and administration, shall accelerate the growth of Gojo to achieve its long-term goal to:

“Enable provision of high-quality affordable financial services for 100+ million unserved and underserved people in 50+ countries by 2030”

Prior to joining Gojo, Mr. Katada has served as Senior Vice President of Finance at SmartNews, Inc., a developer of a news discovery app and led a total of over US$ 80 million in fundraising and the setting-up of its administration department. Before that, as one of the founding members and as Chief Financial Officer at LIFENET INSURANCE COMPANY, he led the insurer’s successful $100 million Initial Public Offering.

Mr. Katada began his career at Morgan Stanley Japan Ltd. as part of its M&A Advisory Group in the Investment Banking Division. In 2005, he joined Och-Ziff Capital Management, a global hedge fund.

Mr. Katada has a B.A. in Law from the University of Tokyo. While at school, he did an internship at PROSHIKA, a local NGO in Bangladesh where he was inspired by the power of microfinance that can unlock the potential of micro-entrepreneurs.

Gojo extends a warm welcome to Mr. Kohei Katada!

About us
Gojo & Company, Inc. was founded in July 2014 with a mission to provide financial inclusion to everyone in the world as a Private Sector World Bank. It aims to provide low-cost, high-quality financial services to 100 million people in 50 countries by 2030. For the last five years since its inception, it has acquired and/or founded microfinance institutions in Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and India and employs over 2,500 serving more than 450,000 people. The total loan amount under the management has exceeded US$ 200,000; the consolidated net profit has turned positive since FY2017.

October 17, 2019




五常・アンド・カンパニー株式会社(代表取締役:慎秦俊、本社:東京都渋谷区)は9月末にシリーズCの ファイナルクローズを完了し、本ラウンドでの調達総額は42.2億円に、累計の資本調達額は76億円となりました。

本シリーズのリード投資家は既存株主である第一生命保険株式会社が務め、9月末に実施したファイナルクローズではDIMENSION、アイザワ・インベストメンツ株式会社、SBIインベストメント株式会社、15th Rock Venturesが新たに株主に加わりました。SeriesCで調達した42.2億円によりマイクロファイナンスの既存オペレーションをより良くするためのテクノロジー投資とアジア地域における拠点拡大を進めます。





グローバルチームの組成も順調に進んでいます。直近1年でグループ会社の経営支援、投資、新規事業開発の各領域のメ ンバーは拡充し、2020年1月までに5名の新規加入も確定しています


SDGs (持続可能な開発目標) への取組
マイクロファイナンスの業界にはSocial Performance Management(SPM)の国際認証があります。五常のグループ会社では全社が認証取得に向けて取組んでおり、カンボジアのグループ会社では既に認証を取得しています。SDGsの実現に向けて自社事業もしくは国際NGOとの業務提携によって各分野に積極的に取組んでいます


⺠間版の世界銀行として世界中に金融アクセスを届けることをミッションとして、2014年7月に設立されました。2030年までに50カ国で1億人に廉価かつ高品質な金融サービスの提供を目指しています。創業5年でインド・カンボジア・ス リランカ・ミャンマーでのグループ従業員は2,500人、顧客数は45万人を突破しました。融資総額は200億円を超え、2017年度より連結黒字化しています。※

ビジョン: 誰もが自分の宿命を乗り越えることができる世界
ミッション: ⺠間版の世界銀行として世界中の人に金融アクセスを届ける
本社所在地: 東京都渋谷区
代表取締役: 慎泰俊
設立日: 2014年7月4日
連結総資産: 約270億円
問合わせ先: info@gojo.co
会社HP: http://gojo.co/



第一生命保険株式会社 執行役員投資本部⻑ 重本 和之

東京理科大学イノベーション・キャピタル株式会社 代表取締役 マネージング・パートナー 片寄裕市、高田久徳
五常 ・アンド ・カンパニー社が取り組む社会イノベーションの実現のため、資金面、事業展開の支援を実施します。テクノロジーを駆使した金融アクセスの改善、生活水準の向上により、持続的に社会価値と経済価値を生み出すことを期待しています。

株式会社丸井グループ 取締役 常務執行役員 加藤 浩嗣
「すべての人に金融アクセスを」というミッションに私たちは大変共感しています。また、決して簡単ではないそのミッション実現に向けて情熱をもって、着実に進めている様子はとても素晴らしく、今回投資させていただく機会をいただい たことに感謝しています。

