August 29, 2019

Gojo & Company, Inc (“Gojo”) has completed the second part of its Series C financing

Gojo & Company, Inc (“Gojo”) has completed the second part of its Series C financing. JICA, Marui Group, Seven Bank and CVC Fund of Sompo Holdings have joined with a total of $24 million. The aggregated amount raised over the Series C financing has reached to $35 million, making Gojo’s equity $65 million.

Dai-ichi Life Insurance, one of the most reputable Japanese life insurance companies, led the round. JICA, Marui Group, Seven Bank and CVC Fund of Sompo Holdings have newly joined through the second window of the series. With the freshly injected capital, Gojo will expand its footprint to new countries in Asia, and invest in cutting-edge technologies.

Gojo is a microfinance-technology company. Founded in July 2014, it currently employs more than 2,300 people, provides multiple financial products with over 400,000 clients (most of them are women) in India, India, Cambodia, Myanmar and Sri Lanka. Gojo’s gross loan portfolio has attained c. $200 million. We aim to provide quality and affordable financial services, with 100+ million people in 50+ countries by 2030. The net profit has been positive since 2017.

About us
Gojo was founded to provide financial access for everyone in the world beginning with the developing countries. Our long-term goal is to provide quality and affordable financial services for 100+ million people in 50+ countries by 2030. 5 years since our establishment, we work in India, Cambodia, Myanmar and Sri Lanka with 2,300+ employees, serving more than 400,000 women who are also mothers. The total loan portfolio reached $200 million, and since 2017 the company has made a profit on a consolidated basis.

Gojo & Company, Inc.
Vision: Create a world in which everyone can overcome one’s destiny and attain a better life
Mission: The first mission is to be the “Private Sector World Bank” providing financial access for everyone in developing countries
HQ: Tokyo, Japan
CEO: Taejun Shin
Since: 4 July 2014
Capital: Approximately $65 million

February 11, 2019




ビジョン: 誰もが自分の宿命を乗り越えることができる世界
ミッション: 民間セクターの世界銀行として世界中の人に金融アクセスを届ける
本社所在地: 東京都渋谷区
代表取締役: 慎泰俊
設立日: 2014年7月4日
連結純資産: 約50億円

February 11, 2019

Gojo completes the first leg of its Series C financing

Gojo & Company, Inc. (“Gojo” or “We”), a microfinance-technology company, made the first close of its Series C financing led by Dai-ichi Life Insurance followed by Tokyo University of Science Investment Management Company and other individual shareholders. The total funding amount in the financing round is expected to be in the range of $35 to $50 million.

The raised funds will be used for expanding Gojo’s international footprint and for accelerating our technology initiatives. Until recently, some MFIs in our group have adopted the digital model of cashless collections, fingerprint authentication, and credit risk modeling, and these innovations will be applied in all group companies of Gojo. Gojo’s group company, Satya MicroCapital, is the only MFI in India which is successfully running cashless repayment using fingerprint authentication. From this year, Gojo will make sure that all group MFIs apply the cashless model, although the practical application may vary from country to country. Also, we will install our credit risk model in all group companies and will further develop it by using voice and GPS information of the clients. Furthermore, we wish to maximize the impact that we can make from our microcredit and thus start developing an application by which our field staff can provide meaningful business support for the clients.

We are also pleased to share that during this period, Mr. Stuart Rutherford, a reputable microfinance practitioner, and researcher, joined us as a Director thereby augmenting the company. In 2015, Stuart’s book, “Portfolios of the Poor” was one of the recommendations made by Mark Zuckerberg’s book club; “A Year of Books”. Business Insider said of the book; A fundamental finding in “Portfolios of the Poor” is that extreme poverty flourishes in areas not where people live dollar to dollar or where poor purchasing decisions are widespread but instead is where they lack access to financial institutions to store their money. The authors’ research has inspired them and their respective organizations to find ways to bring banking to the worlds least fortunate. We are very happy to welcome Mr. Rutherford to the Gojo Board.

Gojo will continue to raise its equity in a private round. It is expected to be a “unicorn” after the Series D financing and will work in 6 to 10 nations, serving more than 3 million people. To underpin the growth, we will recruit talent from all over the world.

About us
Gojo was founded to provide financial access for everyone in the world beginning with the developing countries. Our long-term goal is to provide quality and affordable financial service for 100+ million people in 50+ countries by 2030. 4.5 years since our establishment, we work in India, Cambodia, Myanmar and Sri Lanka with 1,600+ employees, serving more than 300,000 women who are also mothers. The total loan portfolio reached is $150 million, and since 2017 the company has made a profit on a consolidated basis.

Gojo & Company, Inc.
Vision: Create a world in which everyone can overcome one’s destiny and attain a better life
Mission: The first mission is to be the “Private Sector World Bank” providing financial access for everyone in developing countries
HQ: Tokyo, Japan
CEO: Taejun Shin
Since: 4 July 2014
Capital: Approximately $45 million

August 1, 2018

Satya MicroCapitalの株式を取得しました

当社は、インドのニューデリーを拠点とするSatya MicroCapital Ltd.(以下「Satya MicroCapital」)の発行済株式の約25%を取得しました。

“Satya”は古代インド語で「真実」を意味します。この「真実」は、自分の考えや言論、行動の一貫性を具現化する倫理的概念です。Satya MicroCapitalは、顧客との関係において「信用」と「真実」の関係を発展させるべく活動しています。当社とも強く共鳴するこの考え方は、チームの強さと相まって、指数関数的な成長を成し遂げる力となりました。