株式会社セブン銀行 代表取締役社⻑ 舟竹 泰昭
「世界中の人に金融アクセスを届ける」というミッションに共感し、出資させて頂きました。持続可能な開発目標(SDG s)への取組みが世界的な潮流となる中、金融アクセスの改善も大きな課題として掲げられています。今後アジアへさらなる進出を目指す五常のビジネスモデルは、当社の海外事業戦略とも親和性が高いと考えています。「誰一人取り残さない」世界の実現に向け、取り組んで行きたいと思います。

TransLink Capital Partners (SOMPO) I, L.P. SOMPOホールディングスCVC/TransLink Capital, Partner 土佐林 淳

独立行政法人 国際協力機構 ⺠間連携事業部 部⻑ 廿枝 幹雄

DIMENSION 代表取締役 宮宗 孝光
20年近くベンチャーの経営支援に携わってきましたが、慎さんをはじめとする経営陣やスタッフの皆様の意識・熱量・ 実行力の高さは、群を抜いてます。お客様や関わる方々からも強く感謝されている点も素晴らしいと思い、この度、出資を決めました。五常・アンド・カンパニーのアジアでの更なるサービス伝搬に、期待しています。

アイザワ・インベストメンツ株式会社 執行役員投資部⻑ 楠本 祥一郎
慎社⻑の掲げるビジョンのもと、2030年に⺠間版の世界銀行を目指すという⻑期目標に向かって邁進する五常・アンド ・カンパニーのパワーと顧客第一主義を貫く経営姿勢に世界を変える大きな期待をしています。

SBI Investment株式会社 投資部部⻑ 田中 正人

15th Rock Ventures Founder/General Partner 源健司
初めて慎さんにお会いした際に、このご事業をやるモチベーションについて、「誰もが生まれ持っての境遇を乗り越え、よりよい人生を勝ち取る機会がある世界をつくりたい」と仰っていたことをよく覚えています。あれから少し時間が経ち 、素敵な仲間もたくさん増え、夢が現実になりつつあるのではないでしょうか。我々もその世界が現実になるまで、ずっと応援し続けます。

日本ベンチャーキャピタル株式会社 取締役専務執行役員 桑園 寛之

ニッセイ・キャピタル株式会社 代表取締役 安達 哲哉
慎社⻑の人間的な魅力・人徳が、今回の素晴らしい投資家の皆さまからの資金調達や優秀な経営メンバー獲得の最大の要 因だと思います。マイクロファイナンス・テクノロジーと慎社⻑を中心とした五常メンバーの情熱で「世界中の誰もが金融にアクセス出来る世界を実現」することを期待しています。

株式会社リンクアンドモチベーション 取締役CFO 大野 俊一
「誰もが自分の宿命を乗り越えることができる世界」というVision、経営理念、慎さんの経営にかける熱意・信念に共感し、出資をさせていただきました。「世界中の人に金融アクセスを届ける」という五常・アンド・カンパニーの目指す世 界の実現に向けて、微力ではありますが、組織・人事面からご支援させていただければ幸いです。

株式会社ジャフコ パートナー 井坂 省三



2019年8月末時点の女性顧客比率は99%を超えています。マイクロファイナンス機関が担う顧客層は幅広く、低〜中間 所得者層の方々が融資の対象です。基本的には、返済原資を生み出す事業を行うことができる人が融資対象であり、個人事業をすでに営んでいる人が大半です。新たに事業を開始する人に対して融資するケースも一部あります。

⻑期的な収益の最大化を図るために、潜在顧客から「まずは相談してみる」という評判を得ることを大切にしています。 そのためには、当社社員が顧客と対面でやり取りする際のホスピタリティを高め、口コミで顧客が増加することを重視しています。その他には、村⻑に対して当社の説明を行った上で集会所に人を集めてもらい、融資商品や会社概要について説明する合同融資説明会の開催を通じて新規顧客を獲得します。


まず、現地のマネーレンダー(通常の金融機関の審査を通過することができない人達向けに高利で貸付を行う、事業ライ センスを持たない貸金業者)が課す200%以上の年利からすると相対的に低いといえます。これは、マイクロファイナンスのビジネスモデルである、グループ連帯責任貸付やゲーム理論的な融資契約設計、組織化を通じた効率化により金利を大幅に下げたことに起因します。これでも先進国の貸付金利と比べると高い印象がありますが、途上国におけるMFIの一般的な借入金利が10%強、人件費およびその他管理費を賄うために30%前後の貸出金利が必要であることを勘案すると、マイクロファイナンス機関の持続可能な経営の観点からすると妥当な水準と考えます。また、日本と比べると物価上昇率が高いことも影響しています。ただし、これは資金供給者側の都合であり、顧客のためにはより低い金利が望ましいため、当社は金利を引下げられるよう事業を行っています。




共同創業者の慎とSanjay Gandhiは10年以上の業界経験があります。世界中の人的ネットワークやFinancial Advisorからの紹介、持ち込み案件数も増加しており、月に数件の新規案件の検討が進められています。今後は、グローバルに事業を展開するマイクロファイナンス投資ファンドからの紹介案件も増えることが想定されます。

October 17, 2019

Gojo & Company, Inc completed its Series C funding and raised US$40 million

Gojo & Company, Inc completed its Series C funding round and raised US$ 40 million.

Gojo & Company, Inc (CEO: Taejun Shin; Head Office: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo) completed the Series C financing at the end of September, raised a total amount of US$ 40 million. The cumulative paid-in capital reached US$ 70 million.

About Series C
The lead investor of this series was the existing shareholder Dai-ichi Life Insurance Co., Ltd; DIMENSION, Izawa Investments Co., Ltd; and SBI Investment Co., Ltd. 15th Rock Ventures have joined as new shareholders at the final close held at the end of September.

The proceeds will be used to accelerate investment in technology to revamp the subsidiaries’ operational system and expand Gojo & Co’s investment in Asia.

Why Gojo & Co. was founded
Gojo & Co. aspires to provide low-cost, high-quality financial services in emerging countries around the world. Microfinance, which emerged in the 1970s, attracted a great deal of attention in 2006 when Grameen Bank’s Muhammad Yunus won the Nobel Peace Prize. Microfinance has received a lot of attention from capital markets, and several microfinance institutions have listed on the stock markets. Nevertheless, fundamental issues still remain in the industry. To address the problem, Gojo & Co. was founded in July 2014.

Achievements so far
Since its inception, Gojo & Co’s asset under the management has grown rapidly at compound annual growth rate of more than 200%, while it has maintained exceptional quality in its loan portfolio (the delinquency rate of 30 days or more is less than 1%). Consolidated quarterly sales for 2019 were US$ 10 million, the number of borrowers was 450,000 and the number of employees exceeded 2,500.

Future expansion plans
Gojo & Co has been expanding its business through a greenfield investment or acquisition. In the next few years, it will focus on Asia, including the Philippines and Indonesia, followed by Eastern Europe, Africa and Latin America as a long-term goal.

Equity and debt financing
Gojo & Co has raised its capital mainly from Japanese individuals and institutional investors, while it has obtained debt financing at each subsidiary level. Gojo & Co and its affiliates cultivated the diversified debt funding ecosystem with more than 50 lenders, including local banks, international microfinance lenders and social impact funds. The total debt has reached US$150 million.

About the team
Gojo & Co has been tirelessly building a strong team to accelerate global expansion. In the last year, it has recruited in the areas of management support, investments and new business development. Five new employees will join the team by January 2020.

Establishing a pole position with big data in emerging countries
Gojo & Co collects repayment histories, KYC data and household information from 450,000 borrowers. Taking advantage of having a customer database of low to middle-income groups in emerging countries, Gojo & Co is developing a credit scoring system based on machine learning.

Initiatives for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
All of Gojo & Co’s group companies are in the process of being certified for the Social Performance Management (SPM) international certification. Maxima, a group company in Cambodia, was the first to obtain the certification in 2019. To realise the SDGs,
Gojo & Co has actively been engaged in various areas of SDGs through microfinance business and partnered with international NGOs.

We are hiring and looking for team members who want to collaboratively achieve the goal of being a Private Sector World Bank. Gojo & Co aspires to create a world where everyone can determine their own destiny. Financial access is a major factor of the equality of opportunity. If you are interested, please contact us at info@gojo.co.