Satya MicroCapitalは、2025年までに500万世帯の生活をより良くするビジョンを持ち、インドのマイクロファイナンス業界で最も有望なマイクロファイナンス機関の1つとみなされています。18ヶ月という短期間でインドの11の州に55の支店を開設し、ビジネス拡大のためにローンを必要とする10万人以上の女性顧客にサービスを提供してきました。これらの女性マイクロ起業家には、無担保ローンが提供されています。また同社は、ソーシャルとテクノロジーの融合に確信を持っており、創業以来、マイクロファイナンス業務にテクノロジーを活用しています。

August 1, 2018

Ananya Financeへの2回目の投資を行いました

当社は、Ananya Finance for Inclusive Growth Private Limited(以下「Ananya」)と株式の過半数取得にかかる契約を締結しました。2018年6月21日にインド準備銀行(RBI)による承認を得て、1ヶ月の公示期間の後、2018年7月26日に投資が行われました。

グジャラート州アーメダバードを拠点とするAnanyaは、多数の小さな農家を支援する小規模マイクロファイナンス機関および農協に融資を行う、インドの法人向けノンバンク(Non Banking Financial Comoany:NBFC)です。Ananyaは、インドで最も評判の高いNBFCの一つであり、ソーシャルなインパクトに意欲的な企業に貢献することにコミットしています。Ananyaは、マイクロファイナンス機関や農業生産者企業に対して、融資とテクノロジー支援を組み合わせることを専門としています。


August 1, 2018

Gojo acquires 25% stake in Satya MicroCapital

Gojo & Company, Inc. (“Gojo”) is happy to inform you that we have concluded our first investment in Satya MicroCapital Ltd. (“Satya”), a young and dynamic microfinance institution, based in New Delhi, India. Gojo obtained approximately 25% stake of Satya through the investment.

“Satya” in Sanskrit means “truth”. “Truthfulness” is an ethical concept embodying a consistency in one’s thoughts, speech and actions. Satya MicroCapital works with the tenet of developing relationships of “trust” and “truthfulness” within the ecosystem of Satya. This ideology, which resonates strongly with Gojo, coupled with a stress on “team strength”, has enabled Satya to grow exponentially.

Satya MicroCapital has the vision of touching the lives of 5 million households by year 2025, and is being seen as one of the most promising microfinance institutions in the Indian microfinance sector. In a short span of 18 months, Satya has opened 55 branches in 11 states in India, with more than 100,000 women clients, who own businesses and need loan funding for fueling their expansion. These “women micro entrepreneurs” are provided collateral free loans. The company has a strong belief in combining social touch with high technology and has since its inception adopted the usage of technology in their microfinance operations.

Gojo is pleased to partner with Satya.

August 1, 2018

Made our 2nd investment in Ananya Finance for Inclusive Growth

Here at Gojo & Company, Inc. (“Gojo”), we are delighted to inform you that we have entered into an agreement with Ananya Finance for Inclusive Growth Private Limited (“Ananya”) , whereby Gojo is to acquire more than a majority stake of Ananya. The RBI (Reserve Bank of India) gave approval for the transaction on 21st June 2018, and after the 1 month public notification period, the investment was made on 26th July 2018.

Based in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, Ananya is a Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC), a wholesale lender with the objective of reaching out to a large section of small microfinance institutions and farmer producer companies which support a number of small and marginal farmers in the country. Ananya is among the most responsible and reputable NBFCs in India, committed to serve socially motivated, double bottom-line enterprises. Ananya specializes in combining credit support with technical assistance to microfinance institutions and farmer producer companies.

This investment marks a giant step for us to enter the microfinance sector in India whose number of potential clients exceeds the total of all clients across other Asian countries. We are most grateful for the opportunity to serve the people of this country.

June 29, 2018








会社名 五常・アンド・カンパニー株式会社(英文社名)Gojo and Company, Inc.
本社所在地 東京都渋谷区恵比寿南二丁目19番7-501号
代表者 愼 泰俊


June 29, 2018

Completion of the final leg of Series B Financing

We are pleased to announce that JAFCO Co., Ltd.(“JAFCO”) joined Gojo & Company Inc. (“Gojo” or “we”) through its funds as a shareholder this month. The event marks the close of our Series B Financing, totaling JPY1.9 billion (USD 17 million). The fund will be mainly used for making investments in microfinance institutions, including follow-on investments for the existing affiliates and subsidiaries and new business development.

Listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, JAFCO is a fund management company specializing in venture capital and buyout investments. JAFCO has as its mission a commitment to new business creation that helps in jointly shaping the future. It identifies new technologies and services that are in high demand and commercializes them into new businesses with entrepreneurs with the aim of realizing a better society. JAFCO also has a clear strategy to invest in companies that they see having a positive impact on society. This approach, allows them to have in their pool businesses offering energy usage visualization systems, satellites to remove space debris, services to allow sharing of things and information, medical support utilizing AI and big data, platforms to promote communications, and games and other forms of entertainment that add spice to peopleʼs lives.

We consider this funding another step forward for us to achieve our mission – to be the Private Sector World Bank. We expect to have our Series C Financing in the next year.

Despite many hurdles ahead of us, we keep calm and carry on with our mission of making quality financial services available to everyone in the world. We wish your continuous support for us.

May 23, 2018




Young Global Leaders | World Economic Forum


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