About Gojo & Company, Inc
Gojo & Co was founded in July 2014 with a mission to deliver financial access to the world as a Private Sector World Bank. It aims to provide low-cost, high-quality financial services to 100 million people in 50 countries by 2030. For the last five years since its inception, it has acquired or founded microfinance institutions in Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and India and has employed over 2,500 and served more than 450,000 people. The total loan amount under the management has exceeded US$ 200,000; the consolidated net profit has turned positive since FY017.

Gojo & Company, Inc.
Vision: A world where everyone can determine their own destiny
Mission: Deliver financial access to people around the world as a Private Sector World Bank
Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo

Comments from equity investors:

Kazuyuki Shigemoto, Executive Officer/ Chief General Manager, Investment
Dai-ichi Life Insurance Co., Ltd.

We invested in Gojo & Company as an ‘impact investment’ aiming to achieve both an investment return and social impact. We hope that by providing financial access in emerging countries through the microfinance business, we will contribute to the economic independence of local people and the improvement of living standards.

Yuichi Katayori / Hisanori Takata, Managing Partner
Tokyo University of Science Innovation Capital Co., Ltd.

We will support for Gojo & Company to realize social innovation. We hope to create sustainable social and economic value by improving financial access using the latest technology and improve living standards in emerging countries.

Hirotsugu Katoh, Director, Managing Executive Officer

We were pleased to participate in Gojo’s series C equity fundraising; we were touched by Gojo’s mission statement of ‘Financial Access for All’. It is an ambitious goal; it is great to see how Gojo has transformed its passion into steady progress.

Yasuaki Funatake, President and Representative Director
Seven Bank Ltd.

We have been inspired by Gojo & Company’s mission statement of ‘Delivering financial access to people around the world’. Financial inclusion is one of the major agendas among Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which we follow. We believe that the Seven Bank’s overseas business strategy is compatible with Gojo’s business model. We also aim to create a world where one is left behind.

Jun Tosabayashi, Partner
TransLink Capital Partners (SOMPO) I, L.P.

Under its mission statement of becoming the Private Sector World Bank, Gojo & Company has been growing rapidly. It is exciting to see that talented and experienced professionals have recently joined Gojo and building a strong team under the robust leadership of CEO, Taejun Shin. We could say that Gojo is the most promising start-up company in Japan.

Mikio Hataeda, Director General Private Sector Partnership and Finance Department
Japan International Cooperation Agency (‘JICA”)

Financial inclusion is one of the major agendas in development finance. We resonate with Gojo’s mission statement of ‘We aspire to create a world in which everyone has an opportunity to overcome one’s destiny and attain a better life’ and support its microfinance business as a means to realise its vision. We hope that Gojo keeps on its approach of ‘the clients first’.

Takamitsu Miyaso, Chief Executive Officer

Gojo & Company is one of the most outstanding start-up companies that I, as a venture capitalist, have ever invested for the last two decades. Taejun Shin, CEO, and his team’s passion and ability to make it happen are eminent. It is also nice to see that its group companies and their clients appreciate Gojo’s management support. We look forward to seeing Gojo & Company penetrating further in Asia.

Masato Tanaka, General Manager Investment Department
SBI AI&Blockchain Investment LPS

We have decided to invest in Gojo as it is a rare company which has succeeded in pursuing both social impact and profitability. The number of its clients is expanding exponentially; in future we expect Gojo to focus more on quality over quantity by bringing better financial products and services to the poor population. The SBI Group will continue to foster Gojo by providing its FinTech expertise and financing.

Shoichiro Kusumoto, Executive officer Investment Department General Manager
AIZAWA Investments Co.,Ltd

We firmly believe that Gojo & Company will change the world. It has a passion and capacity to advance towards its goal of being the Private Sector World Bank by 2030. It is great to see that Gojo & Company and its affiliates always put their clients first.

Takeshi Minamoto, Founder / General Partners
15th Rock Ventures Fund 1 L.P

Taejun Shin, CEO, once told me the source of his motivation, ‘I want to create a world where everyone has an opportunity to build a better life no matter of his/her background.’ That was a striking remark and remained deep in my mind. Some years have passed since the conversation; great people joined his team, and his dream is forming a shape. We keep supporting Gojo until it reaches its goal, then the world finally becomes a better place.

Hiroyuki Kuwazono, Director Senior Managing
Nippon Venture Capital Co., Ltd.

Over the past two years, we have observed that bright, dedicated professionals joined the team one after another, and Gojo & Company has achieved tremendous growth. We warmly welcome JICA as a signature shareholder and hope JICA’s support will be a prominent driving force to realize Gojo’s grand vision.

Tetsuya Adachi, President

We could see Taejun Shin, CEO as a driving force, and his humanitarian virtue has attracted teams, investors, and group companies. We hope that Gojo & Company, led by microfinance technology, to realize its goal of financial inclusion.

Shunichi Ono, Director, Chief Financial Officer
Link and Motivation Inc

We have been inspired by Taejun Shin, CEO’s vision (to create a world in which everyone has an opportunity to overcome one’s destiny and attain a better life), and his management philosophy. To make Gojo’s vision to be realised, we will continue to support Gojo though our expertise in human relations as well as equity investment.

Shozo Isaka, Partner
JAFCO Co., Ltd.

Although Gojo & Company has an ambitious goal, taking care of each customer matters the most for them. We see this as essence of finance.

September 29, 2019

Completion of the first investment in AVIOM India, an Indian Affordable Housing Finance Company

Gojo & Company, Inc. (“Gojo”) is pleased to announce that Gojo has successfully concluded the first investment in AVIOM India Housing Finance (“AVIOM”), a housing finance provider based in New Delhi, India. Gojo obtained approximately a 25% stake of AVIOM through the first investment.

AVIOM India is an Affordable Housing Finance Company facilitating families in mostly semi-urban areas in realizing their dream of owning their first home. Along with home purchase loans, AVIOM assists with innovative and segment-appropriate affordable products for home building, up-gradation, and extensions.

AVIOM offers services in the niche segment of the semi-formal and informal sector, with special focus on women empowerment. With a woman at the helm of the Company who is in tune with women’s needs, AVIOM’s first loan applicant is always the ‘Woman.’ Targeting the social bottom-line, AVIOM develops women’s strengths and capacity to earn an income via the ‘AVIOM Shakti’ model. Hence, AVIOM also facilitates women’s economic empowerment leading to women’s confidence and financial autonomy within the household, the basic unit of societal change. AVIOM prides itself on its strong team, which works diligently with the values of transparency, simplicity of processes, and respect in all its transactions to ensure customers’ delight.

Gojo has a partnership with Ananya Finance and Satya MicroCapital, a wholesale lender and microcredit provider in India. By adding Aviom to its partner’s list, Gojo will be able to provide a wide range of financial solutions to the low/middle-income households in India.

Gojo is committed to address the financial inclusion globally. Through the AVIOM investment, Gojo expands its footprint to the affordable housing market in India.

About us
Gojo was founded to provide financial access for everyone in the world beginning with the developing countries. Our long-term goal is to provide quality and affordable financial services for 100+ million people in 50+ countries by 2030. 5 years since our establishment, we work in India, Cambodia, Myanmar and Sri Lanka with 2,300+ employees, serving more than 400,000 women who are also mothers. The total loan portfolio reached $200 million, and since 2017 the company has made a profit on a consolidated basis.

Gojo & Company, Inc.
Vision: Create a world in which everyone can overcome one’s destiny and attain a better life
Mission: The first mission is to be the “Private Sector World Bank” providing financial access for everyone in developing countries
HQ: Tokyo, Japan
CEO: Taejun Shin
Since: 4 July 2014
Capital: Approximately $70 million
Mail: info@gojo.co
URL: http://gojo.co/

August 29, 2019




本シリーズCラウンドのリード投資家は世界屈指の機関投資家であり既存株主の第一生命保険株式会社が務め、セカンドクローズでは独立行政法人国際協力機構(JICA)、株式会社丸井グループ、株式会社セブン銀行、SOMPOホールディングス株式会社のCVC(運営はシリコンバレーのベンチャーキャピタルのTransLink Capital)が新たに株主に加わりました。ファーストクローズ同様、今回の調達によって、アジア地域における拠点拡大とテクノロジー投資を進めてまいります。


ビジョン: 誰もが自分の宿命を乗り越えることができる世界
ミッション: 民間セクターの世界銀行として世界中の人に金融アクセスを届ける
本社所在地: 東京都渋谷区
代表取締役: 慎泰俊
設立日: 2014年7月4日
連結総資産: 約240億円
問合わせ先: info@gojo.co
会社HP: http://gojo.co/



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